Likes vs Sharing

who remembers this old commercial…  when you like a post on a blog, FB or twitter all you are doing is letting the company behind the website to collect data about YOU… when you regularly share…then your friends gets the post to hopefully read and hopefully share with their friends.

How many people that there are spread out there on at least a THOUSANDS different FB pages that deal with pain and/or diseases where pain is a significant factor ?

I know that I get and I am sure that many other who post things that should “educate” the chronic pain community … same/similar questions every week. Is this because chronic pain pts and their advocates are spread out over 1000+ different websites, FB and twitter locations ?

Many complain that there is a great deal of unity lacking among those in the chronic pain community.  Maybe that is because they “function” within their own little social circle ?

Progress moving forward for the chronic pain community will be very slow, if the vast majority are sitting with their “engine idling and their transmission in NEUTRAL”

4 Responses

  1. Here’s a couple great ones!!

    •Don’t Punish Pain Rally Nat.

    with host DR. KLINE & Jonelle Elgaway

    There are 2 ways to listen in…
    – website
    – Youtube Channel: The Doctor’s Corner (Tues evenings)
    the direct link is:
    OR check out:

    Questions or Comments? Please call studio line (415) 915-2291.

    Future “Mail Bag” questions? Email them to
    Please share!

  2. I’m not 55 anymore, closer to 65& doubt that I will ever make it
    The arthritis has about taken care of my fingers & can barely texr with a stylus pen. Being in chronic pain is no fun&I’m not afraid to die
    P.S the TV commercials make me sick . I listen to Sirius radio station most of the time

  3. I agree with the thoughts: the balkanization of CPPs does NOT help our cause.

    Also, watching that commercial made me glad, alllll over again, that I haven’t had a TV in years. I watch a few things on, say, Amazon (The Man in the High Castle, Almost Human [with Karl Urban] & a few others)…but no commercials!! Yay!

    • I watch movie channels because of the gop pushed commercials. This is the most outright DELIBERATE assult upon the cohort of CPP’S.
      FOLLOW THE $$. We as humans are being denied care and LEGAL Medications because of beurocratic pushing of the trump trump administration. Doctor’s are committing mqlpmalprac w/o consequence.
      I’m done trying to fight this …. The steets are going to become my needed Medication.

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