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congressstupidNABP Issues Rogue Online Pharmacy Public Health Alert

The National Association of Boards of Pharmacy® (NABP®) today issued a public health alert to warn Americans about the serious dangers associated with medicines purchased through fake online pharmacies. A report NABP released today on Internet drug outlets found that 96% of 8,000 rogue Web sites analyzed continue to operate out of compliance with United States pharmacy laws, fuel prescription drug abuse and misuse, and provide an outlet for counterfeit medicines to enter the US drug supply – all of which significantly endanger the health and safety of Americans.

The fake online pharmacy crisis has reached an epidemic level – they prey on prescription drug abusers and the most vulnerable members of society who rely on medicine every day for their health,” said NABP President Malcolm J. Broussard, RPh. “They offer easy access to potent medicines without a prescription and indiscriminately push dangerous counterfeit drugs. This problem poses a clear danger to Americans’ health and safety and weakens the essential relationships between pharmacists and patients. By issuing a public health alert, we are calling on pharmacists, physicians, and other health professionals to educate their patients about the growing public health threat posed by these illegal online enterprises.”

Can the war on drugs get any more dangerous… Heroin deaths are up dramatically and we only have solid data from 2012… now they claim that there is a EPIDEMIC of online pharmacies that are “filling the need”.. Chronic pain pts are becoming desperate to get pain management… Addicts are becoming desperate to get their next “fix”  I’ve seen the ENEMY and it is US !

4 Responses

  1. The term “epidemic” is disingenuous, I believe. We have recently demonstrated with Ebola what we can do in an epidemic:
    Gather facts, isolate the illness, etc.

    Let’s gather facts on prescription drugs.
    Then act responsibly, making sure each patient is cared for with integrity and a plan that is specific.

  2. the enemy is the US, u forgot the the sir.

  3. If many of these rogue pharmacies operate outside the US such as Canada and Mexico, I really dont see how the NAPB has any.real.power to stop them. Technically the internet is still a free flowing truly capitalist enterprise. From spam mailings I have been getting if you read the fine print, they still.need an rx for pain meds and xanax they headline for free

  4. The most counterfeit drug in those pharmacies is … Viagra. Followed by HIV and cancer drugs. I have not seen a single one of them offering narcs(except Adderall ) or other controls. Some of those guys even counterfeit CIPA and VIPPS logos and look quite legit to the untrained eye.

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