There is a old saying.. every time that you try to make something idiot proof.. they go and build a better idiot …
Ohio State Board of Pharmacy, DeWine vows to fight synthetic drugs
From the article:
“Despite the success of House Bill 334, which outlawed a multitude of synthetic drugs in 2012, rogue chemists continue to create new, dangerous chemicals that fall outside of Ohio’s controlled substances law,” said DeWine. “I propose that, in the future, when my office recognizes outbreaks of these synthetic drugs, that we quickly engage in the administrative process with the Board of Pharmacy to ban these substances.”
Is the war on drugs… like trying to fill a bucket with holes in it? You just keep pouring a liquid (or money) into the bucket and can’t understand why it never gets full !
Filed under: General Problems
Remember that inexpensive “drugs” are an attraction for kids and that science can advance civilization instead of thuggish cowards who are willing to poison young people.