Man’s best friend – can legally use Marijuana

Medical marijuana for dogs

SAN ANTONIO – Medical marijuana… for your dog? It’s real – and according to the Drug Enforcement Administration, perfectly legal.

“Kona is my 13-year-old Dutch Shepherd mix,” says Bea Adams as she pets her dog.

Adams recently noticed a change in Kona’s behavior.

“I hadn’t slept in weeks,” Adams says. “She kept me up at night, licking.”

Kona’s red, itchy skin was caused by seasonal allergies, a common ailment. Veterinarian Dr. Michelle Bammel at Westridge Pet Hospital suggested a treatment called Therabis.

“It’s just a natural antihistamine,” Dr. Bammel says.

The natural ingredient is CBD hemp oil. It’s not legal for humans, but DEA spokesperson Melvin Patterson says it’s okay for pets because pet products aren’t considered for human consumption.

“I tell people: it’s not pot. That’s the first thing out of their mouths,” Dr. Bammel says.

She says the treatment won’t get your dog high because it doesn’t contain THC.

“The joke is industrial hemp is kind of the sober cousin of marijuana,” Dr. Bammel says.

She recommends pouring the packet in your dog’s food, and the chemical ingredients will relieve itching and anxiety.

“There’s a lot of great attributes to it that you can get without having your dog get high or all the psychotropic effects of it – they don’t have those,” Dr. Bammel says.

Adams says Therabis cleared up Kona’s skin.

“I’d say about the third day on it, the itching was completely gone,” the dog owner says.

She urges dog loves concerned about the stigma of medical marijuana to consult with their veterinarians.

“I think they should keep an open mind on any natural product, especially for the dogs,” Adams says.


2 Responses

  1. Cbd and and other cannabis products can heal and help numerous conditions safely and naturally in animals and humans.Its been used all over the world for thousands of years without problems.Then along comes American politicians and they create all the problems.Frankly I’m sick and tired of trying to get through the thick skulls of ignorant people the same message.Stop your intrusive,illegal GD war against a flower.The unconstitutional war against a safe natural health restoring plant is beyond stupidity.Making a crime out of something that isn’t a crime is madness and corruption.Millions of people ignore the ignorant law because that law is wrong.We shouldn’t even still be having these conflicts in 2017.Surely you politicians can find some other way to oppress and disturb innocent people.Must you constantly be reminded,YOU work for us.

  2. perfect,,,,,,Now we just have get the cdc ,”laws” not guideline,,laws if these guidelines are prosecuted by law enforcement,,,not to get applied to our pets tooo,,,,mary

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