Filed under: General Problems
Most good pain advocates work “off the radar/behind the scene” and not always seeking to be the center of attention
Posted on August 23, 2022 by Pharmaciststeve
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
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Amen to this one,,,many of us,,doo a lot behind the scenes,,,CREDIT doesn’t matter to some,,,mayrw
I have followed the pain community for many years — long before “social media.” In fact, it seems to me many of the problems started when most of the activity moved to “social media.” There is the spectre of being “internet famous” and being an “internet influencer” which drives most of the activity, with many people scurrying to “get noticed” and to be important. But it is false — none of our people are “famous.” It makes little sense to me, because I’ve actually been “important” before. It’s not all it’s cracked up to be, because we are all helpless! I have settled into a following role. So I tend to not criticize leaders, and I am critical of many, or most, ideas (because I have had experience with most of them — ideas tend to get recycled in the pain community, because it forgets its history. And to date, most ideas have failed. But, I tend to agree with what is being said here about the other person and the other organization. I have noticed something wrong there for several years. I tried to participate, and help others who participated, and I was left with a very bad taste. In fact, the main person I worked with lately quit pain activism altogether because of how she was treated by that group. And I was never able to convince her that the group was not representative of the whole of pain patients — that it was run by a person who was up to something personal. The way I see it, the problem which limits the effectiveness of pain and opioid activism is the same as it has always been — there are simply not enough of us to be politically significant. Our voices are steamrolled by a larger and much better financed “drug war” effort. It is therefore counterintuitive for ANY organization to (1) run people away, or (2) fail to make them feel important and welcome. Apparently, both of these sins are the standard operating procedure of the other organization. Anyone who has an opinion or draws attention can become a target of the leadership. Enough said. All of us are subject to what happened with the leader of Bob’s organization. Most of us are thought to be addicts everywhere we go. There is a lot of pressure to give in, and sometimes we do. I just wish the best to everyone involved, and I suppport anyone who keeps this message going, because it’s getting bad out there, folks. The public is going to care about it, when they finally learn that the baby boom generation is going to die in pain. But that may be too late. Nixon won!
I can’t believe that woman. Good geief,. How disgusting her actions and the way she talks about people. Either Jealousy or Mental. Another reason why I don’t hangout on Fedbook much anymore. The drama is ridiculous. I will pop on over there just for sec to show Bob and Steve some love because of whatever happened it’s upset them and I’m sure was uncalled for. I hope both you men know that your loved by MANY, so please dont let one Karen get under skin.
God bless you for all the wonderful, Fantastic
work you’ve been doing.
I’m unfollowing Claudia as soon as I write this. I don’t get on Twitter as much bc of family matters but one thing I know is that Steve is an amazing man and has been there for me back in 2016 when I was really struggling. Bob seems like an amazing guys as well and what she is doing is uncalled for!
Holy night, Bob, I didn’t realize what was going on, but that is a reason to stand up against people who would speak badly about you or the foundation. I don’t hate anyone either, but being truthful can bring a lot of hate your way. I will pray that things get better. God bless.