Children with Severe Pain Go Untreated, Cause: CDC Guidelines, DEA Threats


Hopkinsville, Kentucky

By Andrew J Hohenthaner, CFO, APDF

January 18, 2022

Children with Severe Pain Go Untreated, Cause: CDC Guidelines, DEA Threats

Misinformation, Deception and Lies

After the CDC released its 2016 guidelines titled, ‘CDC Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain’, the Trump Administration declared war on prescribed pain medicine by vowing to, “liberate the United States from the opioid abuse.” The administration considered both the drug addicted population and adults dependent on daily pain medications equally as drug abusers. This action devastated the lives of nearly 40 million people who reported living with high-impact pain. Patient advocacy groups since have fought back, trying the maintain some form of improved quality of living.

Riding the wave of anti-opioid sentiments, the DOJ has aggressively pursued medical providers nationwide by subjectively accusing them of overprescribing; often accusing doctors of being drug dealers in white coats. The mistreatment of medical providers has now reached a new low.

Silent War on Children 

The cruelest form of unintended consequences is the crackdown on facilities serving our precious children. The nation has over 2.1 million children suffering with chronic painful childhood diseases. Renowned children’s hospitals nationwide have all but banned using long term opioid therapy as a method for improving the quality of life for those aged 6-17 in severe constant pain.

David Jr., 10, recently succumbed to leukemia as a patient at the A.C. Green Cancer Center in Hopkinsville, Kentucky. The oncologists fought diligently to win the battle against Acute Lymphocytic Leukemia (ALL) but ultimately lost. In his 10 years of living, David was cancer-free for just four months.

He dreamed of going outside and throwing a ball around or riding a bike through his neighborhood. He just wanted to be a kid. Yet, he was forced to live a life of extreme misery. He was forced to live that way because CDC guidelines suggested he might become addicted to opioids. David Jr. had severe and untreated pain that was with him nearly every day of his short life. 

A Life Worth Living, Help from Advocacy Foundation

David’s parents contacted the American Pain and Disability Foundation to help advocate on David’s behalf. Working as a team, the assigned advocate was able to arrange an opioid therapy program that fit the needs of the patient, not the altruistic dogma of federal agencies. 

It was almost too late for David, but he was able to live his last months in less suffering with the pain finally under control. His mother, Deb, stated, “We are so appreciative of the advocate and all the folks at APDF for making David’s last days his most exciting.”

It should not be a crime for doctors and physician assistants to treat pain by any means they deem appropriate based on their clinical experience and knowledge.  Medical providers and cancer centers like the AC Green Cancer Center should not withhold pain treatment out of concern they will face the wrath of a DEA agent and the loss of their licenses to operate a medical practice. Primum non nocere.

The American Pain and Disability Foundation is a 501(c)(3) entity staffed by volunteers and funded by donations only. If you know of a pain sufferer that has been denied appropriate care, contact APDF at or 833-554-PAIN(7246).

just sharing this

I am not condemning nor condoning what is in this video…  but there so much information out there that is suppose to be backed by SCIENCE…  What I have heard in how COVID-19 pts were treated in the hospitals – somethings… I questioned…  since COVID-19 showed up abt two years ago… the “science” in how those have it… should be treated… changed at least weekly ..if not more often.  At some point in time… the “science” that was used to treat these pts seemed to morph into a form of “political science”.  When we get to a point in time where a autopsy of how COVID-19 pts were treated can be performed… there may be a lot of surprises of how many things were done wrong and how many things that we should have done – were not because they were vilified by those pushing their version of “science”

Maybe this is a GOOD THING to write your member of Congress about ?

Journalist looking for “unhappy/overworked” chain pharmacists

Missouri Pharmacy Association is gathering data on pharmacy workplace environments

***PharmaWarriors in MO***

I am working with Missouri Pharmacy Association and gathering data on pharmacy workplace environments. Can you share this link for me I want to have input from everyone!

Too bad the war on drugs/pts is not a REAL WAR because torturing prisoners of war would be illegal

Mr Steve
Please don’t stop your video Facebook we have to use code words we can’t say the name of the pain meds on Facebook it’s criminal to them. I hope u continue .
Well I’m at the finish line. All the words you just spoke are about me. I’m still alive but am I going to be the statistic..? Am I going to end my life because I couldn’t handle the withdrawals. Feb 2021 they cut me down I calculated 33% I went insane I wanted to die. I went to 3 ER rooms and my primary doctor begging for help. I got painful injections in my hips that helped me one week just to buy time. My pain doctor has never once told me they were taking me down I only learned when I got the scrip. Laws say any changes they have to let you know. They have never once told me I was being cut down and are why. On the 5 month I made a special appt n ask my doctor why are you cutting me down. She said YOU TOLD US YOU WANTED OFF YOUR MEDS !! She says it’s in the notes. Than why have I made 100,s of calls since to ask why did you cut my meds??! Phone calls can be verified. My last appt they told me we are sending you to physical therapy if u miss one we will cut you down. I got strep throat so I called therpy to let them know I’m under doctors care . They still cut my scrip.
On 5 m g s now
Today I will try 2 of them a day. I can only pray I survive. In terrified as I text what my life will be like in the next 48 hours . Had my pain doctor been open n honest n let me know they were taking me down I could have prepared earlier but I really didn’t know, now I do. God help me. Im 65 never a drug abuser on meds for documented health issues.
I still hear those words from the first doctor who told me Roselee this will give you a quality of life.
My family has cut ties with me tired of hearing I’m suffering I have spouse who said I messed his life up because I’m in pain I have almost no one. I use to rescue homeless animals now my legs don’t even want to work. From the first taper a year ago my legs stop working they don’t want to move.
My pain doctor lied n said I had Siatica no I don’t have Siatica no shooting pains no numbness no tingle.why did he do that? Because he wants to make money doing Epidural injections. At a $1000 each times three.
I’m sorry I can talk all day about what they have done to me. If they had been honest n just said we are taking you off n gave me time I would have done it. This has been the year from hell. I have been abused n belittled fear put in my soul. Begging to get out of pain begging to stop withdrawal. Oh no Rose your lying if we take one pill away n you still have three u won’t withdrawal THATS A LIE!
What I felt was horror I even researched assisted suicide. Now I’m at the last hours of the end I lay here severe pain in my legs do to the taper not because of of Siatica.
But because of the restless leg my legs want to hit the ceiling I’m suffering bad. I haven’t slept all night. By 6 am I got an hour sleep.
I have no support I have no one. My life I can journal it in my mind all the suffering I relive it. Every month I go to that pain appt.
I’m sorry for others who are going thru this. I don’t know what we did wrong. I feel so shamed n I blame myself for allowing it to make me suffer. I’m weak I should be strong . I got Covid this past July and of course my body has much more pain all my joints are worse. I’m sorry for the rant I have no life I have no one so I rant n vent the onlything on my body wants to work is my fingers to text . And that’s getting slower I’m giving up.
So much pain so much feeling Emotional to physical. I found my bio dad n three sisters buy because I’m going thru this they think she’s a nut case n refuse to have anything to do with me. I waited all my life. My dad is 2400 miles away I just want one earthly hug just one n my body can’t go. Friday I will do physical therapy push my self out in the freezing cold on the ice to go in a Covid hot bed to do therpy they don’t work. Prays for comfort n peace for everyone. I can’t fix you but I can pray. Please today the next three days will show if I can survive this horror please pray for me. I’m suffering so bad. I thought I survived thru severe Covid maybe I’m meant to be alive. Maybe there’s a reason. 7 adult children 20 grandchildren n great grandchildren . I want to tell them story’s about our family history n life. Who we are who they were. I just found our my great grandma passed age 38 during child birth but my great great aunt lived her name was Catherine.
We are more than just the pain we feel we are very special even with defects in our body. We have alot to give others if we weren’t suffering we could do just that . See I ranted again.
I hope to prove that to who ever is listening and suffering.
God have mercy
“The moral test of a government is how it treats those who are at the dawn of life, the children; those who are in the twilight of life, the aged; and those who are in the shadow of life, the sick and the needy, and the handicapped.” – Hubert Humphrey
As a country we are RIGHT THERE – complaining about how other countries abuse/mistreat their citizens… and here is a very good example of how our own bureaucracies are abusing/mistreating our own citizens … and there is nothing that would suggest that IT IS NOT INTENTIONAL

Filing Medicare Advantage/Part D complaints using the 5 star rating system


High blood pressure dangers: Hypertension’s effects on your body

Orally Dissolving Buprenorphine Tied to Severe Tooth Decay, FDA Warns

Orally Dissolving Buprenorphine Tied to Severe Tooth Decay, FDA Warns

Orally dissolving medications containing buprenorphine are linked to severe dental problems, including total tooth loss, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns in a safety communication.

The oral side effects of these medications, which are used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain, include cavities/tooth decay, including rampant caries; dental abscesses/infection; tooth erosion; fillings falling out; and, in some cases, total tooth loss.

Multiple cases have been reported even in patients with no history of dental problems.

The FDA is adding a warning about the risk of dental problems to the prescribing information and the patient medication guide for all buprenorphine-containing medicines dissolved in the mouth.

The FDA emphasizes, however, that buprenorphine remains “an important treatment option for OUD and pain, and the benefits of these medicines clearly outweigh the risks.”

More Than 300 Reported Cases

Buprenorphine was approved in 2002 as a sublingual tablet, and in 2015 as a film to be placed inside the cheek to treat pain. Both delivery methods have been associated with dental problems.

Since buprenorphine was approved, the FDA has identified 305 cases of dental problems associated with orally dissolving buprenorphine, including 131 classified as serious.

There may be other cases, the FDA says, as these represents only cases reported to the FDA or published in the medical literature.

The average age of the patients who developed dental problems while taking buprenorphine is 42 years, but those as young as 18 years old were also affected.

Most cases occurred in patients using the medicines for OUD; however, 28 cases of dental problems occurred in patients using it to treat pain.

In 26 cases, patients had no prior history of dental problems. Some dental problems developed as soon as 2 weeks after treatment began; the median time to diagnosis was about 2 years after starting treatment.

Among all 305 cases reported, 113 involved two or more teeth.

The most common treatment for the dental problems was tooth extraction/removal, which was reported in 71 cases. Other cases required root canals, dental surgery, and other procedures such as crowns and implants.


The FDA says healthcare providers should counsel patients that severe and extensive tooth decay, tooth loss, and tooth fracture have been reported with the use of transmucosal buprenorphine-containing medicines and emphasize the importance of visiting their dentist to closely monitor their teeth.

Patients should be counseled to continue taking buprenorphine medications as prescribed and not stop suddenly without first talking to their healthcare provider as this could lead to serious consequences, including relapse, misuse or abuse of other opioids, overdose, and death.

Patients are also being advised to take extra steps to help lessen the risk of serious dental problems.

Patients should also be educated on strategies to maintain or improve oral health while taking transmucosal buprenorphine medicines.

After the medicine is completely dissolved, the patient should take a large sip of water, swish it gently around the teeth and gums, swallow, and wait at least 1 hour before brushing their teeth, the FDA advises. This will allow time for the mouth to gradually return to oral homeostasis and avoid any mechanical damage that may occur due to brushing.

The FDA also advises that patients tell their provider about any history of tooth problems, including cavities, and schedule a dentist visit soon after starting the medicine.

Dental problems related to transmucosal buprenorphine-containing medicines should be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch program.

When reality is painful ?

Third one I am aware of this week – how many more we don’t know about ?

RIP Gravestone

My Dear Pain Brothers and Sisters,
I write you this in my last stages of lung cancer. I want to thank all of you for your friendship and support. I wanted to give you a heads up that I will unable to respond to your wonderful sharing once I enter my coma, but I will carry our cause with me. All I’ve ever wanted is to get the laws changed to where no one has to suffer in needless pain again. After 29 years of pain, it’s hard to wrap my head around the fact I’ll finally be out of pain in just a week or so, but I pray you will be also by some of the work I’ve done. I go to our Creator to pray and beg for mercy for all of you. You have my love always.