High Court Shadow Docket Delivers Silent Blow to the First Amendment

High Court Shadow Docket Delivers Silent Blow to the First Amendment


Gorsuch Issues a Blistering Dissent in COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Ruling

The Supreme Court issued shadowy denial of several NY physicians’ challenge to the New York vaccine mandate. The opinion amounted to one sentence concluding with the word:

Justice Gorsuch’s COVID-19 Vaccine Mandate Dissent

Justice Gorsuch, authoring for the dissent described how the mandate came into place. One day before Governor Cuomo left office the State’s Public Health and Health Planning Counsel proposed the mandate and removed the religious exemption but failed to state their reasons for doing so.


Orally Dissolving Buprenorphine Tied to Severe Tooth Decay, FDA Warns

Orally Dissolving Buprenorphine Tied to Severe Tooth Decay, FDA Warns


Orally dissolving medications containing buprenorphine are linked to severe dental problems, including total tooth loss, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) warns in a safety communication.

The oral side effects of these medications, which are used to treat opioid use disorder (OUD) and pain, include cavities/tooth decay, including rampant caries; dental abscesses/infection; tooth erosion; fillings falling out; and, in some cases, total tooth loss.

Multiple cases have been reported even in patients with no history of dental problems.

The FDA is adding a warning about the risk of dental problems to the prescribing information and the patient medication guide for all buprenorphine-containing medicines dissolved in the mouth.

The FDA emphasizes, however, that buprenorphine remains “an important treatment option for OUD and pain, and the benefits of these medicines clearly outweigh the risks.”

More Than 300 Reported Cases

Buprenorphine was approved in 2002 as a sublingual tablet, and in 2015 as a film to be placed inside the cheek to treat pain. Both delivery methods have been associated with dental problems.

Since buprenorphine was approved, the FDA has identified 305 cases of dental problems associated with orally dissolving buprenorphine, including 131 classified as serious.

There may be other cases, the FDA says, as these represents only cases reported to the FDA or published in the medical literature.

The average age of the patients who developed dental problems while taking buprenorphine is 42 years, but those as young as 18 years old were also affected.

Most cases occurred in patients using the medicines for OUD; however, 28 cases of dental problems occurred in patients using it to treat pain.

In 26 cases, patients had no prior history of dental problems. Some dental problems developed as soon as 2 weeks after treatment began; the median time to diagnosis was about 2 years after starting treatment.

The most common treatment for the dental problems was tooth extraction/removal, which was reported in 71 cases. Among all 305 cases reported, 113 involved two or more teeth. Other cases required root canals, dental surgery, and other procedures such as crowns and implants from https://www.vanhoofdental.com/implants/.


The FDA says healthcare providers should counsel patients that severe and extensive tooth decay, tooth loss, and tooth fracture have been reported with the use of transmucosal buprenorphine-containing medicines and emphasize the importance of visiting their dentist to closely monitor their teeth.

Patients should be counseled to continue taking buprenorphine medications as prescribed and not stop suddenly without first talking to their healthcare provider as this could lead to serious consequences, including relapse, misuse or abuse of other opioids, overdose, and death.

Patients are also being advised to take extra steps to help lessen the risk of serious dental problems.

Patients should also be educated on strategies to maintain or improve oral health while taking transmucosal buprenorphine medicines.

After the medicine is completely dissolved, the patient should take a large sip of water, swish it gently around the teeth and gums, swallow, and wait at least 1 hour before brushing their teeth, the FDA advises. This will allow time for the mouth to gradually return to oral homeostasis and avoid any mechanical damage that may occur due to brushing.

The FDA also advises that patients tell their provider about any history of tooth problems, including cavities, and schedule a dentist visit soon after starting the medicine. Another option to take care of dental hygiene and its condition is to take a supplement with which you can have a considerable improvement, for more information you can visit https://observer.com/2022/09/prodentim-reviews/.

Dental problems related to transmucosal buprenorphine-containing medicines should be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch program.

Supreme Court blocks Biden OSHA vaccine mandate, allows rule for health care workers

Maybe I am just being political …but… wasn’t it under the administration that Biden was part of when the CDC opiate dosing guidelines were published ?   The community needs to ask… where were all those state AG’s when the CDC published those guidelines – why did they not question/challenge these ? CDC’s statutory authority is to deal with contagious diseases and  back in 2016 many believed that the CDC did not have the statutory authority to publish those guidelines.   Where were all those AG’s  when the DEA & VA decided to basically determine that those guidelines were in fact LAW and implement edicts that mandated the lowering or stopping the treatment of tens of millions of chronic pain pts’ with FDA APPROVED MEDICATION(S) ?  Could this SCOTUS ruling draw a “legal line” between it is ILLEGAL to mandate citizens to get a FDA APPROVED vaccination to “prevent a disease(s) ” and being legal for our bureaucracy to mandate the denial of treating an existing chronic health disease with FDA approved medication(s) ? 


Supreme Court blocks Biden OSHA vaccine mandate, allows rule for health care workers

Supreme Court blocks Biden OSHA vaccine mandate, allows rule for health care workers

The Supreme Court on Thursday issued mixed rulings in a pair of cases challenging Biden administration COVID-19 vaccine mandates, allowing the requirement for certain health care workers to go into effect while blocking enforcement of a mandate for businesses with 100 or more employees.

The latter, an Occupational Safety and Health Administration rule that took effect on Monday, said that businesses with at least 100 employees needed to require workers to get vaccinated, or get tested weekly and wear a mask.

The Court ruled that OSHA lacked the authority to impose such a mandate because the law that created OSHA “empowers the Secretary to set workplace safety standards, not broad public health measures.”

Could the illegality of mandatory vaccinations – reverse many denial of pain management therapy mandates ?


Going silent – for a while

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Did TWITTER just declared that the CDC is NOT A VALID HEALTH EXPERT ?

I made this post just last night and I shared it on TWITTER

CDC just announced that AOC qualifies for Ivermectin ( Horse Medicine)

and I got this back on this twitter post this AM

Does this mean that TWITTER no longer considers CDC a valid medical information source and/or health experts ?

Years ago, I use to do ultra specialty computer coding as a “side gig” and it would appear to me that TWITTER’S algorithm or so called Artificial Intelligence (AI) apparently can only READ WORDS and no real “intelligence” to read context or content  within just a sentence .

Ivermectin was a “Trump promoted medication” so it was automatically vilified as “not meeting the science” – even though it has been a FDA approved med and safe for human use.

Ivermectin is a FDA approved med for use in horses to treat parasites https://www.allthingsnature.org/what-are-the-uses-of-ivermectin-for-horses.htm  

It comes as a paste and in a syringe… and contains many more mgs of invermectin than the 12 mg dose tablet that is commercially made for human use.

As one person put it… horses eats carrots… so is carrots “horse food” ?

I read this week where COVID-19 pts with lung/breathing problems are getting good recovery rates by taking VIAGRA – that’s right – the med that has been used/approved by the FDA for erectile dysfunction.

Could the illegality of mandatory vaccinations – reverse many denial of pain management therapy mandates ?

You take this narrative from this law firm/attorney and substitute pain management for vaccinations and denial of pain management for mandatory vaccinations by various bureaucracies… It would pretty much read THE SAME.  So if all these law suits are successful in shutting down  all the bureaucrats down in mandating vaccinations …could the inverse/reciprocal be applied to the limiting/denial of pain management as being ILLEGAL ?  Could the CDC opiate dosing guidelines and Civil Asset Forfeiture Act and some of the functions of the DEA BE SHUT DOWN ?

New data reveals that the vaccinated are more likely than the unvaccinated to contract Covid-19 from the Omicron strain. The evidence continues to mount that the vaccines are not nearly as effective as expected. Meanwhile, the infusion of mRNA which produces what may be dangerous levels if spike proteins in the vaccinated body should cause alarm, according to this article’s author. Yet companies still are forcing vaccines on employees.

My partner Gwyneth K. Murray-Nolan and I own the Murray-Nolan Berutti LLC law firm. We are challenging New York City’s vaccine passport mandate in the federal courts, and are building a network of attorneys nationally who work with us to assist individuals with vaccine mandate exemptions, and vaccine-related litigation. Several groups of active and terminated employees, and even some employers have approached us to bring litigation seeking to end vaccine mandates. We maintain that the US Supreme Court ultimately will agree with us that all current public and private COVID-related vaccine mandates are illegal and unconstitutional. If you or someone you know is faced with a job loss or other discrimination related to vaccines, please feel free to reach out to us. We will do our best to help to vindicate your civil rights. And if you support our cause, please feel free to connect with both of us.

Ron B. Esq.

Contact Info

Ron B.’s Profile


Prescriber induced SUICIDE

Prescriber induced suicide- jury awards a SEVEN MILLION JUDGEMENT


CDC just announced that AOC qualifies for Ivermectin ( Horse Medicine)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets pass from mainstream media after going mask less at packed Florida bar over new years



Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was recorded without a mask in a densely packed bar in Miami, according to footage that emerged Sunday, but the mainstream media has largely given her a pass for the “hypocrisy.” 

The large crowd at the drag bar, most of whom were also without a mask, applauded the congresswoman as she waved to them, as first reported by Florida’s Conservative Voice.


“For those of you with zero sense of humor: the whole point of this post is to expose hypocrisy. We don’t actually care she’s maskless. We care she fear mongers about Florida but then has the audacity to vacation here,” Brendon Leslie, the reporter who first tweeted the video, wrote.

The New York Times opted not to cover Ocasio-Cortez’s maskless trip to the bar, according to a search of the paper’s archives. The Washington Post didn’t cover it, either, according to a search of the paper’s website. 

CNN covered Ocasio-Cortez on Monday morning but not the whole maskless trip to a crowded bar. 

Instead, the liberal network dedicated a segment to the “Squad” leader’s recent tweet accusing Republicans of being motivated by “sexual frustrations” when they criticize her. Analyst Mary Katharine Ham questioned if AOC’s trip was “dangerous” to her health during the segment, but CNN failed to air the viral images of the maskless bar scene or even specifically mention she ditched her mask in the Sunshine State. 


CNN did not mention AOC since the viral photos emerged other than the “New Day” segment that ignored the mask hypocrisy, according to a search of transcripts via Grabien Media.   

Ocasio-Cortez was spotted in Florida with her boyfriend amid a coronavirus spike in New York City, in a photo published by National Review.  (National Review/Anonymous)

Over on MSNBC, Ocasio-Cortez’s name was not even uttered once from the time the viral images of the maskless bar trip emerged through 9 a.m. ET Monday morning, according to Grabien Media. The Miami trip came as Ocasio-Cortez’s home state of New York has seen a record surge in COVID-19 cases amid the spread of the omicron variant.

While mainstream news organizations have declined to cover AOC’s maskless bar outing, others haven’t gotten a pass for similar actions during the ongoing pandemic. 

The mainstream media has largely given Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., a pass for mask “hypocrisy.” 

The Washington Post and New York Times both managed to report that “thousands of maskless” Tampa Bay Buccaneers fans hit the streets if Florida to celebrate last season’s Super Bowl victory. The Post even covered the adult son of Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ditching his mask to attend a party last year, while the Times harped on then-First Lady Melania Trump voting in 2020 without a mask. 

Another New York Times headline simply read, “Queens Republicans Under Fire for Maskless ‘Covid Conga Line’ Party.” 

for nearly the last two years,  the medication Ivermectin has been vilified as “horse medicine” and useless for treating COVID-19…  Yet once, one the “darlings” from the “SQUAD” in the House of Congress…   is diagnosed with COVID.. all of a sudden the FDA approved medicine for other uses in humans was no longer just  “horse medicine” and approved by the CDC as a valid treatment for COVID-19 in humans and not totally  only “HORSE MEDICINE”.  Her Congressional district is in New York city – which has returned to so many mask mandates and business lock downs. While she tracked off to Florida to enjoy the warm/sunny weather over the New Year’s holiday and being seen in public without wearing a mask and hugging mask less people at a crowded bar.

I guess that we are seeing a huge SWING from Trump hating SCIENCE to POLITICAL SCIENCE…  how many other people have died because of denial of being able to have access to invermectin earlier in the epidemic ?   Could this be consider a form of political GENOCIDE ?