Marijuana Today: Sen. Jeff Sessions confirmed

Marijuana Today: Sen. Jeff Sessions confirmed

Plus, pot slows brain cancer; and the weed gender gap is closing; …

Sen. Jeff Sessions was confirmed in a split 52-47 vote yesterday.
 … Here’s what I think you can count on: Jeff Sessions is going to do his worst. But, if history is any guide, it will matter little. … Sessions has a bb gun, and he is shooting at a glacier.
This former DEA agent understands. It’s a resources game. Sessions has 5,500 DEA agents, and a couple billion dollars in budget. But only a fraction of that can go to cannabis. Meanwhile, 21 percent of the U.S. population is in a legalization state; about 76 million people; the industry employs 122,000 people; and is worth maybe $50 billion per year in total retail sales alone.
Remember — President Obama spent hundreds of millions of dollars interfering in state-legal medical cannabis systems. His DOJ attacked the best, brightest, most state-legal actors, in order to make the point that no one was safe from federal law. And what happened? The California crackdown of 2011 engendered a backlash that drew in unprecedented new allies. Cannabis will have even more this time. 
Mark my words — there will be raids, forfeiture threats, regulatory intimidation, propaganda, new sentencing, everything that happened under President Obama. And if the People are more upset about it than ever — then the people will win, again.
More on that thread: “John J. Hudak of the Brooking Institute, last weekend at the Virginia Cannabis Conference, explained how ‘you’re insane‘ if you think the marijuana industry is too big and popular to be a target of Republican wrath”.
Meanwhile, the MPP is “cautiously optimistic”. The NCIA said “We look forward to Attorney General Sessions maintaining …[the status quo]”… TheDCMJ is “hopeful”. … NORML said “we will never stop fighting.” … And theDPA said attacking pot will leave Trump and Co. “even less popular than they are now.”
Yup, pot helps treat brain cancer. … GW Pharma is almost done bottling it up.
Nevada is set to kick California’s butt in the race to implement recreational. … They’re going to do temporary regulations by July.
There might be almost 300 pot-related patents already on the books.
The L.A. Times endorses Measure M to catch the city up to where San Francisco was in 2005 — you know, actually regulating dispensaries.
Weed app data shows the gender gap closing, and cannabis replacing alcohol.
Congressional bill HR 715 would legalize CBD.
Another bill would shield state-legal pot activity from federal drug laws.
There is something deeply wrong in the Personnel Review Board of Orange County, CA.
pot for PTSD trial gets underway, via Army Times.
Style brands Vanderpop and Tokyo Smoke merge.
Moxies Meds makes it into Cosmo Mag.
High Times out-Cosmos Cosmo with ‘How To Make Weed Lube for V-Day’.
The inventor of Ganga Yoga is throwing an Easter retreat to Yosemite.

And Puff, Pass, and Paint comes to San Francisco.

3 Responses

  1. With meth,heroin,synthetic formulations like spice,and illegal pills from China cut with fentanyl,coke,pcp,and the illegal pain pill market,all flooding the states,and all potentially deadly,one would think the DEA would be wasting their time and money chasing around a medicinal flower that has never harmed anyone and is now accepted by a majority of Americans.
    Science backs up the beneficial properties of cannabis.The old foolish arguments against it,fall apart under scrutiny.It desperately needs to be taken off the archaic schedule one list.The old lies will not work anymore as the vast majority are now educated in this matter.Healing harmless plants such as cannabis and kratom should be encouraged as medicine.They are far safer than the majority of legal medicines.Hopefully the new administration will use common sense and end this unconstitutional harrasment of natures gifts,the healing plants.

    • Pence has been the governor of Indiana and he has no common sense when it comes to some substances… Indiana is one of the few states where Kratom is ILLEGAL. Before Indiana legislature right now… treat 16-17 y/o who rob pharmacies as adults… because diverters have “hired” < 18 y/o to rob pharmacies because they get little/no jail time... If they pass this law.. I can see the headlines now... person robbing the neighborhood pharmacy was seen leaving the parking lot on a red Schwinn bicycle. because the diverters will start giving money to < 16 y/o to rob the pharmacies and they can't drive 🙁

    • jmo,,,,ALLLLLL NATURAL PLANTS should be legal in their natural form,,,,mary

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