Intractable Chronic Pain is just ONE ACCIDENT AWAY

5 Responses

  1. My little sister, who is not so little anymore, us 31 and works at the CDC as a Biologist at the CDC
    I asked her was her employer a private entity or a government entity. She responded quickly with “it’s a government agency.”

  2. Very True. Florida has become a terrible place to end up with chronic daily pain from any disease. I suppose its the same all other states too.
    The CDC has shown itself to be the most evil & corrupt private organization starting with chronic pain medicine and now with Covid treatment protocols in hospitals that kill people with ventilators.
    Thats right, its not a government agency as most think. Its private but gets grants and funding from the government I wonder what Andrew Kolondy did to persuade the CDC to do those Evil guidelines. I doubt it was a deal done for nothing. Anyone ever researched this? Just my thoughts.

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