Medication should only be taken as prescribed by your doctor !
Recently I posted about CVS Health and all their concerns about people’s health while discouraging their Pharmacist to fill controlled Rxs..
Here is what Rite Aid uses as a bag stuffer with their Rx customers… TAKING YOUR PRESCRIPTIONS AS DIRECTED IS VITAL TO YOUR HEALTH AND WELLNESS
NEWS FLASH… you can’t take care of your health and wellness … if your pharmacist refuse to fill legal/medically necessary/on time Rxs..
Is this just hyperbole or FALSE ADVERTISING.. These two pharmacy chains have abt 25% of all the pharmacies in the country… but these “tactics” are not isolated to just these two.
Filed under: General Problems
Cvs pharmacies in Helena Mt just informed me they are no longer filling any Rx for any patient of mine.
I know how ridiculous their tactics are. I have lupus, and I take a few different pain meds. CVS – even though I had 5 refills, refused to fill my Tramadol (yes, Tramadol!) because it became a sched II, even though I had the scrip written before the law went into effect. I have 5 refills left on my Norco 10s – this stupid new law better not give me any push back, even though I am bracing for it. I read the DEA law carefully, and anything written PRIOR to Oct. 6 2014 u should not get any push back. You can take that argument with you to the gestapo pharmacist!
What state made tramadol a 2? Itnwas federally made a 4 which is 5 refills 6 months from date written