It is all about patient safety ?

This was posted on a another pharmacy Facebook page by a WAG’S technician in three separate posts.. this month…

At one point our printed stack was 80 deep, a new record. And they cut our hours based on a projected number of 276 rx/day. We had done over 400 by 1pm

Yeah it’s bullshit…we lost 19 tech hours from last week to this one. Wags is adjusting rx budget hours on a month to month basis now. The 19 hour loss took effect June 1st.

And god forbid we go 1 minute over budget. Anyone who stays over is required to shave that time off some other time during the week. I stayed over 1 hour & 15 minutes on Saturday. So we decided to shave my time with as little impact as possible, so 15 minutes today through wednesday and 30 minutes on thursday. Still got dirty looks when I left today. Talk about a rock & a hard place. To hell with leaving early, I could have easily stayed over again, which I know is really the right thing to do but how long would that have lasted? I’m sure they stayed busy well through drive time. Then that would be just that much more I’d be required to leave early some other day. Back in my independent days there was no question, if we were busy at my quitting time, I’d stay and get to keep that time as a thank you for staying.

Our final rx count for yesterday = 588, work Q says 611.

So the MBA’s and their spreadsheets… missed that day’s volume by 50% – THEY DID TWICE ANTICIPATED… but.. the employees were expected to accomplish TWICE THE OUTPUT PER MAN HOUR…

One must presume that the staffing level for the projected 287 was considered a “safe level of staffing”… so if they filled around TWICE AS MANY… was that a “UNSAFE DAY”.. since … according to this post.. no additional staff is allowed.. or staff allowed to stay over…

I hope no pt was harmed/killed  that day… but.. given that information.. I suspect that an attorney would have a field day with that fact.. suing WAGS over a pt being harmed by a med error !

Could this be some documentation that RPH staff should be collecting and documenting… when the shit hits the fan.. to help defend themselves… over a med error…?  Just remember … the PIC is LEGALLY responsible to the BOP .. for the legal/safe operation of  the Rx dept..


One Response

  1. I highly doubt WAGS wouldn’t push culpability off onto the RPH and/or tech’s who had the audacity to not work off the clock.

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