My words must be resonating !

I just looked at the page views stats for this blog for the month of Jan 2014… and  during the month I set a new single day record number of views and the number of views were up 25% for the month… over the previous record – which was July 2013.. when that NECC mess started.

I started this verbal journey in July 2012.. and  2013 average page views were nearly double that of 2012 and 2014 has started out being 50% higher than 2013.

My regular readers should understand by now that my focus is on the shenanigans of  corporate pharmacy ..any and all .. and those that would harm chronic pain and mental health patients… think DEA, drug wholesalers and any pharmacy/Pharmacists that unjustly deny a chronic pain pt  getting their legit Rx filled.

I have never worked for one of the “BIG BOYS”.. the largest chain I worked for had 50 stores and they are long gone… they had been in business for some 120 yrs.. but couldn’t survive the 90’s and was sucked up by one of those growing corporate chains.

So .. it is going to be damn hard for any of the corporate pharmacies to claim that I am a disgruntled former employee . 🙂

Now that I am retired .. for the fourth or fifth time – the first time … I was the ripe old age of 49…

What are these corporate bullies going to do to me… put me on some Pharmacist “do not hire black list” ? Like I care !

If they don’t like what I say.. TOUGH SHIT … I have make acquiances  with a large number of attorneys and reporters across the country.. via this blog and helping other Pharmacists deal with these corporate bullies. Of course, these corporate bullies typically only pick on the meek  and naive .. I don’t think that  anyone who knows me would put me in that category.

I only publish that which I firmly believe is the truth… anyone who has something on one of these entities.. and wants it published  as a post and not a comment and wants it done totally anonymously send it along… or you can publish comments on my blog totally anonymously

Thanks to all my readers.. for reading my blog and telling their friends about my blog…

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