CDC proposed opiate dosing guidelines 2022: WILD WILD WEST 2.0

A couple of things that remain the same when comparing the 2016 guidelines and the 2022 proposed guidelines…  neither carries the weight of a law and the CDC has no legal authority to challenge any entity that refuses to honor any specific carve outs in treating chronic pain pts.  They also reference the MME system… which has no science nor any double blind clinical studies behind it to support the opiate to opiate ratios that are “theoretically therapeutically equivalent”. I cannot find any reference to MME system in any printed FDA professional prescribing information.  I find it interesting that we have all seen the back lash that many practitioners received when treating COVID-19 pts with FDA approved meds that were off label – which is a very common practice in medicine and practitioners seldom/never received any push back.. and here we have the CDC proposing new opiate dosing guidelines that recommends using the MME system … that is not FDA approved nor even recognized.

We have a national election just around the corner… and our Declaration of Independence states: We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness. ——

Maybe it is time to talk to politicians, especially with politicians talking about  EQUITY  – especially those against abortion about the QUALITY of “your life” and your lack of EQUITY to proper pain management.  Ask them what is their definition of LIBERTY – if you have had your pain management taken away and you are basically “house bound” to a chair or bed, and the PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS… – if you are being forced to live in a torturous level of pain, causing you to be house bound, has all your options off pursuing happiness – been taken away ?  The CDC guidelines is nothing more than a PSEUDO LAW/RULE/REGULATION. Who believes that when this guideline is approved and published that just like the previous 2016 guideline, that various bureaucratic agencies and others will develop their own interpretation of these guidelines and apply them to part or all of the community. Is it time for the community to get their $$$ together and engage law firm(s) to go after those large healthcare corporations for all the discrimination and harm that is being done to the community. I expect that the CDC will publish these guidelines right after Labor Day, because that is primary time frame for those running for federal office to be “out on the campaign trail” Those in Congress will not get much done … and once the election is over… Those in Congress that are leaving will be busy packing up, those who move up in seniority will be jockeying for their new offices, then there is Congress’ Christmas break… Then the first couple of weeks of 2023, all the new “Freshman” members of Congress will be getting orientation, hiring staff and getting their new office organized.

How Rochelle Walensky Can Improve the CDC’s Pain Guidelines

The agency has issued draft guidance on opioid prescribing. It’s an improvement over a 2016 version that left too many patients in pain—but the director needs to make it even better.

For millions of Americans with chronic pain, the new draft guidance on opioid prescribing, issued by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, could not have come soon enough.

We, too, have a vested interest. One of us, Kate Nicholson, used prescribed opioids so she could continue working as a civil rights attorney at the U.S. Justice Department. (A surgical injury had left her bedridden from the early 1990s through the late 2010s.) The other, Sally Satel, is a psychiatrist who understands the risks of addiction—and how those risks have often been overplayed when it comes to treating patients with long-term pain.

The CDC’s 2016 “Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain” wrought havoc. Regulators, insurers, pharmacies, clinicians, and law enforcement misinterpreted the document as a government mandate that limited doctors’ use of opioid painkillers for pain or directed them to stop prescribing opioids completely. While the guideline, written amid the opioid crisis, did recommend limits on prescribed painkillers, it was issued only as guidance, and not the near ban many interpreted it as being. Yet the result was (and still is) that tens of thousands of Americans who were in agony because of medical conditions could not get essential pain medication or treatment. 

Patients who had functioned well for years became couch bound because they could not get the necessary medication. Others suffered withdrawal from abrupt opioid discontinuation, sometimes turning to street drugs for pain relief. Many “pain refugees,” as the media called them, searched desperately for care when their doctors abandoned them. Some even died by suicide. 

We have spent the past few weeks reading every word, table, and citation in the CDC’s draft “Clinical Practice Guideline for Prescribing Opioids,” updated guidance on the treatment of pain. (Full disclosure: Nicholson was a member of the Opioid Workgroup that reviewed an earlier version of the new guideline.)

Fortunately, the CDC’s 211-page update explicitly recognizes the harms that emerged from its previous version and contains significant improvements. Foremost, the new guideline espouses the bedrock philosophy of humane care—strikingly absent from the 2016 guideline—namely, that doctors should rely on their clinical judgment, not on fixed directives. The new document, its drafters firmly state, “should not be used as inflexible standards of care [nor] be implemented as absolute limits of policy or practice.”

Wisely, too, the new recommendations remove the earlier warning against prescribing more than 90 MME—morphine milligram equivalents, a standard dosage measure—per day and omit the prior directive that prescriptions should rarely last more than three to seven days. These are two commonly misapplied provisions from the 2016 guideline. 

The value of these changes cannot be overstated, and yet other aspects of the update are troubling and threaten to sabotage them. 

For example, the CDC update sends mixed messages. The update’s welcome and overdue emphasis on individualized care is undermined, for example, by a sweeping pronouncement that opioids are “not the preferred treatment” for non-acute pain. Deeming the medication “not preferred” gives insurers a convenient reason to deny opioid coverage for those with severe conditions. For some patients and conditions, opioids are the appropriate choice. A patient might have exhausted other options, experienced bad side effects from them, or derived such great benefit from opioids that the value clearly outweighs the risks.  

Another problem with the new draft guideline is that the updated text instructs clinicians to “pause and carefully reassess” (bold in original) if they are raising a dose above 50 MME per day. (A 10 milligram tablet of oxycodone is equivalent to about 15 milligrams of morphine, or 15 MME.) While not bad advice in theory, specifying a dosage threshold is a set-up for clinicians and policy makers to adopt it as a ceiling and not a suggestion.

This is precisely what happened when the 2016 guideline asked clinicians to justify prescribing more than 90 MME a day. Instead of explaining their decisions, nervous clinicians, fearful of law enforcement or lawsuits, seized on the 90 MME dosage as a decree to reduce all amounts below that threshold. A hard limit of 50 MME in the updated guidance threatens to create an even worse outcome. 

Finally, in reviewing evidence for opioid treatment of long-term pain, the drafters omitted studies that did not last more than a year, which bizarrely flouts the CDC’s own definition of chronic pain, which is pain lasting three months or longer, not one year or more. Further, discounting those studies removes from the draft the existing evidence that opioids can reduce pain lasting more than three months.

The guidance does suggest alternatives to opioids such as acupuncture, laser therapy, and massage, which may well be beneficial to some patients. But many insurers do not cover these options, making them effectively unavailable for some patients, as the CDC itself acknowledges. 

But what concerns us most is that clinicians, health care entities, states, and law enforcement are likely to ignore the guideline’s stern injunctions against patient abandonment, rigid dosage cutoffs, and involuntary tapering. 

We have already seen doctors and pharmacies deny opioid medication to patients with cancer and sickle cell disease as well as those receiving palliative care, even though the 2016 guideline explicitly exempted them from its recommended restrictions. 

In 2019, we urged the CDC to clarify its guidance—Nicholson in cooperation with Human Rights Watch, and Satel through a widely publicized letter that was signed by more than 300 concerned physicians. To its credit, in April 2019 the CDC published a corrective in The New England Journal of Medicine, cautioning doctors and health care systems against “inflexible application” of the guideline.

We were thrilled—and then nothing happened.

Nicholson, who is the executive director of the National Pain Advocacy Center, an organization that fights for getting available pain treatments to those who need them, continued to receive scores of messages each week from patients who were in unbearable pain from cancer or late-stage multiple sclerosis or amputated limbs. Each story of suffering that lands in her in-box is as heartbreaking as it is needless. 

If the CDC’s bold clarification in a leading medical journal had little effect on regulations and practice, will the agency’s new exhortation against patient abandonment be enough? 

With the benefit of hindsight, we are skeptical. 

Here’s what could really help this time: The CDC needs to draft its final guideline in a way that anticipates and mitigates the potential for policy misapplications. It’s not enough to say that the guidance is voluntary, when we know it will be interpreted as a national prescribing mandate. This is especially important because the new guideline is much broader; it will apply to the treatment of virtually all pain, not just chronic pain. The agency should underscore in unmistakable terms to clinicians, health systems, insurance companies, and government entities that, because pain varies greatly in severity and underlying condition, individualized care is paramount. 

The CDC should also be proactive when it comes to the bureaucratic jousting that is likely to ensue. It must pointedly discourage other federal agencies, such as the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services and the Drug Enforcement Administration, from imposing blanket prescribing thresholds on doctors. This is a chance for CDC Director Rochelle Walensky to get beyond the various feuds over COVID-19 policy. As a physician on the front lines of the HIV/AIDS epidemic, Walensky has been witness to human suffering and to the stigma that can cause those at the center of public health crises to be denied what they likely need most: appropriate and humane access to care. 

With its updated guideline, the CDC has the potential to correct significant, if unintended, harms. But this will only happen if the practical wisdom it now endorses is put into practice. 


House Members Divided on Response to Opioid Crisis

House Members Divided on Response to Opioid Crisis

Republicans stress border issues, Democrats talk treatment $$

WASHINGTON — A House Oversight Committee hearing on the opioid crisis revealed a partisan split over its main drivers and how best to address them.

A Republican member identified drug supply and border security as the main problem. “One party wants more money, more money, and more money,” said Rep. James Comer (R-Ky.) at Thursday’s hearing held by the House Oversight & Reform Committee.

“Until we cut off the flow of illegal drugs coming across the border … we’re still going to have a drug problem,” he continued. “If we’re serious about stopping the flow of illegal drugs in the U.S., we’re going to have to get serious in this Congress about securing the border.”

In addition, he said, “the business model to treat pain has been wrong. Doctors … for whatever reason, overprescribed opioids for the treatment of pain. We’ve come a long way in educating our medical providers on the perils of opioids … but there are also a lot of people in America that have legitimate pain, and there are people that deserve and have the right to treat their pain.”

Rep. Eleanor Holmes Norton (D-D.C.) had a different take. “At first glance, the president’s budget appears to put a priority on public health priorities, but at a second look, the president has very inconsistent policies here; he’s gutting the programs critical to the objective of confronting the opioid epidemic. I say that because so many caught in the opioid epidemic depend on Medicaid — 4 in 10 adults [are] struggling with this addiction … I’m trying to find the real deal on the resources that are committed to this program.”

The Office of National Drug Control Policy (ONDCP), the White House office tasked with developing a strategy to combat the opioid crisis, has made some progress, but still has a ways to go, said witness Triana McNeil, acting director for homeland security and justice at the Government Accountability Office (GAO).

She said ONDCP’s strategy omitted key requirements, “including a performance system to track [results].”

Recently, the drug control office has provided the GAO with some of the materials it has requested for oversight purposes, McNeil said, noting that her office will be issuing a report on the agency’s progress. However, she replied in response to questions from Rep. Jackie Speier (D-Calif.), “there are two things [that] we’ve been asking for from [the] ONDCP for us to continue make progress — one, the budget guidance they used, and two, the National Security Council Strategic Framework for reducing the availability of illicit drugs. We asked for [those] in December and still haven’t received [them].”

Medication-assisted treatment, especially buprenorphine, came up several times during the hearing. Karyl Rattay, MD, director of public health for the state of Delaware, “strongly urged” lawmakers to pass legislation to modify the “3-day rule.” This rule limits a non-waivered emergency room physician to administering — but not prescribing — buprenorphine one day at a time for relieving acute withdrawal symptoms in overdose patients awaiting admission into treatment.

“The Association of State and Territorial Health Officials is deeply concerned that the requirements of the 3-day rule are preventing providers from appropriately managing withdrawal and we are missing opportunities to successfully engage [and get] people into treatment,” she said. “I implore the committee to address this immediately.”


(l-r) James Carroll, Office of National Drug Control Policy; Karyl Rattay, MD, Delaware Division of Public Health; Wayne Ivey, Brevard County (Fla.) Sheriff’s Office (Photo by Joyce Frieden)

Rep. Ro Khanna (D-Calif.) noted that in France, which had an opioid epidemic in the 1980’s and 1990’s, the government eliminated a waiver requirement — similar to the one now enforced in the U.S. — limiting the number of patients that primary care physicians could treat with medication for substance use disorders, “and opioid overdoses dropped 80% after they did that.”

ONDCP director James Carroll, who also testified at the hearing, responded that “buprenorphine is very effective, but not without its own dangers, and we do need to make certain that the people prescribing it are properly trained,” he said. “The original cap … was 100 [patients], and the Secretary of Health and Human Services engaged in rulemaking and moved it up to 275 [patients]. But I think you’re right and one of our goals is to make sure buprenorphine is more available.”

Rep. Pete Welch (D-Vt.) asked about increasing the use of peer coaches to help patients with opioid use disorder get through recovery. Carroll agreed they were important. “They really do help — they can reach out and say, ‘I’ll hold your hand and get you through this,'” Carroll said.

Carroll particularly praised a project that uses a “quick response team” that visits opioid-addicted patients on their second day of treatment; it consists of a law enforcement officer — someone not in uniform, who is there to take away any illicit drugs with no questions asked — plus a public health official, a member of a faith-based community, and a peer counselor.

“This type of quick response team, it works,” said Carroll.

Rep. Carolyn Maloney (D-N.Y.) asked about ways to increase the use of non-pharmaceutical alternatives to opioids. “One thing I’ve heard from doctors is that the incentive is to give pain medication,” she said, adding that she was pleased that patient satisfaction surveys have dropped questions about whether physicians have completely relieved their patients’ pain. “Instead of asking [patients] to rate whether the doctor took away all their pain, you could ask the doctor, ‘Did you try every other alternative form of pain relief before you moved to an opioid?'”

“I think you should take opioids totally off the market, unless it’s [for] hospice [patients], because [they’re] harmful to people,” Maloney added. “Most people [get] addicted by the doctor giving them these pills.”

Rattay noted that changing physician prescribing habits “is a tough nut to crack,” in part because the system is set up to favor drugs over other types of therapy. “Insurance is much better at reimbursing for pharmaceuticals, including opioids. We’re now working on massage and acupuncture and requiring reimbursements for those.”

Pfizer Recalls BP Drugs Because of Potential Carcinogen

Pfizer Recalls BP Drugs Because of Potential Carcinogen

Pfizer is voluntarily recalling some antihypertensive medications because of unacceptable levels of a potential carcinogen, the company announced. 

The affected products are quinapril HCI/hydrochlorothiazide (Accuretic) tablets that Pfizer distributes, and two authorized generics, quinapril plus hydrochlorothiazide and quinapril HCI/hydrochlorothiazide, distributed by Greenstone. The drugs have been withdrawn because of the presence of nitrosamine, N-nitroso-quinapril.

“Although long-term ingestion of N-nitroso-quinapril may be associated with a potential increased cancer risk in humans, there is no immediate risk to patients taking this medication,” Pfizer said in a news release.

The tablets are indicated for the treatment of hypertension. Patients currently taking the products are asked to consult with their doctor about alternative treatment options.

To date, there have been no reports of adverse events related to the recall, the company said.

In all, Pfizer is recalling:

  • 6 lots of Accuretic tablets
    • two at 10 mg/12.5 mg
    • three at 20 mg/12.5 mg
    • one at 20 mg/25 mg
  • 1 lot of quinapril plus hydrochlorothiazide 20 mg/25 mg tablets
  • 4 lots of quinapril HCl/ hydrochlorothiazide tablets
    • three at 20 mg/12.5 mg
    • one at 20 mg/25 mg

The recalled tablets were sold in 90-count bottles distributed in the United States and Puerto Rico between November 2019 and March 2022. Product codes and lot numbers of the recalled medications are listed here.

Patients who are taking this product should consult with their healthcare provider or pharmacy to determine if they have the affected product. Those with the affected tablets should contact claims management firm Sedgwick by phone at 888-843-0247 Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 5 PM ET for instructions on how to return their product and obtain reimbursement.

Healthcare providers with medical questions regarding the recall can contact Pfizer by telephone at 800-438-1985, option 3, Monday through Friday 8 AM to 9 PM ET.

Providers should report adverse reactions or quality problems they experience using these tablets to Pfizer either by telephone at 800-438-1985, option 1, by regular mail or by fax, or to the US Food and Drug Administration’s MedWatch program.

Follow Patrice Wendling on Twitter: @pwendl For more from | Medscape Cardiology, follow us on Twitter and Facebook .

How many COVID-19 boosters are they going to recommend ?

While I am normally PRO-VACCINATIONS – when it came to the COVID-19 vaccinations, I waited until we could get the J&J/Jansen vaccine.  I felt that the mRNA process that was used to produce the Moderna & Pfizer vaccine, was too new and too unproven.  As a pharmacists I can recall all too many new meds brought to market after going thru full clinical trials of 10+ yrs and within a year or two – were pulled from the market because of adverse side effects.  I don’t think that we are going to get a mRNA booster shot…  If the current mutation of COVID-19 follows the typical path… the current mutation should be much, much less lethal than previous versions. Until proven otherwise, We are going to pass on a mRNA booster.


Not Everyone Needs a Second COVID Booster

— Fourth doses should target those at risk for severe breakthrough infections

Last week, both Pfizer and Moderna applied for emergency use authorization (EUA) of additional booster doses — in essence, fourth doses — of their COVID-19 vaccines. The companies cite waning protection and believe fourth doses are needed. While Pfizer has asked for an EUA focused on those above 65 years old, Moderna is seeking one applicable to all adults. It is critical, as we debate COVID-19 vaccine clinical guidance, to be explicit about the goals we are trying to achieve.

A few weeks ago, the Biden administration articulated a goal, with which I completely agree, of preventing severe disease from COVID-19. We should not be focusing on total case numbers. SARS-CoV-2 is an ineradicable, ineliminable efficiently spreading respiratory virus that is destined for endemicity alongside four of its other viral family members. Making SARS-CoV-2 a manageable virus, similar to how we manage influenza and respiratory syncytial virus (RSV), reflects this microbiological fact. Shifting the spectrum of illness to the mild side, to the outpatient side, has become an achievable goal with the medical countermeasures — antivirals, monoclonal antibodies, and vaccines — we now have on hand.

With this endpoint in mind, it becomes clear that COVID-19 vaccine booster doses should be targeted to protect those at risk for severe breakthrough infections.

First and second doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccines prevent severe disease for the vast majority of the population. Only those with advanced age or high-risk conditions benefit from additional doses of vaccine in terms of severe illness, hospitalization, and death. This is because erosion of protection against hospitalization was almost exclusively evident in those with high-risk conditions (including advanced age) as time passed since their second dose. Meanwhile, hospital capacity was primarily compromised by unvaccinated individuals. Therefore, a targeted approach to boosters — emphasizing their essential nature in those with high-risk conditions in which a breakthrough infection might not be mild — was always the best policy.

Some have argued that boosters for healthy people prevent infection and spread — an important public health goal. In the pre-Omicron era they did, albeit transiently. But with Omicron, the protection from breakthrough infection has become even more transient and breakthroughs are, essentially, inevitable. Thus, with the first-generation vaccines currently in use, protection against severe disease is the primary aim. In healthy individuals, without any high-risk conditions, third and fourth doses do not provide additional protection against severe disease.

In fact, I refrained from getting a booster dose of the COVID-19 vaccine until one particular hospital where I am on staff changed their policy and required goggles and N95s at all times for those who were not boosted (in an attempt to minimize healthcare worker quarantine post-exposure and to remain consistent with CDC guidance). I was willing to get the booster — as it’s safe and effective — but as a young, healthy person, it likely didn’t afford me added protection against severe illness.

While it may seem attractive to public health authorities, especially in a crisis, to have a one-sized-fits-all policy, precision-guided recommendations are optimal. Not only does precision medicine more exactly fit the scientific evidence, it also recalibrates in the minds of the public what these vaccines were intended to do: tame the virus and decouple cases from hospitalizations. We have the tools and data to be precision-guided at this stage of the pandemic.

There may be a time when second generation, variant-specific, or universal coronavirus vaccines might durably prevent more than severe disease, meriting reconsideration of vaccine policy. With current vaccines, however, recommendations for additional doses should be evidence-based and directed towards those who meaningfully benefit. We should continue to focus efforts on vaccinating the unvaccinated and boosting those at high-risk for severe disease.

It is biologically probable that fourth doses of the mRNA COVID-19 vaccine will be beneficial in those whose immunity may have waned to the point that renders them susceptible to a severe breakthrough infection (the prophylactic, and underutilized, monoclonal antibody tixagevimab/cilgavimab (Evusheld) is also indicated for many in this population). However, universal booster recommendations for the entire vaccinated population are far from warranted. Hopefully, the FDA and CDC advisory panels will convene, engage in robust discussion about the data, integrate the data with overarching COVID-19 goals, and endorse an evidence-based, precision-guided booster policy.

Amesh Adalja, MD, is a senior scholar at the Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security and a practicing infectious disease, critical care, and emergency physician in Pittsburgh.

America United International (AUI) invites you to a Zoom Meeting for Medical Providers

Please share this message with any medical professionals you know.  We need to show AUI that we are a group that they need to focus on.  Please come to this meeting of the minds.   Wednesday night, March 23, at 8:00 PM.  Get signed up to come at

Please share this message with any medical professionals you know. We need to show AUI that we are a group that they need to focus on. Please come to this meeting of the minds. Wednesday night, March 23, at 8:00 PM. Get signed up to come at

America United International (AUI) invites you to a Zoom Meeting for Medical Providers.
Join us for an organizational meeting with American United International for:

AUI Collaboration re Medical Professional Regulation/Oversight/Discipline Abuses.
When: Wednesday March 23, 2022 08:00 PM Eastern Time

Register Here

AUI has cleared the legal hurdles for global outcry of Judicial System Abuse.

Now we need to put faces on the persecution we’ve all faced.

W eaponization of
A merica’s legal system
V ery much needs to
E nd

Register Here!

Learn abour AUI on their website
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How many more “corrections” from the CDC – before they lose all credibility – if they haven’t already

CDC reports fewer COVID-19 pediatric deaths after data correction

(Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 966,575 deaths from COVID-19 on Friday after it corrected the data earlier this week, which reduced the death tallies in all age-groups, including children.

The health agency, in a statement to Reuters, said it made adjustments to its COVID Data Tracker’s mortality data on March 14 because its algorithm was accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related.

The adjustment resulted in removal of 72,277 deaths previously reported across 26 states, including 416 pediatric deaths, CDC said.

The reduction cut the CDC’s estimate of deaths in children by 24% to 1,341 as of March 18.

Children accounted for about 19% of all COVID-19 cases, but less than 0.26% of cases resulted in death, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which summarizes state-based data.

Americans have been polarized over the mitigation measures the CDC recommended for schools during the pandemic from urging schools to be remote, require masks and set up social distancing measures. It now advises that for most of the country, children should be in school and can be without masks.

(Reuters) – The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention reported 966,575 deaths from COVID-19 on Friday after it corrected the data earlier this week, which reduced the death tallies in all age-groups, including children.

The health agency, in a statement to Reuters, said it made adjustments to its COVID Data Tracker’s mortality data on March 14 because its algorithm was accidentally counting deaths that were not COVID-19-related.

The adjustment resulted in removal of 72,277 deaths previously reported across 26 states, including 416 pediatric deaths, CDC said.

The reduction cut the CDC’s estimate of deaths in children by 24% to 1,341 as of March 18.

Children accounted for about 19% of all COVID-19 cases, but less than 0.26% of cases resulted in death, according to the American Academy of Pediatrics, which summarizes state-based data.

Americans have been polarized over the mitigation measures the CDC recommended for schools during the pandemic from urging schools to be remote, require masks and set up social distancing measures. It now advises that for most of the country, children should be in school and can be without masks.

The number of U.S. children with COVID-19 rose sharply during the Omicron variant wave due to its increased transmissibility and low vaccination rates among children 5-11 who are eligible for the vaccine. Children ages 0-4 are not eligible for the vaccine in the United States.

Does this sound familiar – SOP for the way that the CDC functions ?

JetBlue, American, Southwest pilots sue CDC over federal mask mandate

A group of commercial airline pilots filed a lawsuit against the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) in an attempt to lift the federal transportation mask mandate.

In court paperwork, the 10 commercial airline pilots – who work for American JetBlue and Southwest – argued that the CDC issued an order “Requirement for Persons to Wear Masks While on Conveyances & at Transportation Hubs” on Feb. 1, 2020 “without providing public notice or soliciting comment.”

The pilots are asking the court to “vacate worldwide the FTMM (federal transportation mask mandate)” calling the move an “illegal and unconstitutional exercise of executive authority.”

A passenger wears a face mask she travels on a Delta Air Lines flight after taking off from Hartsfield-Jackson International Airport in Atlanta. (AP Photo/Charlie Riedel, File / AP Newsroom)

The Transportation Security Administration’s (TSA) mask mandate went into effect on Feb. 1, 2021, and was originally set to expire on May 11, 2021. However, the TSA has extended the mandate several times since then as infections rose nationwide. The rule now remains in place through April 18.

Until then, the “CDC will work with government agencies to help inform a revised policy framework for when, and under what circumstances, masks should be required in the public transportation corridor,” TSA said in a statement earlier this month. “This revised framework will be based on the COVID-19 community levels, risk of new variants, national data, and the latest science.”

However, the pilots claim that federal officials adopted the policy despite “countless scientific and medical studies and articles showing that face masks are totally ineffective.”

A Jetblue Airways Airbus A320 takes off from Fort Lauderdale Airport.

The pilots also argue that it was enacted without “considering the impact on tens of millions of travelers and transportation workers every single day.”

The pilots say they “have seen up close and personal the chaos in the sky created by the FTMM, with thousands of reports to the Federal Aviation Administration (‘FAA’) of ‘unruly’ passenger behavior since the FTMM took effect Feb. 1, 2021 – nearly all of which have been caused by incidents related to masks,” according to court documents.

So far this year, the FAA has already received 889 reports of unruly passengers, with 587 of those cases mask-related incidents. In 2021, 5,981 unruly passenger cases were reported to the FAA with 4,290 being mask-related.

To quell these incidents, the FAA has been proposing fines against passengers who assault, threaten, intimidate or interfere with airline crew members as part of its zero-tolerance policy, which was adopted in January 2021. The FAA reported that the rate of incidents has dropped by half since record-highs reported in early 2021.

Still, the pilots say the policy was “was rushed into place only 12 days after the inauguration” and that the CDC and HHS “illegally failed to give passengers and employees our legally guaranteed option under the Food, Drug, & Cosmetic Act (‘FDCA’) to refuse to use a medical device (face mask) not approved by HHS’ Food & Drug Administration (‘FDA’) or allowed only under an Emergency Use Authorization (‘EUA’).”

Representatives for Southwest, American and JetBlue airlines did not immediately return FOX Business’ requests for comment.

Representatives for the Air Line Pilots Association, the world’s largest airline pilot union, and the Southwest Airlines Pilots Association did not return FOX Business’ request for comment.

The Allied Pilots Association, the labor union representing American Airlines pilots, declined to comment.

COVID-19 rapid test recalled for ‘high number’ of false positive reports

COVID-19 rapid test recalled for ‘high number’ of false positive reports

The Food and Drug Administration announced Wednesday that a healthcare company has recalled 45,500 COVID-19 rapid tests due to a “high number of false positive reports.”

Pharmaceutical company Celltrion USA announced on Feb. 28 it is recalling specific lots of the DiaTrust COVID-19 Ag Rapid Test due to the high number of false-positive reports, an FDA recall webpage read on Wednesday.

The FDA says that a false-positive test result can lead to a delay in “the correct diagnosis and treatment for the actual cause of a person’s illness.”

The COVID-19 rapid tests also displayed a shelf life of 18 months, but the FDA’s emergency use authorization states that the tests can only be used for 12 months.

Individuals and customers who received the effected COVID-19 rapid tests are being told to discontinue use and return the unused products.

“The use of the affected product could cause serious adverse health consequences and death,” the FDA webpage states.

On Wednesday, the FDA also announced the recall of the SD Biosensor STANDARD Q COVID-19 Ag Home Test, stating the test is not approved by the FDA for marketing or distribution in the United States.

Since the test was not authorized by the FDA, the government agency said “there is not sufficient data demonstrating that the test’s performance is accurate,” which could lead to inaccurate results.

“This means there is a risk of both false-negative and false-positive test results. False negative results are when the test does not detect the SARS-CoV-2 virus but the person is actually infected. False-positive results occur when the test says the person has SARS-CoV-2 virus present, but they are not infected,” the website states.

Should the DEA pay attention to what is going on in FL with STING OPERATIONS ?

Case Against Florida Cannabis Doc Goes Up in Smoke

Judge clears Joseph Dorn, MD, who was the target of an undercover sting operation

An administrative law judge in Florida issued a decision in favor of Joseph Dorn, MD, whose medical cannabis clinic was targeted by the state’s Department of Health in an undercover sting.

The department sent two investigators posing as patients to Dorn’s clinic in Tallahassee in November 2017 and April 2018. The first investigator said he was a 30-year-old delivery driver with anxiety, PTSD, and chronic pain, while the second claimed to be a 37-year-old construction worker and former Marine with PTSD.

In 2019, the Department of Health filed a license-threatening administrative complaint against Dorn, claiming its sting operation had found that he failed to conduct a full assessment of patient medical histories before prescribing medical cannabis, and that he acted in a manner to defraud or trick patients.

Though the COVID-19 pandemic delayed a hearing in the case until late last year, a decision by Judge W. David Watkins on March 16 stated that the Department of Health failed to prove any of its claims against Dorn.

“The evidence of record undermines DOH’s argument that Dr. Dorn’s practice is nothing more than an ‘open gate’ to medical marijuana,” Watkins wrote in his decision. “In the case of both [investigators] (and presumably the other 28 patients examined), Dr. Dorn conducted a detailed and thorough assessment of the patient’s condition prior to prescribing medical marijuana.”

Watkins further wrote that the evidence in the case demonstrates that Dorn performed a meaningful review of the investigators’ medical histories and symptoms, identified and discussed their qualifying stressors, and noted the PTSD symptoms they said they experienced. The judge added that Dorn documented the severity of the PTSD symptoms through two rating scales, and discussed the benefits and risks of medical marijuana with each of the investigators.

The decision also addressed the Department of Health’s argument that Dorn defrauded or tricked patients by including false representations in the investigators’ medical records, failed to create or complete their records until subpoenaed, operated without the necessary medical equipment to conduct adequate physical examinations, charged $299 per new patient appointment for the sole purpose of adding patients to the medical marijuana user registry, and ordered marijuana for more than 3,000 new patients in a 12-month timeframe.

“DOH failed to present competent substantial evidence in this case establishing, particularly under a clear and convincing evidence standard, that Dr. Dorn acted, or failed to act, in any manner to defraud or trick any patient, or that any patient was actually defrauded or tricked,” Watkins wrote.

Ultimately, Watkins recommended that the Department of Health issue a final order dismissing the administrative complaint against Dorn. The department had sought to strip Dorn of his medical license for 5 years, ban him from ordering medical marijuana for patients, and impose a $10,000 fine, the News Service of Florida reported.

“We feel great about the result, and frankly are not surprised. Dr. Dorn is an incredible physician with an even stronger reputation. Hopefully this ruling will now help the DOH finally understand the statutes they are charged to enforce,” wrote Ryan Andrews, of the Andrews Law Firm in Tallahassee, who represents Dorn, in an email to MedPage Today.

“Nonetheless, this saga is not over,” Andrews added. “Now it’s our turn to pursue in circuit court DOH and every individual that was involved in this investigation.”

The Department of Health did not immediately respond to a request for comment.

Corporate policies is more important to a Vanderbilt prescriber that a pediatric cancer pt’s quality of life ?

I was involved in on this “remotely” via phone with Bob & Johanna who were there in person.  Any time that Bob runs into a medication question when he is advocating… my phone rings.  I am more than happy to provide Bob with the “factual ammunition” in advocating for a pt. Apparently this practitioner is JUST AN EMPLOYEE OF VANDERBILT HOSPITAL… and if he was concerned about liabilities – he shouldn’t have become a physician…  I suspect that VANDERBILT is another large hospital corporation that has adopted a “little/no opiate” policy.  The medication that this kid was on previously was not doing a very good job on reducing their pain and there is NO RECOMMENDATION FOR DOSES FOR KIDS… and this physician wanted to take the kid off of a opiate – that I had previously recommended – that was reducing their pain and improving their QOL and giving the FAMILY more quality time together, with what time that the kid has left.

I know that if a parent INTENTIONALLY inflicted as much pain on one of their kids , as this kid was going to experience if he was put back on the medication that was not working well for them…  Child Protective Services would be knocking at their door. Isn’t it amazing in our society that health care practitioners can INTENTIONALLY inflict pain on a pt – by taking away or lowering their pain meds – and NO ONE IS IN TROUBLE….  EXCEPT THE PT HAVING TO EXIST IN PAIN.

Maybe it is time that the chronic pain community start using LAW FIRMS to advocate for us

APDF learned yesterday if you spank your kid the government will punish you! But It’s entirely ok for the government to torture your child (Guantanamo Bay style) if they are suffering from rare diseases or end of life issues! Then the idea was to change the child from a schedule 2 that has reported to be working to a schedule 4 when the child only has 3 to 6 months left to live. Then he proceeded to tell us his liabilities and hospital policies! Then he spread his God like knowledge upon us like we were in kindergarten! Well that backfired when he met the KING OF ARGUMENTS! I may let Amanda win from time to time but he ain’t Amanda! At the end of the day we let it known that child services and an attorney will be contacted and paid for by American Pain And Disability Foundation and not to mention having several picketing signs outside his beautiful home and hospital establishment.. they decided to leave the child on the current medication that was previously agreed to from a previous appointment as long as I wasn’t allowed back to Advocate for said child any longer 🤣 I told the mom make the deal and if they go back on it…. we will be back. Deals a deal right? Oh and he also said,” something about F###ing a##hole before leaving abruptly! 😬 🤣After all we aren’t looking for credit but I’ll be damned if we were gonna let that impede my other 14 children and start a new ”policy” especially at Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital where we have worked so hard and it would spread like wildfire! Anyways we also went to Methodist Hospital were we were successful in helping the last of the 15 children get end of life care and a special thank you to Methodist Hospital for stepping up for these kids! A special thank you goes out to Methodist Hospital & Johnna Magers and Steve Ariens and the rest of the APDF team for taking up your whole day! You are truly Amazing people! I was home about 3 minutes before I passed out from 6pm to 5 am and thank God because obviously my old beat up ass body was ready for that! 🤣 OH and 14-1 is not a bad Advocating record for a bunch of pain patients with bad attitudes but with alot of knowledge 🤣 more thank yous go out to all the folks who helped along the way Andrew Hohenthaner Carol Adams Dr Anthony Mimms Shirley Buck Stacy Siano Ashley Michel Karlyn Beavers Karen Wilkinson & Cheri Mendes for awesome articles…. Thank You!