One of a couple dozen vets every day

Marine’s mom plans to sue VA over son’s death

His mother, Janine Lutz, poured her grief into creating a foundation to help troubled veterans. And then she got angry. Now Lutz has sent an official letter of intent to sue the VA for wrongful death, accusing the doctors of prescribing her son powerful drugs even after he told them the medication made him feel suicidal.


2 Responses

  1. As a spouse of one with bipolar, my heart goes out to all these families. One of the main problems in mental illness is the HIPPA laws. Unless the ill adult signs the release, the family’s hands are tied as far as trying to get help and information. They can write letters to the treating doctor, but doesnt guarantee it will be read. Almost the only recourse is court system, but being military, this may have hindered his discharge or pension futures. I dont know what the mom’s access was to her sons medical records. The VA is definitely guilty of denying the reality of PTSD for far to long and not having any treatment plans in place.

  2. It’s hard to pinpoint what should be blamed for this veteran’s death — was it the physical or mental pain that caused this tragedy? Was it the over-treatment or off-label drug treatment for PTSD, or the over-treatment or under-treatment of chronic pain?

    These kinds of stories don’t give me much hope for the recently-launched pain management research study to be carried out by the VA and the NIDA.

    Every time I read about a veteran committing suicide, I wish they would have been able to try medical cannabis.

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