It isn’t what is said… but.. what is not said


I was watching the National Geographic Channel the other night and there was a show about South American drug cartels and the smuggling of drugs to the US

According to this …it would seem that the South American drug smugglers have moved from using “fast boats”… to semi-submersibles… to SUBMARINES … needless to say the amount of drugs being discovered by the DEA.. has plummeted … according to this report… the DEA has come up dry…

Doesn’t it seem like a  coincidence  … hasn’t it been about two years.. since the DEA started going after wholesalers and drugs stores over the amount of sales of controlled drugs – especially C-II’s… just about the same time.. that the South American cartels… started using Submarines …

If you were hitting near zero on your list of goals on your job for a couple of years or saw that you were going to come up short over the next couple of years and your employer was paying out billions and billions a year for you to reach these assigned goals… what do you think your chances of keeping your job and/or not having your funding/budget drastically cut?

What would you do… you know that the people that you have been going after.. are well armed and not concerned about shooting at.. killing DEA agents.. after all, their primary business involves ILLEGAL  ACTIVITIES … killing people… is just one more illegal activity … BFD !

So what do you do… you have all of these entities that are legally required to keep a paper trail of every dose/bottle of controls … that they sell/dispense.. and you know.. no matter how much human tries to be perfect… they are not and you know that you can probably find some clerical errors .. that according to the DEA law… you can trump up a lot of charges and fines and even some suspension of doing business… the “big guns” that they are going to bring out are  going to be in the form of high priced attorneys…

After all you are going after the very taxpayers that help fund your very activity… so they basically end up funding both their defense and your prosecution — thru their taxes.

But at least you can show your bosses – 535 members of Congress – that you are “getting drugs off the street”… Or course, it is not your concern… that 95% of the people who may be deprived of these medications.. have a valid medical necessity… they are just unfortunate collateral damage in you keeping your job… because we all know what is more important !

One Response

  1. I never did understand why they come after pharmacies except for the money. I don’t get why pain clinic doctor down the street is selling oxy scripts for $100 bucks a pop but if we fill it we are the bad guys. I’m not Sherlock Holmes. Sometimes it’s easy to spot an addict but most often I think that people with cronic pain are getting the short end of the stick because of these policies. Go after the crooked doctors they are the start of the pipeline then I won’t have to scrutinize and second guess every control that passes my desk.

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