Last seen on a Florida Doctor’s office wall

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Contact the Florida Department of Health

John H. Armstrong, MD, FACS











Customer Contact Center
Monday – Friday
8:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. ET
(850) 488-0595

Board Office
8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. ET
(850) 245-4292
FAX: 850-413-6982


Department of Health
Board of Pharmacy
4052 Bald Cypress Way
Bin C-04
Tallahassee, FL 32399-3258


Department of Health
Board of Pharmacy
P.O. Box 6320
Tallahassee, FL 32314-6320

15 Responses

  1. It’s such an uphill battle it can be overwhelming. Yesterday I sent links to the petition on to many veteran organizations, but did not forget that I to may find myself using my Medicare and cash to see an outside pain management physician. I sent Emails to my Congressman, and state senator, explaining the plight we all face.I’m usually very good at getting things accomplished, but , this seems like the old, ” Can’t fight city hall ” routine. I have suffered a great loss at the hands of Pill Pushers looking to make $$$$ off of pill diversion. I heard many comments over the phone on 1-07-16 to the CDC demonizing the use of opioids for any reason because of the loss of life some have experienced. My 20 y/o daughter died some years back due to an opiate overdose. However she was not in pain. She did not receive medication from a physician, or any pharmacy. As much as it destroyed me, I had to look at things from the proper perspective. All this finger pointing, the blame game, and misguided anger, is clouding the issue terribly. My daughter would not want me to live in pain with no quality of life. Even she would know, it serves no purpose to group all addictions, overdoses, and nefarious behavior of some, into one big group and say, ” THIS has got to stop “! The,” THIS “, in my comment needs to be dissected, shining the appropriate light on each and every individual problem, looking for the appropriate solution, and stop persecuting compliant Chronic Pain Patients. If you think we have problems now, wait UNTILL people become hopeless and desperate They’re failing to realize, that they’re opening the door for money hungry Drug dealers, who prey upon the very people, who would never consider that avenue as a solution to the problems the CDC
    has created. They have allowed doctors and pharmacists to become comfortable and complacent in not having to deal with Chronic Pain Patients. My fear is that other than the few compassionate doctors
    that exist, Physicians will view CDC guidelines as a way to relieve
    themselves of what they now view as a burden, not a service to others.

  2. I “borrowe” this and made my own short copy to put in my purse.

  3. very pleasant thanks Steve

  4. The bottom line is the powers that be want us as sick people like the Nazis did ,they want us to commit suicide, they know it has no bearing on curbing drug deaths or etc, I am so disgusted with Americas pitiful horrible Healthcare System and the dehumanization of all Drs.. I miss my Daughter so much but she took her life because of the horrible way she was treated for her pain.

    • Sadly, you are a mentally sick individual. FACTS: you are NOT a retired police officer (you were fired after a couple of years in the early 70’s while you were in your 20’s and you were NEVER a DEA agent!) Stop being so disrespectful to true law enforcement individuals. Lastly, you didn’t have a daughter that committed suicide. Being married to someone for less than two years (over 30+ years ago) doesn’t make you a father. Shame on all the lies!

  5. Sarraf is obviously an ahole totally filled up with the tiny little power he has,…another little napoleon. His license should be immediately revoked.

  6. This is a great’s about time! I agree that this needs to be in every state. We have had major issue with this where we live for several years now. Bravo to the doctor who posted this!

  7. complain to any politician you want. it’s still my call. anybody who tries to use threats and intimidation to obtain narcotics will find themselves in police custody.

  8. I wish they’s do this in TN. Unfortunately our doctors are caving in to the DEA’s demands to limit all chronic pain patients to a certain level of morphine milliequivalents. Doesn’t matter what it wrong with you or how long you have been taking pain medicine!

  9. Steve where in Florida was this? Boy would I like to paste all Dr offices with this!! Amazing…

  10. It’s about time. This flyer needs to be disseminated in a legible form to every prescriber in Florida. Better yet, it needs to go out to every prescriber’s office in the 50 states and territories, with the appropriate substitutions made for the names of the officers and their respective contact telephone numbers for each state and territory where the flyer is disseminated.

    I’ll see if I can get my physician and his group to allow for the posting of this flyer.

    Patient’s have the right to fair and respectful treatment wherever and whenever they are interacting with Health Care Delivery System in the United States of America. The treating prescribers, whether a physician or mid-level, have the right to have their orders considered as legitimate and to have those orders executed in a timely fashion (unless their is a legitimate concern regarding those orders) by other providers within the system, until due process shall indicate otherwise. Rumor, innuendo, and specious accusations have no place in the system; it does matter who is the herald of such, whether it be another provider, another patient or an agent of the State. All are supposed to be guaranteed a fair and public hearing if there is a legitimate cause for such.

  11. Let me say this! A person who has a addictive personality will abuse anything that helps them feel better. I have taken Oxycontin for 12 years , I have had 20 major surgery’s in 9 years. I have so much physical pain I can not even get out of bed with ouit pain meds and when I run out I run out and just lay in bed praying the Lord relieve me of this horrible condition and I pray God you pain med skeptics never go through what I go through everyday of my life when the only thing you have to do is threaten what help I get, Shame on you! There will always be drug abuse and as the so called war on drugs has failed all this will do is stoke and aid the drug pushers business to knew heights while depriving folks as me to this horrible movement! My daughter committed suicide 4 years ago because of being treated like a drug addict by her family and doctors when all along she suffered from Lupus and Fibro brought on by a deadly car crash at 18 , she told me between that which I was being put through and what they were putting her through she was not going to live her life in such a hell brought on by people like you that are on a witch hunt to out law pain meds. Asa retired Police officer and DEA agent you people do not have a clue how thrilled you are making the illegal opiate trade! I am posting a picture ofmy Sissy and think of her as you continue on with this bull shit movement to outlaw opiates! Just like the slaughter of children at Sandy Hook if there would have just been gun laws , my God trhey were Gun Laws , the guns that murdered all those 20 children were all registered and owned by a school teacher! You fight Drug Addiction in Elementary education by teaching all children the dangers of addiction. I miss you so much Sissy and some of us will continue on the fight to protect our right to feel better and function without fear of these witch hunters trying to convince us to commit suicide . And they are trying to do exactly THAT !
    Wayne S. Swanson II’s photo.

    • Carol is right . . you are a liar and your were not Sissy’s father. She was sick just like you and that was your bond. You were just another of those who knew she needed real mental help but chose to ignore it. That is why she is dead. Hell has a reservation for people like you!

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