This is very interesting… WAGS continue to make public statements that they cannot force a pharmacist to fill a Rx.. and that it is the professional discretion of each of the Pharmacist to decide to fill or not to fill. It appears to me that this Pharmacist clearly states that he is following COMPANY POLICY to not fill this Rx… which would suggest that this particular Pharmacist has come to the conclusion that the company’s policy supersedes whatever his individual professional discretion would be to fill or not fill this particular Rx. It also seems to be stated by the Pharmacists that the decision not to fill this Rx is based on the fact that it is a controlled med and that the prescription was written by a prescriber whose practice is in a different FL COUNTY.. Does this suggest that WAGS and its Pharmacists are discriminating against people who have a valid medical necessity for a controlled medication… and because most people requiring these specific medications… would most likely be covered under the Americans with Disability Act.. So it would appear that we have a FL licensed prescriber, and a FL resident.. trying to get a RX filled at a FL WAGS pharmacy. It would also appear that someone told the other WAGS Pharmacist that called the store that this store did in fact have inventory of this particular medication on hand… but.. this Pharmacist seems to make the statement that he doesn’t have the medication in inventory. So who is lying to this patient? .. and which one is a prick or is only one a prick ? Unless WAGS has changed their software system functions, one WAGS pharmacy can check the inventory in another WAGS pharmacy.. at least as it is recorded in the computer system.. which may or may not properly reflect what is on the shelf.
Filed under: General Problems
RalPh….IMHO…it sounds like every single pharmacy in Florida has decided they wont fill narcotics except for CVS and WAGS and these pharmacies also know those chains wont fill the meds and that’s why people keep going to those chains…that to me sounds like collusion. The mom and pop places that jack the prices up 10x….that’s price gouging in my book.
I don’t know how they can stand the irony of calling it a GOOD FAITH dispensing policy.
From a practical point of view, I do have to ask, why fill it in a different county? Why try to use Walgreens? If Walgreens usually does fill it, then great, what is the issue? If they usually do not, then why expect that to change?
WAGS cannot check inventory of certain C2 meds at other stores. Have to call and ask.
When I watched it, I heard the one pharmacist did call the other and was told he had it in stock. The 2nd RPh refused to fill it only because it was out of county….that was among the lamest excuses I ever heard.
Wow! He just called a pharmacist within his own company a prick! To a customer and then said he was going to call him and tell him that! I smell at least 1 prick!!! LOL