let’s admit it – every pain management med or procedure has some under desirable side effects

Motrin/Ibuprofen came to market in 1975 and those suffering from pain perceived it as a “miracle med”… The Pharma that brought it to the market – UpJohn – grossly under estimated the demand there would be for this medication..  It almost instantaneously went into a BACK ORDER STATUS.. The Pharmacy I was working at the time was able to purchase this med directly from UpJohn and we would order 12 bottles of 500 tabs of Motrin 400 mg… every couple of days… when we did get a order… it would all be GONE….  UpJohn had to build a new manufacturing facility to meet demand..  It was in a BACK ORDER STATUS for what seemed like FOREVER.  Motrin was the first new addition to the class of meds we now know as NSAID.  Prior to this, pain pts only had Aspirin, Tylenol and a Rx med Indocin.

Hopefully, sooner rather than later… “they” will come to the conclusion that no matter what methodology is used to treat a pt’s pain… each has their own problems, possible pain management, complications, adverse side effects and/or possible harm to various parts of the human body. “they” have been searching for the “perfect pain management protocol” since I was in pharmacy school in the 60’s.

Any every few years, “they” make a new press release of  “new promising, non addicting pain management medication” in early development.

3 Responses

  1. F—-amen,,,,,,like recently ,”them,” taking out the so-called euphoric chemical on ALLLLLLLLL pain meds containing a opiates,Once again,proof of their complete stupidity of what it means to a normal human being to be forcible faced w/a lifetime of physical pain caused by xyz medical process,,,We see it as a chance at finally feeling a little relax in our world,,,thats soooooooooooooooooo aweful,,,according to the idiots who tampered w/our medicine..I mean think about that,,,u got cancer,,tough,not only are we gonna take away the physical pain relief,we also want to make sure your mind feels aweful,u MUST SUFFER,,,MENTALLY AS WELL,,who the hell are these demented sob’s????that other idiots are following,,ie ,”group think,”SERIOUSLY,,,,,, we all have noticed w/our meds,,they tampered w/the formulas to take out any feeling of calm,,,,and when your medically ill in physical pain for THE REST OF U YOUR NATURAL LIFE,, u kinda enjoy a minuscule moment of calm,,,,,,jmo,their sickos,,demented idiots,who have never sufferd a day in physical pain,let alone a life time due to a medical conditions,,,and w/out the knowledge learned from ACTUALLY been the person in pain,,,,,,,they destroyed our meds as well, over a arrogant tortureous idea,that the medicine opiates are evil,terrrible drugs,, a lie…but a lie that has resonated among 10000 who use hate,force suffering,torture,and control as a their tool for prejudice against a class of people and the MEDICINE they use to live life fairly,,,w/out their medical condition censorring them from living life,not just existing in it,,,jmo,maryw

  2. Thankful for the relief but I would love to have had a very plainly worded warning on the bottle. Informed choice should mean don’t mince words, even if they are a little frightening or shocking. Thanks for an interesting bit on the history of Motrin, etc. I am old enough to remember family and family friends buying it for their aches and pains.

  3. Loved Motrin until it started setting off migraines. The rest of my family loves it.

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