4 Responses

  1. a disease is a malfunction of the body. addiction is a behavior. you’ve declined to publish my comments before when they interfere with your narrow minded point of view but you owe it to your followers to put aside your intellectual dishonesty and to present factual counter arguments. i urge you to do that as a matter of integrity.

    READ THIS ARTICLE… http://www.thecleanslate.org/myths/addiction-is-not-a-brain-disease-it-is-a-choice/

    the ‘addiction-as-a-disease’ theory is a slippery slope. studies have shown that men who abuse their spouses have a genetic anomaly that predisposes them to be violent in this manner. will you excuse their behavior? will you say that the abuser is the victim? or will you recognize that the only way to not beat your wife and kids is to not beat your wife and kids.

    just like the only way to stop doing drugs is to stop doing drugs.

    i enjoy reading your articles, steve. i think you provide a valuable forum. thanks.

    From Steve:
    William: according to my records… you have made 74 comments all posted and approved.. I don’t understand where you have come to the conclusion that I refuse to post your comments.

    • I’ve commented that many times? wow… you must really push my buttons. of course I take your word for it if you say my posts are approved. the ones that didn’t get through were probably my own fault. but i’m sure those were my best comments. thanks.

    • /\ this c@ck5ucker- have you ever been dependant on any sort of narcotic? alcohol, maybe? the most legal and dangerous drug on the market? how about tobacco(aka the nicotine, moree addictive than any opiate) fuck you and your opinion on what is a disease and whats not, try thinking about others in pain and need help instead of your SELFISH ASS, insulting rehtoric.
      for instance, your example of a “wife beater,” more than likely that idiot is on high amounts of drugs/alcohol and the reason he is beating them is because he is mad at himself, for no income, cant support his wife or himself, it seems. AND he has a dependency to be angry and abusive and an alcohol problem.

      ive been an iv heroin user for about 3 years now after getting out of the army and my deployment 2 afghanistan in 2010 when iwas 19. I started heroin, just smoking it… i was clean and jjust taking my prescribed benzos, not even abusing them, but just thought id try heroin.
      All of those things u said are easy to say its not a disease, but when you take them for weeks on end and your diagnosed with COMBAT PTSD, or have schrapnel metal from an rpg blowing up next to you, still inside of your back, near u spine, METAL PIECES, that can never be removed, you start taking more and more because your bodies tolerance skyrockets, then your labeled “dependent”,.except now with all the opiates and benzos prescribed, you cant get any more help[, so you turn to the “ILLEGAL” opiates, diacelytlemorphine aka heroin(probably safer and CHEAPER than whats in those pills anyways, with the way some opiate tolerant people are LOL, organic dope)

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