The Legal Foundation of Washington is a non-profit created by the Washington Supreme Court to build support for civil legal aid across the state.
Blog: EJC Travels to Capitol to Advocate for Federal Legal Aid Fun…
Every spring, the Equal Justice Coalition travels to Washington, D.C. to advocate for increased federal funding for civil legal aid. From April 10-12, we met with all of the members of the Washington State Congressional Delegation and urged them…
The Endowment Contributes Over $2M to LFW in Last Four Years
The Endowment for Equal Justice raises private, unrestricted funds to secure justice for future generations. Reach 20 is the Endowment’s effort to bring the principal to $20M by 2020, enabling it to disburse $1M annually to LFW.
Apply for the 2019 Goldmark Internship
The 2019 Goldmark Equal Access to Justice Internship is a 10-week internship for 2L or 3L law students. The application deadline is October 10, 2018.
A Gratitude Report to Our Dedicated Supporters
Poverty should never stand in the way of justice. This has been the mantra of LFW for almost 35 years. It’s why you care enough to support our work. And, it’s why our grantees work so hard to ensure justice for families facing devastating challenges. Our 2017 Gratitude Report highlights the amazing work made possible with your support.

Filed under: General Problems
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