Interacting with the most lethal industry

eyesurgeryOver the last 8-10 months I have had to have serious interaction with our medical system.. and I am getting a better understanding of why up to 800,000 die under its care.

Wednesday I had a follow up visit with my PCP after my hospitalization. I thought that I was getting a stye in my eye.. had him look at it… NOPE.. getting a infected something.. looking like a HUGE ZIT in my lower eye lid..

PCP is not comfortable doing it … gives me five days of antibiotics… so getting a referral to a Opthamologist on Friday…  The pic at left is what is left after the Opthamologist got thru with draining and cauterizing the infected area.

When all was said and done.. the Opthamologist stated that would have “some discomfort… but no need for narcotics”… my reply was ” I guess I should just use some NSAID’s to take along with my WARFARIN ” I also told him that I had some opiates and that I WOULD MANAGE MY PAIN ..

Had to stop by the pharmacy to get some eye drops filled and the Opthamologist suggested that I get the antibiotics refilled.  He had sent the gtts to the pharmacy electronically and so I called my pharmacists and ask if he would put the Rx in a “red basket” and I would be there in 15-20 minutes… and to refill the antibiotics…

Get to the pharmacy and the gtts are ready…but.. #SILVERSCRIPTS would not authorize the antibiotics refills.. keep in mind.. the cost of antibiotics is less than the tier copay… so #SILVERSCRIPTS would be paying NOTHING..

By the time that I got home.. the anesthetic was wearing off and my eye was throbbing … so I got a HCD/APAP 10/325.. put some drops in my eye.. and ate lunch.. 90-120 minutes later the HCD/APAP is doing little to nothing … so I found a Oxycodone 10 .. took it and laid down to take a nap..  Between the Oxycodone, eye gtts and the nap… the “sandpaper” in my eye.. had resolved itself..

It is now Friday afternoon and had blood drawn on Wednesday to check my INR and it was suppose to have results in Thursday.. heard nothing.. so I call  the office and asked for my lab results.. the person I talked to… “..can’t release my INR.. doc has not signed off on them yet…” WTF ???  The staff tells me to “call back tomorrow”.. I reminded the staff that TOMORROW WAS SATURDAY… office is not open… he will send doc a note.. Sometime Friday evening doc calls and left VM.. which I did not see until SATURDAY …my INR is 3.6..  maybe that explained why the Opthamologist had trouble getting the bleeding to stop in my eye.

Now it is SATURDAY… I request a refill on the ANTIBIOTICS which I have enough to last thru SUNDAY… #SILVERSCRIPS  DECLINED… I can’t get them refilled until SUNDAY… I spent 30 minutes on the phone from sitting in the car in the parking lot… NO EXCEPTION… you will have to make another trip back to the pharmacy on SUNDAY.. remember.. my copay is the TOTAL COST of the RX.. #SILVERSCRIPTS PAYS NOTHING.

Here is a four page mailer that came from #SILVERSCRIPTS recently in the mail..

img20160531_0119Notice that they are there to help me stay adherent with my medication…

Of course, their parent company is CVS whose motto is “HEALTH IS EVERYTHING”



5 Responses

  1. […] Interacting with the most lethal industry […]

  2. […] Interacting with the most lethal industry […]

  3. Of course CVS only cares about the health of their profits, they don’t give a SHIT about you. All corporate pharmacy CEO’s, CFO’s and executives should be buried up to their necks and the lawn mowed.
    IMO, lawsuits should be able to be filed for false advertising. According to their own words, they will not take responsibility if you fail to take your prescriptions as directed by you physician. But if you can’t get these medications to take as directed because of their refusal to fill them as directed, who is responsible for that?
    Then you have your doctor who is worried more about his reputation and or compliance with the CDC guidelines then he is about the well being of his patients. What the hell is he trying to do, STROKE YOU OUT? Damn, l”m surprised he didn’t hand you a quart jar of leaches to use to bleed the infection out at home.

  4. OMG….I sure hope you got your antibiotics today! We need you Steve! Take good care now and thank YOU for all your support and good advice! So sorry you are in INR number reporting Hell, too.

  5. I.,B. BROFIN W/WARFIN R THEY TRIENG TO KILL U !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!That would of thinned your blood sooo bad,,,,your bleeding would never,, NEVER,,,STOP,,, r they really that stupid!!!!!wow,,,,thank god your a smart man!!!!!!!!!!maryw

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