19 Responses

  1. Your pic of hanging bodies, labeled as PTS…final solution.

    Is in atrocious taste….totally poor judgement to use it.

    • Thank you for reading my blog, but I could not help put notice that this is the first time that you have made a comment on my blog… that graphic has been on the front page of my blog for at least FIVE YEARS and you are the first to make a comment… I do know that there are a great number of suicides by chronic pain pts because their meds have been cut or eliminated… maybe the graphic is atrocious, but IMO.. not as atrocious of the number of people who end up with prescriber induced suicide, because their meds have been dramatically reduced or eliminated and they are forced to chose the “final solution” to stop having to live in a torturous level of pain.

  2. In order to write customer relations manuals and teach staff the fine art of corporate behavior you need to understand proper corporate policy. It doesn’t take superior knowledge to understand this. But I’m happy to explain it to you.

    This man admitted he stole medication during a THREE MONTH period. No conspiracy. No stopped tapes. This was a criminal act, perpetrated by a pharmacy manager, whether you want to accept that or not. Whatever happened with your wife has nothing to do with this man and it doesn’t make him any less guilty of this crime which he’s admitted to committing. Let us review: They had SEVERAL instances of him stealing meds on film. This was not an isolated incident. They had THREE MONTHS OF SURVEILLANCE tapes of him stealing controlled substances from the pharmacy. They built a case against him with enough evidence to obviously arrest him where he subsequently admitted his guilt.

    Did you even read the article or are you just so eager to defend someone because of your profession or are you letting your wife’s similar previous circumstances cloud your judgement to the point that you think a pharmacy manager who’s confessed and admitted to stealing drugs from a pharmacy needs defending??? Good grief!!

  3. RalPh,
    No he is not guilty ,detectives said Heinis admitted to stealing prescription painkillers, including Tramadol, Carisoprodol or Soma and hydrocodone.
    We don’t need a trial to prove guilt when he admits to it.
    Some people have no brains and its being spread amongst people like you.

  4. This link doesnt like Android tablrts or phone 🙁

  5. Marci you have no clue about corporate politics at all. When they want to fire you, but have nothing on you, they simply frame you. Yes, I have examples of it. Until they prove in court that this pharmacist was stealing, he is innocent. Period.
    Just FYI I know what chronic pain is. My knee just just got a little better after years of bad pain.

    • First Gene, don’t lecture me on what I do or don’t know about corporate policy. I happen to write CRM Handbooks for Fortune 500 companies. I pretty much have that knowledge base covered.

      Your anger issues on the other hand, could use some addressing.

      • That’s customer relations… He said corporate politics. He doesn’t seem any angrier than you do, so I think you’ve just each got a viewpoint

      • I’m sorry Marci, but do we speak the same language here? There is a big difference between policy and politics, and between customer relations and the ways corporate employees are treated by their management. My wife was once a shift sup at one chain. When they wanted to fire her and could not find any valid reasons to do so…they accused her of stealing money from the safe. As the evidence they presented a part of the video surveillance recording, where it showed she took the money from the safe. But they conveniently skipped the part where she loaded those money into one of the registers. Furthermore, they did not bother to count the money to see that she was not short. They simply took her to the corporate office and intimidated her to sign the papers. No police report was ever filed.
        Yes, I do have anger issues=. It happens when someone is being accused without any evidence.

  6. No wonder patients can’t get their meds filled! The damn pharmacist was helping himself without any prescriptions. Isn’t that always the way? Now.. Legitimate pain patients can’t their meds because of thieves, addicts, stealing pharmacy employees including the pharmacists now too and then we have the BS GF checklist that no patients seem to pass in the eyes of WAGS pharmacists.
    Who knows.. how much of this is going on still? Probably more.. For everyone that gets caught? There’s more doing it and still getting away with it.
    Something needs to happen soon.

  7. That’s ironic Gene. I’m a chronic pain patient with legitimate scripts for FDA approved medications for my disease, (and compliant UA’s on file at my doctor’s office), yet a Walgreens pharmacy manager accused me of traveling to another country to sell my medication because ‘people like you’ don’t travel to England. (My husband is English). So please spare me your rhetoric about innocent until proven guilty. It works both ways.

  8. Marci it’s about Steve bashing pharmacists.
    The funniest part, if I remember one of the main principles in this country, the person is innocent until proven guilty. It seems like in the case of this pharmacist it’s guilty until proven guilty.

  9. I cannot read anything past the headline. I’d love to know what this is about 🙁

  10. *has a problem

  11. Is this sarcastic post necessary? I mean, this guy obviously as a problem and is being dealt with legally and by his board. He will have a very uphill battle without the story spreading and his becoming the butt of jokes just because of WAG’s stupid opiate policy, a policy which was probably another stressor that did not help his emotional/mental situation.

    I wish him luck.

    • He is in Florida… and AG Pam “fill up the jails” Bondi will probably put his head on a stake and have it on TV. Here is Bondi’s recent political ads to get re-elected.. which she was…https://www.pharmaciststeve.com/?p=7274 He is going to need more than luck with her..

      • I don’t care where he is, it seems like he’s being used for a sensational blog post instead of to serve any purpose about pharmacists uncomfortable filling opiates, etc.

        I am just saying, he is not guilty until proven so. And even if he is, he needs help, not sensationalism.

        Just my 2 cents

        • Thank you Ral. Exactly my point. Innocent until proven guilty in court. This sensational journalism sits in my closet right next to the ambulance chasers.

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