Jessica Spayd, ANP, Judge ignoring Supreme Court of United States ruling Ruan vs. United States (Drug Enforcement) Ms Spayd a licenced nurse practitioner authorized to prescribe control medication in Alaska was sentenced to 30 years Federal Prison was charged on October 17, 2019 with 3 counts of distributing a controlled substnace resulting in death, 4 counts of distribution of a controlled substance, and one count of maintaining a drug involved premises. “WITHOUT STRUGGLE THERE IS NO PROGRESS”…Frederick Douglas
Filed under: General Problems
f—- riduculous,,,jailed for being a humane doctor!!!!!I am sure their are 1000’s of other medically trained personnel in Alaska to replace her,right?@!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!,,this has got to stop,,,torture in the healthcare has got to stop,,maryw
Interesting, back in Jan 2019 the Alaska Board of Pharmacy did this Board advises pharmacists: ‘Patients first’ over ‘refusals to fill’ opioid prescriptions