Lady Gaga hospitalized for ‘severe pain’

Lady Gaga hospitalized for ‘severe pain’

Lady Gaga cancelled her Rock In Rio concert in Brazil Thursday after announcing she was suffering from “severe physical pain.”

The 31-year-old made the announcement on Twitter.

It was later confirmed on her social media that the pop star was hospitalized and is being watched over by “the very best doctors.”

The singer revealed earlier this week she suffers from fibromyalgia, a chronic disorder that causes widespread muscle pain.

Back in 2013, Gaga was forced to cancel several tour dates to have surgery on her broken hip.

She opened up about that painful procedure in her new Netflix documentary “Gaga: Five Foot Two,” which premieres Sept. 22.

2 Responses

  1. I just was reading her Twitter feed yesterday. I’m so sorry she’s in pain. Sometimes we think of Stars as not human sometimes, but they’re totally human & suffering like us. Finding out she has fibromyalgia really made me believe that she could be another person to help bring awareness not only to fibro, but chronic pain in General. We already have amazing doctors who live to advocate for us and a Pharmacist name Steve who are Stars in my eye’s. They go beyond just posting articles they care , they help, they advocate for those who can’t. Thank you for your service!

    I’m wondering if Lady Gaga is getting the best care when it comes to pain management because of who she is and has “the best doctors”? Or are doctor’s scared to treat Stars just as much because of Prince & other stars who OD? I know she has a past with cocain, so does she even take Opioid pain medication in the 1st place? I wish her well and can’t wait to watch her Netflix Documentary Gaga:FiveFootTwo September 22nd!

    • I watched it last night and sadly, she does go through a lot of pain but even sadder is the fact that not once in the whole documentary does she mention Fibromyalgia? She talks about her hip injury and allows the cameras in to see the vvery real pain she suffers…while her massage therapists ice her and others run around to help her,etc. She does mention how she can’t even imagine how people who don’t have a team of professionals by their side, as she does, can even function?

      IDK, perhaps she hadn’t been truly diagnosed yet??

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