Supreme Court shields Pharmacy Board, hurts women
New Hampshire Right to Life [NHRTL] is dismayed that the NH Supreme Court continues to deny citizens the right to sue state agencies who act illegally. NHRTL had sued over the Board of Pharmacy’s failure to enforce basic FDA safety protocols which are required under NH statutes. The Board of Pharmacy did not deny that it was acting unlawfully or that allowing distribution of dangerous pills was putting women’s health at risk, but asked the Court to dismiss the petition on ‘standing’ grounds.
Last week, the Supreme Court sided with the Pharmacy Board and denied the people of NH have any right to demand the agency enforce NH law regarding unlawful granting of drug distribution licenses to Planned Parenthood. This decision allows any state agency to flagrantly violate the law with no possibility of taxpayers challenging that action in court.
Filed under: General Problems
Since these boards can do what they want to do, it would be nice if they would set some laws that actually addressed the working conditions of pharmacists and technicians. There is a whole ‘world’ of things that could be improved. For one thing, pharmacists could be treated like other workers, given rest breaks, an hour lunch, and given decent working hours. They might also address the corporate BS that we pharmacist are facing at an ever increasing rate. The first thing they could strike down are these silly metrics that these corporations just love. I suppose the boards never thought that by protecting pharmacists they would also be protecting the public.