My 15 minutes of fame TOMORROW NIGHT !


We are proud to announce that during our regularly scheduled group this coming Wednesday (August 12th at 9:00 pm Eastern), we will have a guest speaker – Renowned Pharmacist and Chronic Pain Advocate, Steve Ariens, P.D. His knowledge, experience, and efforts at helping the Chronic Pain community are enormous. Here are a few examples of the topics Steve will be speaking on:

1. 2015 Chronic Pain –  How our peers “Patients” are being affected.
2. Understanding the Prescription Monitoring Program at our Pharmacies (PMP).
3. Independent Pharmacies versus Corporate and why one is likely to fill your prescription versus the other.
4. How Patients Can deal with their Pharmacists and Doctors.
5. How Medications work in our bodies and why people sometimes need more medication than others.
6. Various Pain medications and how they work.
7. Steve’s Coalition – speaking out and fighting back.

The Interview with allow for live Questions and Answers.  We are very excited! Don’t miss out on this informative and historic event!

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Wishing you all the best,bethere

Robin & Nick
Co-Founders of

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One Response

  1. Steve, l keep trying to join the group but whenever l do l never receive the email they are supposed to send me. I fill out the form, press submit and get a reply saying they will send me an email but l never get it. Help?

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