Operation Starburst is for all Americans to FIGHT BACK against violations to the 5th & 14th Amendments


Operation Starburst is for all Americans to FIGHT BACK against violations to the 5th & 14th Amendments. If we do not make a stand now, what will be targeted next? Insulin? Only because addicts can use the needles to inject ILLEGAL heroin. Together we will take back that which has been stolen from us — OUR LIVES! Much luv, soft hugs and many prayers! Robert D. Rose Jr. BSW, MEd. USMC Semper Fidelis (423) 794-8241 four.of.hearts@comcast.net

11 Responses

  1. How do I contact Robert Rose? I want to get on board with this! I have rods, screws, an artificial disc, I am a vet (Marines) and I just want my life back. I don’t drink, I don’t do drugs… I did unfortunately start smoking cigarettes again two months ago when I was dropped from care for talking about “Don’t Punish Pain” in their lobby. That cannot possibly be legal! I’ve been taking these meds for over 10 years with no complications and now my life is a total mess. Please help! I am an administrator for “MEMPHIS Don’t Punish Pain” and would like for anyone who sees this video and is tired of their rights being trampled on to please help us.

  2. I am praying that a lawyer will step up and help us all that are affected by the absurd CDC guidelines and we can all come together in a class action lawsuit to stop this torture! I have SLE,degenerative disc,bone on bone in hips,bone spurs on hips,spine etc. I am not a surgical canident due to heart problems.My meds were cut more than half and death seems the only answer to stop the endless pain.The only place I go is the dr.and then I am in agony for days! We need to unite and fight! Please let me know if anyone has a class action lawsuit to stop this inhuman treatment and I will spread the word!Its bad enough to be in chronic pain but even worse is that there are meds to help us but we are not allowed any or very little! God bless you all!

  3. I have had herniated discs that were missed diagnosed for years. Finally had a 2 level fusion and now they believe I have a compressed spinal cord. Because of the many years of misdiagnosis I have been labeled a pill seeker. We had a lawsuit because of a car accident that we were in. The original offer was 600,000. Got a call from the lawyer Thursday and was informed because of the ” drug seeking” behavior we will be lucky to get 3000. Ibam thinking about going after the hospital now for medical neglect and liable. For 8 yrs they never even did an xray. When they finally decided to do a Cat Scan I was in emergency surgery 2 days later.

  4. I was left at an 8 due to a forced step down by Kaiser Permanente (due to the recs pre 2016.. Were those 2014? It’s hard for me to access memories anymore. The pain is too loud.) in Southern California. I had been at a daily pain level of 5-6 before the step down. Now, I am bedridden and have left the house once for anything but medical visits in four years. (We tried to go out for lunch on my birthday two years ago. It put me at a 9 for three days.) My pain controls my life. It is torture. And yes, I did file the motion to join California’s Starburst last month.

    Yesterday Kaiser Perminente signed my death warrent. They gave me a choice. I can either let them step me down or deal cold turkey with them stopping writing my pain prescriptions. I am barely holding on by a thread at an 8. Sooner or later at a pain level of 9, I will euthanize myself. I have started grieving my own death and prioritizing my books-to-be-read and movies-to-watch. Now I am waiting. I get to go until my next medication refill and then… Then.. Then I endure the painful horror as long as I can- and finally will love myself enough to let go via self euthanasia.

    I promise, fellow pain sufferers, that I will not use opioids in my euthanasia. I will not be a statistic to use against you. The question is between an exit bag and helium or a severed carotid. (The exit bag is easier psychologically, but can be reversed-leaving brain damage. The severed carotid leaves you unconscious within 90 seconds, dead inside of five minutes and is absolutely sure, even if done in an emergency room. It is so screwed up that I had to research and learn that!) I promise I will send a snail- letter detailing my diagnosis (Fibromyalgia and Ehlers–Danlos syndrome), my attempts to control pain over the past 20 years, the horror of being stepped down, the torturous level of pain I have endured and my final exit to ABC, NBC, CBS and fox locally, in my state capital of Sacramento and Washington DC. I will also send it to my mayor, governor, state and federal representatives, the director of the CDC, the White House and to our president himself. I will post it on Facebook (who will probably delete it) and email it to Robert Rose. (I have already started it, as I am only sure of the next month.) I will do my best for those of you left. I will make sure everyone knows that I didn’t want to die, but was forced to it due to torturous pain after losing my pain control. I keep telling myself that I should be relieved. My suffering is almost over. Maybe I will even believe it by the end. I doubt it though. I don’t want to die,

    • i’m right there with you Wendy and i’m so sorry we have to go through this totally unneccesary bullshit…..i;ve been a CPP for over 19 years and lived a pretty normal life until this crap started…..they took me off the meds that worked over 2 years ago and i’m left with only tyl 4 and now they’re yanking me off my klonopin that i need so bad for severe nerve, tissue, gangleon nerve and eustation tube damage…it also helps keep my inside stitch line from burning, swelling and causing a boat load of pain. i only go out of the house, like you to see my PA who is no help at all and told me to find my own replacement for the klonopin. I tried a ton of other meds that were not condsidered benzo;s and none worked or they made me sick. I know after this month when i no longer have any left and all i have is the t 4 i’ll be in the same place you are. I fear that i will not be able to handle this pain for much longer and hope every day that someone will come to our aid…….please know you are in my thoughts and i really hope you get proper care and don;t die. Your letter broke my heart. xoxoxoxo

    • Dear Wendy, I posted my experience with uncontrolled pain etc.but your story broke my heart! How are you doing now? I know this suggestion seems extreme but have you considered moving to a state that allows some pain control? I see your at the end of your rope and I care what happens to you! I pray these ignorant laws change quickly and God sends someone to help us. Until then, I am keeping you in my prayers! God bless you!

  5. If you want to join go to SickOfSuffering.com or look up Operation Starburst on FB!! We still need some states covered and the more voices we have the louder we will be!!

    I have CRPS/RSD it has spread so fast without anything to control the flares. My whole body burns and mostly I don’t know how I get from one day to the next.

    Angry at how we are being treated!

  6. They have cut my medication in half already, now they will cut again: I will be in bed, wheelchair, have NO quality of life. I have a very rare disease and need medication, which has worked just fine for 12 years: never problem, never an incident: what am I to do???? Lay down and die apparently.

  7. Hello my name is Sam Aro I am living the opiate medication nightmare and I want to fight back I have been on pain medication for around 13 years now and I have been abandoned due to the government legislation and I have suffered from a lot of negative medical care due to the “crisis in America “ and I want my story to be heard and my medication to be available to me so I can have quality of life

  8. People are dying and I’m not going without a fight. We stopped Hitler after the T4 program we can stop this! The media that helped us into this unfortunate situation is now playing the pain patients side and has asked for our story writing a letter to them

  9. Awesome idea!! I’m in Alabama. I don’t know if it was one of the states listed but there’s no pain meds here either and forcing patients onto addiction drugs only.
    And something needs done here really bad!
    So, if anyone wants to join together in this state and get it done? I’m all in! Alabama Patients could all chip in to pay this and get it started here in a couple or a few districts. Like Huntsville, Montgomery, Birmingham.
    Let me know.
    Donna Ratliff.

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