Authorities raid Minnesota Walgreens where Prince reportedly picked up prescriptions for heavy-duty medications
The surprise search warrant was served Thursday at the Walgreens near Paisley Park where the superstar singer was spotted four times in the week leading up to his death, reported.
Investigators spent several hours combing through the store’s pharmacy records looking for evidence of doctors involved, drugs dispensed and possible aliases used, the celebrity website said.
Unidentified family members reportedly told TMZ that Prince had multiple doctors scoring him prescriptions, including a “personal friend.”
Prince had a problem with Percocet and nearly suffered a fatal overdose six days prior to his death, the celebrity website reported.

Prince entered rehab to address his growing reliance on painkillers, sources close to the late musician said.
His private plane made an unscheduled landing in Moline, Ill., on April 15 after back-to-back concerts in Atlanta — and he was carried off the plane by his bodyguard, a law enforcement source confirmed to The News.
Prince received an emergency “save shot” at the airport for the alleged Percocet overdose, TMZ said.
Authorities are now on the hunt for any doctors who prescribed the “Purple Rain” artist powerful drugs and the circumstances of their care, the website said.
Such an investigation would mirror the forensic work that took place after Michael Jackson’s death. That probe revealed a pattern of doctor shopping on the part of Jackson and a cover-up that led to an involuntary manslaughter conviction for Dr. Conrad Murray.
Prince was aware of his problem and had entered an outpatient treatment program to deal with his growing reliance on pain pills, according to KSTP 5 Eyewitness News.
Prince sought the treatment as he was dealing with chronic hip pain, the station reported.
The local news station also said representatives for the bank now handling Prince’s estate as court-appointed trustee went to great lengths Tuesday to get inside the locked vault at his suburban Minneapolis home.
Bremer Bank hired a St. Paul company to drill through the vault so it could take an inventory of its contents, KSTP reported.
Prince’s longtime sound engineer previously told The News that Prince kept his invaluable stash of recordings in the vault, including a mountain of unreleased music that could lead to posthumous albums.

Prince allegedly got his prescription medications at this Walgreens in Chanhassen, Minn.
Meanwhile, Prince’s sister reportedly walked out of a family meeting Thursday amid tensions with two brothers.
Unidentified sources told TMZ that Tyka Nelson, 55, marched out of the meeting after half-brother Alfred Nelson, 62, said he was upset over not being invited to Prince’s private funeral service last Saturday.
In a Facebook post last summer, Tyka gushed over Alfred as she described him as a Vietnam War veteran drafted when he was 17 now living in a VA Hospital in St. Cloud, Minn.
She described running around town buying a cake, balloons and candles for him and how thrilled she was to see people wishing him a happy birthday on social media.
“As u can tell All of my family mean so much to me,” she wrote.
After Tyka left the meeting Thursday, a representative from the bank that the court temporarily placed in charge of Prince’s estate took Alfred on a tour of Paisley Park, TMZ reported.
A source told the celebrity news website that Alfred got to see the area where his famous brother died “so he could properly grieve.”
Tyka, who was Prince’s only full sibling, filed court paperwork this week claiming Prince died without a will. She listed herself and five half-siblings who are still alive as heirs.
In addition to Alfred, she listed brothers John Nelson and Omarr Baker and sisters Norrine Nelson and Sharon Nelson.

Michael Jackson’s disgraced doctor Conrad Murray was sent to prison when his quackery contributed to the music legend’s death.
The siblings are viewed as equal heirs under state law.
Prince, 57, was found unresponsive in an elevator at his home early on April 21. The cause of death is not yet known, but he was alone and police said they have no immediate evidence of foul play.
After an autopsy, his body was cremated. A couple dozen close friends and relatives gathered for his private funeral at Paisley Park on Saturday.
“There were a lot of tears, and a lot of hugs. But there was also a lot of sharing stories and memories, which created a lot of laughter — which that too would have been what Prince would have wanted,” close family friend Sylvia Amos, 67, told the Daily News.

Prince’s health took a grave turn on April 15, when his plane was forced to make an emergency landing in Illinois.
Prince lived with Amos’ family, including her brother Andre Cymone, as a teen.
“It’s still very unbelievable to me,” she told The News this week, confirming she attended the funeral.
“There were a lot of candles, because as his sister said, he loved candles, and people were free to take the candles with them when it was over,” she said.
Paisley Park staff served Prince’s favorite vegetarian dishes at the service, including a pasta and beans recipe and sliced vegetables with hummus and guacamole, she said.

Fans paid tribute to the rock legend in Minnesota after his death.
“We also danced to his music and we were all encouraged to get up and dance,” she said. “The song that closed out the memorial service was ‘Purple Rain,’ and everyone was kind of holding onto someone else, quietly listening with most of us having tears in our eyes.”
In an eerie twist, she said a black silhouette of Prince’s face projected on the walls of his private funeral Saturday included a haunting detail.
The computer projecting the image had its mouse arrow hovering over Prince’s cheek in a position that looked like a single teardrop, she said.
“You couldn’t help but look at it,” Amos said. “It was his nephew who noted that it looked like a teardrop.”
Filed under: General Problems
So other than doctors who know who takes opoids ? Who has a list ? Where the heroine deaths witnessed ? Where they just found ? Yes I am insinuating something Rember the dea cop that killed himself did he do it because he wasn’t supposed to be caught ? Tell me I’m crazy .
Amen,,I have heard Hillary already talken w/her friend Klondike bar,,,how we need MORE RESTRICTION AND MORE ADDICTION CENTERS,, plus,,like u said,,,same old sh-t,,,if she gets in,,,but I don’t think we have another 5 million jobs to loose like her hubby did…Personally ,I think our government has been corrupt since the death of the Kennedy Men,,,,,but I agree,,,now a days,,,there ALLL corrupt,,and there abuse of ,”just powers,” is disgusting,,I f they don’t like what ,”we the people,” demand,,,,they just ignore us and do it anyways,jmo,,mary
I suffer from chronic pain and forced to go on welfare to pay for mandatory health insurance that dose not treat my illness Chronic pain . I have no doctor because they will not give me medicine because of the DEA ,how are those people getting the drugs that over dose ?
Good thing that the dea has are best interest as well as government to protect us from are selves and prevent medical intervention or should I say abuse us for our own good .
I wonder why us pain patients sign contracts ?
I suffer from chronic headache my neck something wrong with it both my shoulders my mid back my lower back pain down both legs diabetic nerve pain both hands and feet I tried over the counter medicines cyropractor physical therapy acupuncture traction everything. I suffer from ptsd fight or flight because of pain with severe depression but I have no doctor . I have a hernia they won’t operate until pain is managed but they won’t manage pain because of the DEA . Even the physiologist said my pain needs managed . I left my last pain clinic because they had me in an exam room for 20 minutes with cotton in my mouth is ask my emergency contact to see where the doctor was and they where in another exam room having a pizza party . I’m not a drug addict so I left no one should be treated like this they got paid to make me sit there while they ate pizza . Since then I quit my primary care physician because I asked him of all the steroids and designer drugs throughout my dealing with pain management he said they only do that to justify the pain medication ? They blew me from 230lbs to 390 lbs i was bed ridden because of them I trusted these doctors . He was not watching out for me . So I tried to find another doctor they say pain needs managed send me to pain clinics they won’t treat because of the dea and politicians playing doctor . Pennsylvania has legalized Cannibis but you need a doctor to get a card ? I will never look for another doctor because then I will be doctor shopping ? I won’t ask for help because I’ll be drug seeking ? I will never be the same . I have been abused mentally physically and financially by doctors and politicians and the dea . I would kill myself but I fight there are others God gave me life he decides when to call me home .
Please help me .
Thank you for reading
George G.
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Can anyone tell me,,what ”law” the dea uses to go after doctors,pharmacist after an Adult with ,”informed consent,” chooses to lie/abuse his medicines to the point of death??I mean no other country in the world prosecuted their doctors like the United States does,,,sooo what f-up law is our government using to destroy our doctors ,after their patient chooses to lie/abuse their medicines???maryw
Shouldn’t they seize his property and teach us all a lesson?
That article made me ill. We now know they are an out-of-control inept organization unfit to make laws. What is equally bad is their “right” to “legally” seize money from travelers – as they did to the young black youth whose family scraped money together to send him to LA to promote a music video. An American citizen does not even require having contraband in their possession to have the DEA or any other law enforcement agency seize their money. Of course, one may presume what they do with this money – as if they don’t take enough from working Americans.
BTW – it is a farce that government workers get fat health/ pension benefits to make up for low pay. Government workers on average earn much higher salaries than the private sector. And they retire young – with us paying their salaries, and we have no say in the matter.
I used to perform employee evaluations on the private sector. NEVER ONCE was I sent to evaluate a government agency/ employee. They can mistreat the public, be abusive, and fail to do their jobs, and no one holds them accountable.
Everyone needs to raise awareness in their sphere of influence. This is not the America I grew up knowing. We had rights – now Big Brother gets to decide what’s right for us – and Big Brother belongs in an asylum.
If anyone researches addiction, it is a multi-faceted problem – an addict is not created from being treated for pain. I feel sorry for those who have chosen this road for themselves – but we all make our own choices. For a mother to attend a meeting on enacting these restrictive laws, and blame DOCTORS and PAIN MEDICATION for her child’s death is irresponsible. She should look closer to home for answers. Drugs are in every school in America. Why do some use drugs and go on to become productive citizens while others continue spiraling? There are MULTIPLE factors involved.
What is so very dangerous about what the DEA is doing is that they have usurped power they have no business taking. Why is army surplus equipment being issued to law enforcement across America? Why do small towns need these high-powered weapons?
I watched a documentary on privacy rights in America, and the professor stated: “The problem with government agencies collecting data on every American is that THERE IS NO ONE POLICING THESE LAW ENFORCEMENT AGENCIES.” And as is shown in the above article – they don’t police themselves.
Take note of the signs: there is unrest across America. We no longer trust corrupt government, people are sick and tired of being taxed to death and politicians being do-nothings and lying through their teeth about everything.
I hope and pray Trump wins. If we get another politically-connected liar in office, things will only grow worse for us.
To..Mr.Saint,,,do u know if Trump ,”for” the use of our medicines for the physically ill w/painful medical conditions,,,and the use of our medicines fore our Veterans’???thank u for your time in Answerring,,mary
Mary – sorry I do not know. I’ve done some work for his campaign – and if he wins, I’m going to contact him – and keep contacting him until he helps those of us in these circumstances. Because of my under treatment of pain post-surgery, I could have died from a stroke. This is so beyond normalcy – it defies reason.
Most politicians won’t help. Why should they? They get treated like the Queen and King of England. I have a close relative in healthcare. I heard too much that goes on in these places. I was doubled over in pain and a VIP was bumped right ahead of me. Some hospitals have “VIP Suites” where politicians (and those with big bucks) can pay for their very own medical team. Some even rent the entire floor out.
I tried contacting government offices over another issue and they do nothing. Not that I want to get their nonsensical form letter, I don’t. Every government agency now refuses to do their jobs. Why? Nobody makes them. It’s a free-for-all. There are probably some who still try to do the right thing – many do not.
Americans are sick to death of the “Status Quo.” I am very afraid of another politically connected person taking office – it will be the final nail in the coffin of the US.
There will be no accountability – and we will be tossed aside like yesterday’s trash.
use (something) to bad effect or for a bad purpose; misuse.
“the judge abused his power by imposing the fines”
synonyms: misuse, misapply, misemploy; More
make excessive and habitual use of (alcohol or drugs, especially illegal ones).
treat (a person or an animal) with cruelty or violence, especially regularly or repeatedly.
“riders who abuse their horses should be prosecuted”
synonyms: mistreat, maltreat, ill-treat, treat badly;
WHO is “Abusing”? PAIN PATIENTS ARE BEING ABUSED. We’re being made to feel like something is wrong with “US”. Ask any rational human being with pain syndromes – I’d bet 100% would state that if they could be cured of their maladies and not be forced to quell the pain that screams for attention they would.
I am too old to be put through the ringer. Had I not been an outspoken individual, the pharmacist would have made the decision for me. Not while I have breath left in this broken body.
We need a caricature of Dorothy in the Wizard of Oz. The man behind the curtain should be a government entity with dollars and drugs dropping out of his pockets. Dorothy should hold Toto: “We’re not in Kansas (America) anymore Toto…”
They investigated walgreens ?
You mean these upstanding people investigated his death?
We’re not in Kansas anymore George…
I had to argue with the pharmacist over filling my prescriptions. I told her tramadol was not an opiate and she insisted it “was addicting,” then went on to tell me I obtained prescriptions from two different doctors. I told her to look in my records, that I’ve been on the same medication for years. In the last five years I have never been questioned, now I’m being grilled like I have an “abuse” problem. The only one “abusing” is the DEA. They’re abusing people who, through no choice of their own, wound up with a pain syndrome. This is NOT the path I would have chosen for my life. It was chosen for me.
After undergoing a very serious surgery, I was under treated for pain. I have never had an abuse problem and did not understand why they did this to me – until I went online and read about this disaster. I rolled around in bed in acute pain and the thoughts crept in to make myself expire.
We’ve been trying to raise awareness about this travesty, and someone in our sphere of influence told us a friend of his can no longer obtain his pain medication, so he turned to the streets and bought heroin. The DEA, in their foolhardy attempt to “stop an epidemic” is actually creating a far worse problem: an increase in illegal drugs.
A former DEA agent whistleblower came out and stated the “War on Drugs” is nothing but a sham. The DEA agents have committed horrendous atrocities: fraudulently charging innocent people to justify their budget, driving drunk, engaging in sex parties with cartels, theft of property, and selling illegal drugs.
It boggles the mind how a disreputable agency, who cannot control their own agents, wants to control patients in pain.
It is indeed frightening to have such an agency hold power over our lives. I spoke to an older woman in a doctor’s office who complained that the government seized her husband’s pension to pay his hospital bills, and she was forced into low-income housing. I spoke with a neighbor who lost his home in a reverse mortgage scam. I asked him if he contacted local representatives, and he angrily told me they refused to help. This is just what is going to be done to us if we don’t unite.
Curiously, we don’t have evidence that’s probative of suicide. Is it really possible, that after almost dying in Moline, Illinois, that Prince didn’t realize he could kill himself with too much medicine? Is it really possible, that nobody bothered asking him? And is it really possible, that nobody cared enough, to ask?
Those other 45 dead, pretty much prove the point. We don’t even know their names.
One gets a certain degree of power and influence, and one can surround oneself with professional liars and sycophants, who say what one likes to hear, for pay. That’s not the same thing as genuine friendship.
If one wants to believe that an evil spirit lives in the medicine bottle, and humans have no control over it, some liar can be paid to make it seem so. One can then pretend to be blameless and free of all responsibility, for whenever one does a thing that’s blameworthy, one blames it on the spirit in the bottle.
We work entirely too hard, in this politically-correct society, to pretend that there is no fault or blame…at least, not unless we’re planning to sue somebody for cash.
The hard reality, is that nobody commits suicide out of curiosity. People do it when they have no other way out of a bad situation. If Prince killed himself, and nobody knew he was suicidal, he was a poor man, despite having property worth $300 million.
Meanwhile, except for the deceased family and friends, nobody gives a shit about the other 45