New Law Cracks Down On Pharmacy Thefts

New Law Cracks Down On Pharmacy Thefts

Back in the early 70’s Congress passed a law that it was a FEDERAL FELONY – just like robbing a bank – if anyone stole controlled substances from a pharmacy. If case no one has noticed… the FBI… seldom – if ever – bothers showing up when a pharmacy is robbed and controlled substances are involved.. So apparently the state of TN decided to put in a state law because the FEDS must consider the robbing pharmacy a virtual NON-ISSUE and maybe because there are so many… doing their job investigating pharmacy robberies would over whelm their manpower capabilities. After all, the more controlled substances on the street… the more “criminals” our judicial system/cops have to chase after. Just watch, the age of the robbers in TN will start to drop… “hired” by diverters to rob pharmacies because the kids will get nothing more than a slap on the wrist.

NASHVILLE, Tenn. – A new law on the books in Tennessee could have people who rob pharmacies for prescription drugs facing longer jail time.

The law, which went into effect this week, allows a judge to impose a tougher sentence on someone convicted of robbery in a pharmacy, if they were trying to get prescription drugs.


Doctor Shawn Pruitt, who runs Pruitt’s Discount Pharmacy on Dickerson Pike, says the law may help deter repeat offenders, but may not prevent the crime from happening in the first place.

It’s a step in the right direction in the back end, but in the front end, not necessarily so,” Pruitt said.  I don’t know how many diverters or pharmacy robbers are even thinking about a prison sentence before they do a crime.

While this law targets those who steal prescription drugs, a statewide survey shows a majority of people who abuse them, get them free from family and friends.

2 Responses

  1. Like i said earlier,,,our dea,fbi,cia have gotten LAZY,, it easier to sit infront of a computer,and arrest innocent doctors,,then to get off their Ass’s and do the leg work to find REAL criminals,,like the ones stealing from pharmacies…There are sooooo many pharmacies being robbed now a days,,there would be plenty of work for our dea,fbi,cia,,,but instead,,they choose thee easy route on our dime,,which is sitten on their butts,,in-front of a computer,,manufacturing evidence against our doctors,,,,on our dime!!!maryw

  2. They might get them free from family and friends but I would bet that they steal them and the family and friends don’t just give them their prescription medications!

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