Independent Pharmacist comes to the rescue of a chronic pain pts – being denied care by chain Pharmacist(s)

Hi Steve I checked you narcotic pain medications I had a wreck when I was 40 years old which my spine was bowed out like a sea and I was a bodybuilder at that time and they told me that was the only way they could get it manipulated back straight over the course of the last 20 years my spine has deteriorated sufficiently I have five or six different diagnosis is none which are good Pain Management Group tells me my case is the worst in the clinic now I had Winn-Dixie She Wonderful gentleman as my pharmacist for over 5 or 6 years at that time my father had died in August of 2016 going back and forth to Oklahoma I’ve returned to the clinic in the pharmacy to find they had been shut down.


My records were sent to CVS and at that time a millenium pharmacist yell down to me with 20 people around the counter to which him went to my church it says narcotics in your hand that I don’t want to feel so I was able to go to Kmart across the street from where I live in Egyptian Lady by the name of Gigi had asked me to come there a year prior but like I said Joe Morton and Rec K or wonderful to me they never questioned what my daughter doctor had ordered at this time Kmart has closed and I got back to CVS and they’ve never wanted to fill a prescription from my doctor but did the last probably 6 or 7 months this month returning from a trip on my last tablet take a nap because it very long trip I get to the pharmacy she tells me I have forgot my progress notes I leave the prescriptions she calls me about half the way there and tells me she cannot feel for my doctor no one has actually been able to tell me the reason why they’ve told me different things his de number is fd1589172 his name do last name hoi first name my primary care doctor sent me there in probably 2008 or nine my trigger points had lasted that long but when they wore off they wore off big I am so miserable now just having my two long-acting tablets I can barely function I’ve planned a birthday party for 85 year old dance 6 months ago and I’m sitting in my car in front of Walmart not even able to go in to buy tablecloth I’ve got to make a long drive to Georgia and no one will help me

 I was reading that there is such a thing as withdrawal from under prescribing and I truly believe I’m going through it they say I’m one in a million I don’t have thoughts of wanting to take more medication because I truly know that my pain is there every day with me I told my daughter the other day I’m truly starting to look forward to that day I bend over and become paralyzed.

I have suffered for 17 years after my divorce and I was finally able to buy a little house my dad and mom both had to die for me to be able to buy this little house and now I think the last thing I should worry about is where I’m going to get my medication I certainly don’t have the ability to walk from Pharmacy to Pharmacy and driving get out of the car and going go I can’t do it I’m looking for a new pain management doctor have been on list for one in Pinellas County for several years is there anyway you can look under that DEA number and tell me what he is under investigation for

 at one time the clinic I’m sure had far too many people I just would go in sit down never say anything to any of them I needed something for pain in my primary doctor couldn’t give me but 5 mg Percocets

I suggested that this pt contact a independent pharmacist that I knew near the area where she lived….


I wish to thank you from the bottom of my heart. Dele referred me to Royal pharmacy in tampa. Raye is my pharmacist.

Shes working on my prescriptions now. Dele referred her to me. Shes sweet as an angel. So thanks for all u do. 

Warmest Regards 

Some pharmacists believe that part of their job is to be a HEALTHCARE PROVIDER…others appear to believe that refusing to fill a pt’s prescription is actually providing appropriate pt healthcare. Most of those latter Pharmacists seems to primarily be working for chain pharmacies.


2 Responses

  1. Please please help me!!! I’m in Los Angeles, California and my cvs that I’ve been getting my norco from for five years is now refusing me my meds. Please I’m suffering and they don’t care the sickness I feel just abruptly stopping my meds because they think they are doctors and they play god. Thank you, Jenny

    • Jenny, I’m so sorry for what you’re going through. Please find an independent pharmacy to use. Type in your zip code to find one near you:

      When you locate one, if you’re able to, go inside, introduce yourself to the pharmacist (and owner, if pharmacist is not the owner) and tell them what your medications are and ask if they could provide you the medication(s) on time each month.

      Pharmacists who work in the big chain pharmacies draw a salary, regardless of whether they fill your medication(s) or not. Independent pharmacies are usually ran by pharmacists, whose paychecks are determined by the medications they fill for their customers.

      PBMs are killing our local, independent-owned pharmacies, so these pharmacies need more customers. The large chains can recoup any money lost through PBMs, however, it’s much more difficult for independently-owned pharmacies.

      Good luck! Also, when you find a pharmacy which is reliable and gives good service, give them a great review where ever you can! Blast the hell out of the CVS and the pharmacist who is doing this to you.

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