Photo: Bill Shaw/WTIU News
A drug grinder and weights are used by pharmacists when compounding drugs.
This article showed up in a NPR/PBS affiliated entity.
As a disclaimer … I have known… even went to pharmacy school ( Butler University) with the Pharmacist in this article.Personally, I am surprised that his small operation has shown up in the media like this… Of course, as they always say… there is three sides to every story… yours… mine… and the truth…
For those of you who went to Butler U around the same period of time.. I can just imagine the look on Dr Shaw’s face… referring to a mortar and pestle and a “drug grinder”… I am sure that the rest of the pharmacy schools had their version of Dr Shaw… so most RPH’s can probably relate… 🙁
I never remember a Mortar and Pestle being referenced to as a “DRUG GRINDER” anywhere along the path of my education and/or anywhere along by 40 + years of practicing pharmacy.
Maybe I am being a bit anal… but.. how many “good Pharmacists” do you know .. that doesn’t have at least a certain degree of being anal… but I have known some Pharmacists that are shade bit too anal.. but that is another story…
How can one expect a article to be accurate and non-sensational.. if the person behind the article… can’t even bother to research out the very basic nomenclature and get it correct.
The other issue… it would seem that the “art of compounding” is being over-simplified and suggests that working/maintaining a sterile work environment and product is “child’s play”
The fact that this article is being distributed by NPR/PBS entities… which are mostly tax payer supported… irks me that much more… I know that some people will not question the creditability of anything that emanates from this news group.
Filed under: General Problems
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