non profit spends 3+ million per year in PENN on opiate crisis.. while chronic painers write, phone call politicians – who do you think is winning ?

AllOne Foundation Combats the Opioid Crisis

In 2018 alone, more than 4,400 people died from drug overdoses in Pennsylvania. While this number represents an 18 percent decrease from 2017, the number of drug-related deaths that occur each year is an issue we are still facing in our communities.

AllOne Foundation is working to save lives and reduce the economic, social, and criminal justice costs of the opioid epidemic. After extensive research and countless town hall meetings, AllOne Foundation developed and is executing a successful, scalable, and sustainable philanthropic strategy on this issue.

“AllOne Foundation is providing leadership on a strategy that includes the distribution of over $6,000,000 in funding to various organizations that service our community members in targeted areas that include education from elementary through college, addicted moms and infant recovery, alternative enforcement, prevention and improved access to treatment.” Stated Atty. John P. Moses, Chairman, AllOne Foundation.

On October 2, 2019, AllOne Foundation held the Opioid Crisis Solutions Symposium unveiling strategic plans with keynote speaker Attorney General Josh Shapiro:

“The opioid epidemic is the number-one killer in Pennsylvania. Every day, 15 Pennsylvanians die from an opioid overdose, and this health crisis doesn’t discriminate. We have to recognize the path between the pills doctors prescribe and the cheap bag of fentanyl found in the streets. And we have to be vigilant as we act to tackle this problem. I am grateful for the partnership with the AllOne Foundation to help stop this serious problem,” Attorney General Josh Shapiro delivering the keynote address at AllOne Foundation’s Opioid Crisis Solutions Symposium

The Opioid Solutions Symposium addressed key strategic target areas including: Addicted Women & Infant Recovery; Alternative Enforcement; Education & Prevention; and Improved Access to Treatment. The businesses and organizations within Northeastern Pennsylvania that have taken a lead in fighting the opioid crisis and coming together in a unified effort are The Wright Center, Treatment Court Advocacy Center (TCAC), Luzerne County Community College (LCCC), and the Children’s Service Center (CSC). A unified collaboration between so many organizations involved in this effort is uncommon, but necessary. “We have all come together to develop solutions to this horrible crisis that we are all facing.” States John W. Cosgrove, the Executive Director at AllOne Foundation.

The Wright Center developed the Healthy Moms program providing intensive intervention for addicted mothers. Judge Michael Barrasse is the immediate past Chairman of National Association of Drug Court Professionals and spearheads Treatment Court throughout the region and in particular rural areas. LCCC launched the first Institute for students in recovery because data evidences that students maintaining an educational tract have the greatest sustained recovery rates. CSC places drug specialists into elementary schools identifying high risk students and implementing wrap around services for the child and their families.

AllOne Foundation is a private foundation whose mission is to enhance the present healthcare delivery in Northeastern and North Central Pennsylvania. The Foundation crafts new ways of improving the health and welfare of people. Over $16,000,000 has been distributed since the inception of the Foundation five years ago. Each year, an impact area is identified with a goal to unite organizations in a collaborative effort to create measurable, innovative and highly effective programs. The impact areas have been Behavioral Health, Women & Children, Autism, and Opioid Solutions. The impact area identified for 2020 will be Food Security as well as providing new funding and resources to the other impact areas.

For more information, contact Mary Carroll Donahoe, AllOne Foundation & Charities, at 570-208-1203, or via email at

5 Responses

  1. Ironic Steve. The country can spend billions to try and control a killer virus (???), but they cannot grasp the big picture.The USA(POTUS) stopped China from delivery of a virus, but they cannot stop delivery of fentanyl,etc. (This in ref ti J&J.)Addicts OD because they want to original high, What does this have to do with serious pain and the control of opiates real pain patients have on their meds. Seems like the country is so overwhelmed with uneducated people who cannot grasp this complex problem.Taking opiates for the high just does ot work and the user will soon die. Simple, but complex.If I take more than my directed med, it won’t work, but if I take just one, amazing !!. USA has so many complex problems. Portugal legalized it and they lessened their opiate problems.Will somebody tell me where we go from here. Blame the Mfg,blame the Pharm, Blame the patient or Dr ???? Why not try a methodology “outside the box”

  2. All this doesn’t really matter anymore as the drug makers are getting away with putting no active ingredients in their pills ANYMORE. I took 6 pills within 8 hours and felt zero no pain relief no nothing. Where before I could take half of one and feel better for a few hours. And no this is not tolerance as I had saved some old ones and it’s night and day difference

    • I seem to remember (written about here?) that some (most) of the Indian hydrocodone is garbage.

  3. Well maybe everyone should be mass commenting on their pages and doing some protests outside of their offices that would make too much sense though.

  4. COVID-19 is Mother Goose compared to the scare they needlessly put in everyone about opioids. Almost no one who doesn’t need them will believe anything else and those who need them with their few advocates are far too sick to be a FORCE financially or otherwise and they love to ignore us. They even ‘held-up’ pharmaceutical manufacturing in broad daylight.

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