Karma can be a BITCH

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Many of you may remember a “gentleman” in Dec of 2019 that posted on FB that he was having his family come to visit him at Xmas when he was going to start a suicide by starvation. At the time, I did blog about him and the trouble that he was having getting adequate pain management.  As Xmas came and went and it became apparent that he appeared to be nothing more than scammer and con artist and appeared to be a “virtual panhandler”.  The first of Jan 2020, I pulled down the blog post and replaced it with a post about what a “person” was doing to the chronic pain community… no names mentioned. I concluded that I was giving him too much exposure and visibility to the chronic pain community via my blog. I did not want those in the community that I was endorsing what he was doing,

A month or so ago, I got a DEMAND that I take that two yr old  post down from this “gentleman”… Knowing what he had done to those in the chronic pain community over the last two years.. I was not sure what he was up to… but.. did not want to destroy what I did – or did not – post about anyone… So I put a password on the post and made it private.  Apparently, from what I have been told  – that caused him to get his panties in a knot.

I have been told that he contacted some legal aid services, wanting to sue me, and I am told that he was told that HE HAD NOTHING !!!

Apparently this “gentleman” was not done with his vindictiveness … Apparently he “stirred up” is harem of minions … getting them to file a untold number of complaints with FB about my blog being a SPAMMER.  Since FB apparently does not verify any such complaints … just reacts and declared my blog as a SPAMMER and has removed AT LEAST any reference to my blog anywhere on FB in 287 posts and 17 comments…

I have been told recently that some of the people that fell for his “virtual panhandling shtick” over the last two years and have called the authorities on his “virtual panhandling ” over the last two years…  and at least a couple of them have been interviewed by the FBI.  How many have reached out to the authorities, I don’t have a exact number or even a educated guess.  I was even told that his girlfriend/wife has even turned him in…  I guess to try to CYA herself.

I have not heard from the FBI, maybe because all I know is what has been shared with me second or third hand… If even HALF of what has been shared with me is true…this “gentlemen” may be on the way to getting “three hots and a cot”, but on the positive side…  the Supreme Court ruled years ago that the 8th Amendment (no cruel and unusual punishment) ONLY APPLIES TO PRISONERS…. so maybe his pain will get addressed properly in the future ?

My blog is up and running, mainly because I own the domain that my blog is on…  no one has any ability to censor or ban me there.


6 Responses

  1. Steve, he got me too! He posted he would return all the money but he never gave money back to those who sent money to his bank account! I asked for it again and he blocked me! Not happy

  2. Beware of laying down with the dogs (FB), lest you wake up with fleas!

  3. Where does this “gentleman” live? I have sent $$ to a person via PayPal, and I’m wondering if I have been scammed…

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