Maybe this is where prescribers/pharmacists are getting their “IDEAS”

This came in the mail today… from the company that makes the brand name Valium and Klonopin. Which few dispenses anymore since they are both available generically.

Was this “scary letter” sent out at the “suggestion” of the DEA ? Both of these medications already contains a BLACK BOX WARNING in the FDA’s “Medication Guides and Full Prescribing information”

What I find interesting is their use of verbs and adjectives … MAY… not CAN…not WILL… cause.. PROFOUND sedation, respiratory depression, coma, death ?  It is like they always reference that opiates are HIGHLY ADDICTIVE… when in fact they are POTENTIALLY ADDICTIVE… NOT THE SAME THING.

Valium was approved by the FDA in 1963 and Klonopin in 1975.. and they are just now sending out WARNING LETTERS ?… which basically states the BLACK BOX WARNING that has been on these two medications for YEARS ?

I smell a Image result for graphic skunk

2 Responses

  1. For what it’s worth Steve, I got one of these Scare-o-Mails too. They’re corporate attorney driven CYA purposed. That is the only reason why I think these Pharma Houses go to the trouble and the expense to print them up and mail them out. Think of them as a class action deflector shield.

  2. Makes sense now. At my last PM appointment I was told that I could no longer use my anti anxiety medication. I was told that if I continued with this medication, I would be cut off my hydrocodone on my next appointment. Here’s the best part. I’m one of those people who will only take medications when I absolutely need to, and the amount of medication I take is so little that I only fill my prescription for 30 tablets once a year, if that. The only time I ever need it is when my pain levels are so extreme that my anxiety won’t allow me to sleep at all. I’m glad you posted this because I also audio record all my doctors visits just in case. This is just one instance out of a few where what you have posted coincides with how my PMP appointments go.

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