Indiana Pharmacist’s has VERY SICK LITTLE GIRL… raising money for special operation

Shi would like you to support

Rose Recovery Journey
by making a donation and helping
spread the word.

I’m trying to raise $17,000





Dear Member,

One of our member is in dire need of the entire Indiana Pharmacists Alliance help to save her daughter who is critically ill and needs to be operated urgently. It will be appreciated if we all can join hands together as one family and save her daughter. A fundraising campaign has been created and we are relying on the entire family support to help her raise the funds needed. Below is the fundraising campaign, thank you for your support in advance. No amount is too small and any amount donated out of the kindness of your heart will be highly appreciated.

Rose is a 4 years old girl who was diagnosed with Neurofibromatosis type 2 when she was 3 years old. This illness affected her hearing and vision, it causes tumors to grow anywhere in her brain, along with the spinal cords and peripheral nerves. So far Rose have had 5 different surgeries to safely remove the tumors whenever needed to preserve her life.

A pioneering operation costing $17,000 is available privately and we have been able to raise $9,400. This operation will not only lasers all the tumors away, but it will also reduce the risk of Rose needing further treatment.

Rose wants to be a doctor when she grows up. Please help us raise the money for Rose’s operation so that she can live a normal, life and fulfill her dream.

Please share your prayers and financial support to encourage Rose in this battle. We understand money can be tight, but any amount you’re able to give will truly make a huge impact.


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