Medical Marijuana Facing Prejudice and Unnecessary Restrictions in its Way to Save Lives

Medical Marijuana Facing Prejudice and Unnecessary Restrictions in its Way to Save Lives

Cannabis is under strict regulations of DEA and prejudice from NIDA despite eighteen states issuing permission to medical cannabis. Scientists are facing numerous difficulties in carrying researches to find out the potential benefits of the drug. Other restricted compounds like MDMA, psilocybin or LSD are more easily available for further researches as DEA has allowed growing them or creating them in the lab.

Marijuana’s unrevealed valuable components that can be used in life-saving drugs are still out of reach of man. The pot is available for recreational uses and the public is having no big deal in obtaining it, reports Popular Science.

Treating illness by cannabis is just a few steps away if the schedule 1 study is reclassified. With an easy access to marijuana, the studies can be expanded and more data can be gathered in a short time. Now when marijuana is more widely accepted, the 16 member committee releases a report with recommendations to a smooth supply of cannabis for research purposes.

Since marijuana is classified as a medicine, then its study as a helpful medicine must be much wider, said pharmacologist Karen Wright of Lancaster University in England. There are more questions than answers about the mental and physical influences of cannabis on the health. The little data that is available about the drug has strong indications that the potential of marijuana to treat ailments and sickness is much higher than expected.

Cannabinoids is proved to be effective for the treatment of chronic pains, chemotherapy-induced nausea and vomiting in adults, reports Science News. A lot of essential investment on marijuana remains illegal because the drug is a linchpin in the War on Drugs, comments Brad Burge, the director of communications for the Multidisciplinary Association of Psychedelic Research (MAPS).

National Institute on Drug Abuse has taken a biased stance towards cannabis. It allows the growth of cannabis and researches on the drug only to prove its negative effects in order to control the substance and prohibit drug abuse but it is not interested to help establishing cannabis as a medicine drug.

One Response

  1. My brother whom served in the navy,,,ie,asbestos,,use to smoke pot all the time to calm his stomach from chemo,,and it worked beautifully,,my niece who has terrible migraine,,swears by it,,,,The government needs to stop playing doctor,,,people are dieing because of thee government forcing them to suffer in physical pain,ie,illegal torture,,m

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