Just wants to make my heart bleed !

Montana Doctor Risks Medical License for ‘Narcotic Refugees’


Elizabeth Gardner says:

  • Dr Ibsen – we see so many people who are legally addicted to their meds crossing over to heroin and illegal use of drugs in South Florida. They get arrested and their life really spirals out of control and that is when myself and other criminal defense and family lawyers have to try and help them get out of the mire. Thank you for being so courageous to help. I would also like to suggest that you look into some natural substances that Dr. McCurdy of U of Miss has been researching to help addicts get off Rx opiates and deal with pain – mitragyna speciosa. It is legal, won’t kill anyone and won’t have any harm to their body and you can add it to your withdrawal regime for them. And, it is legal and doesn’t require Rx.

    Dr Ibsen has this article published on the www.nationalpainreport.com and the above is a comment apparently made by a female attorney in S FL.  The substance that she is suggesting common name is Kratom and according to the above video.. the DEA is going after this substance.. and they won’t be wanting to make it a C-II…. it will be C-I…

    This poor attorney and other attorneys have to bill hour$ trying to help these poor addicted souls out of the trouble they are in .. that the same judicial system created for them to fall into.

    IMO… another classic example of someone within the judicial system… interfering with the practice of medicine.  The judicial system creates a problem (black market) then they go after shutting down the black market that they created…   Isn’t it like raising chickens… as long as you don’t kill/eat all the chickens and/or eat all the eggs… you will always have a good supply of chicken & eggs to eat… If you eat half of the eggs laid and half of chickens hatched… you will soon have enough chickens and eggs to sell to neighbors to buy feed for the chickens.


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