Is this what is replacing “pill mills” ?

Holy Cow!! Look At What the Alabama Board of Pharmacy is Seeing During its Inspections of Compounding Pharmacies!

Posted: 11 Oct 2014 10:19 PM PDT

DR. ALVERSON: For 797, I’d say
5 it’s — it’s still all over the board of what we
6 see. We’ve gone into some places that are
7 almost virtually perfect and others that are
8 really questionable. I guess the thing that
9 strikes me when we go into some of them is how
10 often we hear, oh, I didn’t know that and I
11 always have this feeling, well, it’s — it’s
12 written right — it’s written down, did you not
13 read it, and I really have the sense of a lot of
14 times people haven’t — haven’t read it.
I would say the other thing we’re
16 starting to see is people who don’t know
17 anything about pharmacy who have heard there’s
18 money to be made and decide they are going to
19 open up a compounding — sterile compounding
20 pharmacy and — you know, and they’re going to
21 hire a pharmacist and frequently the pharmacist
22 has never compounded in their life and they want
23 us to certify it. So we’ve been in a number of those recently where we get there and there’s
2 just a big room.
DR. ALVERSON: Just what — what
19 people seem to think, I just rent a place
20 somewhere, get a room, hire a pharmacist, and
21 I’m going to start making sterile injections
22 tomorrow and we’re seeing more and more of that.
23 The last one we went into we required them to
rip out the floor, rip out the counters, change
2 the layout of rooms, I mean, to put doors in
3 walls but —
4 MR. CONRADI: So we’re catching it on
5 the front end of that one?
7 MR. CONRADI: That’s scary.
quoted from August 2014 Alabama Board of Pharmacy Minutes

We saw with “opiate pill mills”  owned by person(s) that had no medical background and hiring healthcare professionals to see pts and make a “fast buck”. This was from Alabama .. but is this an example of where they have went and what they are up to ? I wonder if other BOP’s are as on the ball as Alabama BOP’s is ? I hope so… we don’t need a few more NECC out there…

One Response

  1. And pain patients are the “guinea pigs”

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