Individual lawsuits by smokers failed because courts held people responsible for their decision to smoke

advancedstupid15 Years Later, Where Did All The Cigarette Money Go?

Fifteen years after tobacco companies agreed to pay billions of dollars in fines in what is still the largest civil litigation settlement in U.S. history, it’s unclear how state governments are using much of that money.

So far tobacco companies have paid more than $100 billion to state governments as part of the 25-year, $246 billion settlement.

Among many state governments receiving money, Orange County, Calif., is an outlier. Voters mandated that 80 percent of money from tobacco companies be spent on smoking-related programs, like a cessation class taught in the basement of Anaheim Regional Medical Center.

“So go ahead and take a minute or two to write down reasons why you want to quit and we’ll talk about them in just a bit,” Luisa Santa says at the start of a recent session.

Every year since 1998, this program has been funded by money from the tobacco settlement. The five-part class is free for anyone living or working in Orange County. When they sign up, participants get a “quit kit” full of things like toothpicks and gum. And, if they come for at least three of the five sessions, they get a free two-week supply of nicotine patches.

Making Big Tobacco Pay

In the mid-1990s, Mississippi was the undisputed leader on the tobacco issue. In 1994, Mike Moore, the state attorney general, filed the first state lawsuit against big tobacco.

Individual lawsuits by smokers failed because courts held people responsible for their decision to smoke, but Moore argued that Mississippi shouldn’t be forced to pay the costs of treating smoking-related diseases.

“Things such as lung cancer, heart disease, emphysema, low-birth-weight babies and others, we have to pay,” Moore told NPR in a 1994 interview. “The state is obligated to pay for those for our citizens that are not covered in other ways, and we feel like they’re caused by the tobacco products.”

Moore argued that tobacco companies should pay for medical bills, and eventually the courts agreed. That agreement said no ads and no targeting youth. Popular advertising characters like Joe Camel and the Marlboro Man were killed off as a result.

The settlement left the tobacco industry immune from future state and federal suits, but the agreement said nothing about how states had to spend the money. Looking back on it, Moore remembers it was a long slog.

“It was not an easy task,” Moore tells NPR’s Arun Rath. “When we filed our case here in 1994, my governor actually sued me to try to stop the tobacco case.”

The tobacco companies sued Moore as well, he says, and it went all the way to the Supreme Court. “It took me two years before I even had five states who would agree to join the efforts.”

Moore now serves on the board of directors of the American Legacy Foundation, a group created by the tobacco settlement. The organization’s mission is to create national anti-smoking campaigns, like the famous Truth ads.

The tobacco settlement included money specifically to fund public service announcements, but Moore says most of the settlement money came with no strings attached, and that has made it impossible to hold states accountable.

In Mississippi, where the settlement money was put into a trust fund, a lot of it was spent on things other than smoking prevention and health care, Moore says.

“What happened as the years went by, legislators come and go, and governors come and go … so we got a new governor and he had a new opinion about the tobacco trust fund,” he says. “So a trust fund that should have $2.5 billion in it now doesn’t have much at all, and unfortunately that’s one of my biggest disappointments.

And it’s not just Mississippi; Moore says that all across the country hundreds of millions of dollars have gone to states, and the states have made choices not to spend the money on public health and tobacco prevention.

It’s not all bad news in Mississippi, however; Moore says money that was spent on tobacco prevention has helped reduce teen smoking by more than 50 percent in just five years. Adult smoking has been reduced by about 25 percent, and he says it is that way around much of the U.S. as well.

“We need to continue the vigilance,” he says. “We have new products coming out — e-cigarettes and the like — we just need to talk the states into spending the money to do something about it.”

The Settlement Aftermath

Myron Levin covered the tobacco industry for the Los Angeles Times for many years and is also the founder of the health and safety news site Fair Warning. He says talking states into spending settlement money on tobacco prevention is a tough sell.

To show the settlement was not just a big money grab, Levin says, there was definitely a feeling that states had a moral obligation to spend at least a sizeable chunk of money on programs to help people quit smoking and to prevent kids from starting.

“So it was understood without being codified into the agreement that states would make a big investment in this,” he says. “They haven’t.”

To help guide state governments, in 2007 the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recommended that states reinvest 14 percent of the money from the settlement and tobacco taxes in anti-smoking programs. But most state governments have decided to prioritize other things: Colorado has spent tens of millions of its share to support a literacy program, while Kentucky has invested half of its money in agricultural programs.

“What states have actually done has fluctuated year by year … but it’s never come close to 14 percent,” Levin says. “There are some fairly notorious cases of money being used for fixing potholes, for tax relief [and] for financial assistance for tobacco farmers.”

Levin says some states don’t have any money coming in anymore because they securitized their future payments with an investor in order to receive a lump sum. That lump sum often went into their state’s general fund.

“When you are supplying the most widely used addictive product in the world, you have certain advantages,” he says. “Their cash flows remain enormous.”

One indirect effect of the settlement, Levin says, is legislation that gave the Federal Drug Administration control over tobacco products. President Obama signed the law in 2009.

“Something that could happen, although I wouldn’t put a lot of money on it, is they could ratchet down the allowable levels of nicotine in cigarettes to a level that is essentially nonaddictive,” he says. “That would be a total game changer.”

Nonaddictive cigarettes would indeed be a game changer for people like Susan Hallock, an attendee at the class in Orange County, who says she desperately wants to quit.

“I feel ashamed,” she says. “I feel like I have to hide my hand with the cigarette in it.”

But the nicotine keeps her coming back, over and over. “I’ll smoke like six to eight months and quit. Or a month and quit. It’s just different every time.”

She’s hoping that this time, with the help of the free class, she’ll be successful. And she has a real chance: The program has a 50 percent success rate for adults like her.


3 Responses

  1. One last thought. Tobacco Control, Public Health and anti-tobacco groups such as the American Legacy Foundation, and Tobacco Free Kids rely on the sale of tobacco or their jobs become irrelavent. There’s simply too much money to be had in tobacco taxes, the Master Settlement Agreement Money (talked about in the article above), and smoking related diseases to allow for the end of smoking. And they sure as hell aren’t going to allow anything to get in the way of that money.

    The Cancer Society, the American Lung Association, etc., all get their funding from pharma. These organizations are not allowed to suggest e-cigarettes as a tobacco harm reduction tool because pharma sells the nicotine patch, gum and lozenges. And they are largely to blame for e-cigs being banned everywhere, and for the e-cig propaganda and fear mongering. Public Health groups have become as corrupt as the corporations that pay their salaries. Check out the documentary, *A Billion Lives for more info.

    *I’m in no way affiliated with the doc or any organization. I am simply an e-cig user who’s eyes were opened when I learned these products were under and attack and I became an advocate for tobacco harm reduction.

  2. Odd how they fail to mention that smokeless tobacco is not nearly as harmful as smoking tobacco. In Sweden where smokeless tobacco called Swedish snus is widely used cancer from tobacco is almost nonexistent.

    Unfortunately, thanks to Obama’s Pact Act snus is now more costly than tobacco cigarettes so that many people who were using it in the USA have stopped.

    The FDA also requires scary warning labels be applied to any Swedish snus products sold here so that when smokers see the product in stores they decide they might as well not bother switching. But if they looked at the research they would learn the truth.

  3. Nicotine, caffeine, and sugar- the new mass “drug” hysteria wars. You’d think nicotine was on par with other highly addictive and life destroying drugs…(whatever those are but I digress).

    Electronic cigarettes that provide nicotine without the smoke that kills have been proven to be 95% less harmful than smoking.

    In the UK e-cigarettes are given out at stop smoking clinics as a tool to safely quit smoking with. The Royal College of Physicians of the United Kingdom, the most trusted medical group in history, recently issued a report that says doctors should promote e-cigarettes as a way to quit smoking. Odd how the media never reported it……And yet here in the USA the FDA has effectively banned e-cigs via burdensome regulations that will destroy the industry. This is not speculation.

    Congress gave the FDA authority over tobacco products, and e e-cigarettes have also been deemed tobacco products even though the only similarity is that they both contain nicotine. There is no smoke, no tar, nor tobacco in e-cigs.

    Nicotine is a substance on par with caffeine when it comes to addictiveness and harm. In fact the FDA has approved nicotine gum for long term use and does not require a prescription.

    But e-cigs (unlike other tobacco products now on the market) must go through such a burdensome FDA approval process that they will effectively destroy the industry. The few e-cigarettes that will receive FDA approval are made by tobacco companies-the only companies with enough money to pay for the costly process. The FDA has stated that it expects most e-cig businesses to exit the industry.

    E-cigarettes are a consumer driven solution to smoking and the greatest public health miracle of our lifetime. The thousands of mom and pop businesses in the US that sell e-cigs do not have millions of dollars to spend on each e-cig component and strength and flavor of e-liquid that will require FDA approval by 2018.

    On 8.8.16 no new products will be allowed on the market without FDA approval therefor halting innovation. The FDA is going to hand over what’s left of this 6 billion dollar young industry to tobacco companies. Congratulations, governments and the FDA. You’ve just saved the tobacco industry, again.

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