Narcan vending machine in Kentucky empty within one day of being installed

Will Narcan being available – for free – in vending machines, will this encourage other to “try street fentanyl” because they believe that they have someone with them that can “save their ass “… and not knowing that Narcan has a fairly short half life and someone ODing on illegal street fentanyl… may return to a status of fatal respiratory suppression within 15 minutes and even if a second dose is administered – there is two doses in one of these boxes provided by these vending machines – doesn’t mean that the pt who has OD’d.. will survive after getting two separate doses of Narcan.  Could “we” see an increase in the abuse of illegal street fentanyl and/or the number of OD’s/poisoning because the people trying illegal street fentanyl for the first time… doesn’t understand all the possible complications and outcomes, because they have Narcan on hand and falsely believe that it can “save their ass” when taking illegal street Fentanyl

Narcan vending machine in Kentucky empty within one day of being installed

Kentucky’s first Narcan vending machine, the brand name for the opioid-reversal drug naloxone, is completely empty just one day after it was installed.

Vine Grove Police Chief Kenny Mattingly said the machine was empty by 6 p.m. last Friday. The machine was just announced and unveiled the day before.

“I thought it would go quick, but not that fast,” Mattingly said.

The vending machine was installed outside of the Vine Grove Police Department last Friday.

Mattingly had the idea for it after he saw a young woman save a friend’s life earlier this year when he overdosed in her bathroom.

The biggest perk of the machine is that it’s completely free. All people have to do is punch in a number and it dispenses a two-dose box of Narcan and literature about treatment and recovery.

Mattingly said the department has ordered more and the machine will be restocked this week.

3 Responses

  1. Bad Bad idea! A couple in the next town over from me relied on each other with Narcan when doing their so called Heroin that was mostly Fentanyl. They knew this. But the girl did it alone one morning and her better half was not there to save her.
    This is the worst idea yet IMO.

  2. Has anyone considered people might be collecting the “free” narcan for resale? Also, I am sure most users would rather not use the machines due to the fact they are basically showing the police officers who the users are. Law enforcement has been known to arrest users to get to the dealers. Just a thought. God Bless

  3. If the police and first responders want everyone to have Narcan, wouldn’t it be easier to mail it to every household in the USA? The machine near the police stations should remain, but putting Narcan in neighborhoods and teaching people how to use it would be more effective! People could carry Narcan the same way that people carry Epi-Pens!

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