No other proof… charge prescriber with INSURANCE FRAUD..

Patients paint a different picture of Monroe doctor raided by DEA

MONROE COUNTY (13abc Action News) – It was business as usual on Monday, September 26, 2016 at Dr. Lesly Pompy’s Interventional Pain Management office in Monroe, or at least that is what the doctor, employees and patients thought.

Detroit’s DEA and local law enforcement raided Dr. Pompy’s office.

Two weeks later, 13abc’s Brigette Burnett spoke with those who paint a different picture of the pain management doctor.

“Until I met Dr. Pompy, I was over medicated, still in agony and pain,” said Daniela Davis. “I’ve been turned away from plain clinics due to the fact that they could no longer help me.”

Davis said she was born with Spina Bifida and was hit by two drunk drivers. She needs medication because she was left with permanent injuries.

Maria Guerra needs lots of medication to treat her chronic pain as well.

“It feels like you’re in a furnace actually on fire,” said Guerra.

Guerra said her pain comes from having Complex Regional Pain Syndrome.

“The pain was so great that I did think about committing suicide,” added Guerra.

CRPS was formally known as RSD. It can’t be cured. Only treatment can help the pain that she describes feeling like a thousand bee stings.


Both Guerra and Davis, along with hundreds of others were going to Dr. Pompy.

“He has given me the reason why I’m walking today and have a life. He’s the reason I’m here,” said Davis.

Sue Welker was there during the raid two Mondays ago.

Welker said, “my initial reaction was to get out of there because actually I thought a patient was angry because they didn’t get a medication they were wanting.”

Welker told 13abc that she was interrogated by aw enforcement. After searching through the Dr. Pompy’s belongings he was charged with insurance fraud.

Now his patients are left without a doctor and employees are missing a paycheck.

So they came together on Monday to raise money for the doctor with a benefit.

“I don’t think it’s fair,” said Guerra. “It’s not fair to the patients. It’s leaving us in pain. We’re going to be going through drug withdrawals.”

They said they don’t believe the accusations are true.

“He runs a really tight ship at least I was under the assumption and I have no reason not to believe that,” said Welker.

Sandra Winland said, “if you drop dirty you’re not getting a script. If you don’t do what he says you’re dismissed.”

“You don’t think he was abusing his power as a doctor at all? said 13abc’s Brigette Burnett. Dr. Pompy? No, not at all!” responded Guerra.

In pain they continue on searching for another interventional pain management doctor.

“I have the world’s most painful disease and I said that’s a blessing. I get to use it to help other people,” added Guerra.

Dr. Pompy’s employees and patients are having a bake sale for him Saturday, October 15, 2016 from 9am-2pm at Monroe Full Gospel Church at 5337 E. Albain Rd. in Monroe, Michigan.

They are using #ISupportPompy on social media.

3 Responses

  1. […] No other proof… charge prescriber with INSURANCE FRAUD.. […]

  2. Sadly if anyone in that office failed to cross one T or dot one I that doctor I’d sunk. It’s not right and it’s not fair! I hope beyond hope that everyone involved in the mountains of paperwork that the government buries a doctors office in did their job with diligence! While the idiots play their games lives will be destroyed, some lost forever. If this doctor actually wins against the Nazi tactics that will be employed I hope beyond hope that he will go back to his patients! Most doctors, once charged, decide that it’s not worth the cost. My heart goes out to those patients who are left with no treatment for their chronic pain!

  3. I hope and pray every single day that DEA leadership and decision making law enforcement leaders are involved in horrific accidents or inflicted with crippling diseases in which they need and can’t get pain medication. My belief is that carma sucks and someday they will all get theirs, I just hope it’s sooner than later.

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