Opiate related deaths… that we don’t count ?.. the FINAL SOLUTION to chronic pain ?

Most chronic pain Face Book pages have anywhere from a few hundred to a couple of thousand “likes” or member to those that are closed. This is a physician speaking with a pt who is aware that there was FIVE MEMBERS of a particular Face Book group that had committed SUICIDE within a short period of time.. because they were unable to get their medically necessary medication for unknown reasons.. Practitioners unwilling to prescribe… Pharmacists “NOT COMFORTABLE” to fill… “what does it matter at this point ” ?  to quote a famous politician !

We spend 51 billion/yr in fighting this fabricated opiate epidemic.. that is the annual income of 850,000 average American families.

Presuming that there are 2 million serious substance abusers – not counting Alcohol, Tobacco/Nicotine, Caffeine – we are spending between 2-3 times per capita trying to keep these people with addictive personality disorder.. to stop them from self medicating their demons.. than we – as a nation – spend per capita on all health care in this country. Just imagine what we could do if that money was directed toward treating mental health issues.. especially those with addictive personality disorder.  Treating them, would mean that drug dealers would not have any “customers”.. less street violence, fewer pharmacy robberies, less crime in general ?

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