Independent Pharmacies Tout Enhanced Services

Independent Pharmacies Tout Enhanced Services

Independent community pharmacies have a new tool to help them promote the enhanced services that they provide their patients.

Irvine, California-based PrescribedWellness has expanded its software services offering to include promoting enhanced services via cloud-based data mining software.

“Community pharmacy lacked a centralized voice. We are creating a national voice for community pharmacy,” said PrescribedWellness CEO Al Babbington.

Here’s how it works

Patients or payers can log on to,  then input a zip code and a map of community pharmacies in the area is displayed. They can enter the type of service they want (for example: smoking cessation or diabetes counseling) and a list of community pharmacies that provide the desired service is displayed.

PrescribeWellness has partnered with wholesale giants AmerisourceBergen and McKesson. They are also collaborating closely with NCPA as the official technology for their Simplify My Meds medication synchronization program.

“We are providing pharmacies with the tools and support to become high performers in Star Ratings and key performance measurements as well as to expand the population health and chronic care services they offer. This helps position our pharmacies for participation in NCPA-supported programs such as Community Pharmacies Enhanced Services Networks, added Babbington.

Joe Moose, PharmD, owner of Moose Pharmacy in North Carolina said that pharmacists have done a good job of telling each other how great they are at helping patients and reducing medical costs. “But we haven’t done a very good job telling people outside of pharmacy.”

Moose said that PrescribeWellness gives independent community pharmacies the opportunity to let the world know that they can affect health care.

“It lets patients and payers know that they can reach out to a higher quality pharmacy that’s performing enhanced services – and that you get a different outcome than you would from a pharmacy that’s not providing these enhanced services.”

Prescribe Wellness also provides pharmacists with data on where they might need to improve to provide the best outcome for the patient. For example: how to keep better track of patient adherence or helping to coordinate immunizations.

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