CDC just announced that AOC qualifies for Ivermectin ( Horse Medicine)

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets pass from mainstream media after going mask less at packed Florida bar over new years


Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., was recorded without a mask in a densely packed bar in Miami, according to footage that emerged Sunday, but the mainstream media has largely given her a pass for the “hypocrisy.” 

The large crowd at the drag bar, most of whom were also without a mask, applauded the congresswoman as she waved to them, as first reported by Florida’s Conservative Voice.


“For those of you with zero sense of humor: the whole point of this post is to expose hypocrisy. We don’t actually care she’s maskless. We care she fear mongers about Florida but then has the audacity to vacation here,” Brendon Leslie, the reporter who first tweeted the video, wrote.

The New York Times opted not to cover Ocasio-Cortez’s maskless trip to the bar, according to a search of the paper’s archives. The Washington Post didn’t cover it, either, according to a search of the paper’s website. 

CNN covered Ocasio-Cortez on Monday morning but not the whole maskless trip to a crowded bar. 

Instead, the liberal network dedicated a segment to the “Squad” leader’s recent tweet accusing Republicans of being motivated by “sexual frustrations” when they criticize her. Analyst Mary Katharine Ham questioned if AOC’s trip was “dangerous” to her health during the segment, but CNN failed to air the viral images of the maskless bar scene or even specifically mention she ditched her mask in the Sunshine State. 


CNN did not mention AOC since the viral photos emerged other than the “New Day” segment that ignored the mask hypocrisy, according to a search of transcripts via Grabien Media.   

Ocasio-Cortez was spotted in Florida with her boyfriend amid a coronavirus spike in New York City, in a photo published by National Review.  (National Review/Anonymous)

Over on MSNBC, Ocasio-Cortez’s name was not even uttered once from the time the viral images of the maskless bar trip emerged through 9 a.m. ET Monday morning, according to Grabien Media. The Miami trip came as Ocasio-Cortez’s home state of New York has seen a record surge in COVID-19 cases amid the spread of the omicron variant.

While mainstream news organizations have declined to cover AOC’s maskless bar outing, others haven’t gotten a pass for similar actions during the ongoing pandemic. 

The mainstream media has largely given Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, D-N.Y., a pass for mask “hypocrisy.” 

The Washington Post and New York Times both managed to report that “thousands of maskless” Tampa Bay Buccaneers fans hit the streets if Florida to celebrate last season’s Super Bowl victory. The Post even covered the adult son of Republican Arizona Gov. Doug Ducey ditching his mask to attend a party last year, while the Times harped on then-First Lady Melania Trump voting in 2020 without a mask. 

Another New York Times headline simply read, “Queens Republicans Under Fire for Maskless ‘Covid Conga Line’ Party.” 

for nearly the last two years,  the medication Ivermectin has been vilified as “horse medicine” and useless for treating COVID-19…  Yet once, one the “darlings” from the “SQUAD” in the House of Congress…   is diagnosed with COVID.. all of a sudden the FDA approved medicine for other uses in humans was no longer just  “horse medicine” and approved by the CDC as a valid treatment for COVID-19 in humans and not totally  only “HORSE MEDICINE”.  Her Congressional district is in New York city – which has returned to so many mask mandates and business lock downs. While she tracked off to Florida to enjoy the warm/sunny weather over the New Year’s holiday and being seen in public without wearing a mask and hugging mask less people at a crowded bar.

I guess that we are seeing a huge SWING from Trump hating SCIENCE to POLITICAL SCIENCE…  how many other people have died because of denial of being able to have access to invermectin earlier in the epidemic ?   Could this be consider a form of political GENOCIDE ?

Another day in the life Education and Motivation 01/09/2022

Another day in the life -01/08/2022 – adverse effects health with under/untreated pain


Here is four quotes from the CDC opiates guidelines:

“The guideline is intended to ensure that clinicians and patients consider safer and more effective treatment, improve patient outcomes such as reduced pain and improved function.”

“Clinicians should consider the circumstances and unique needs of each patient when providing care.”

“Clinical decision making should be based on a relationship between the clinician and patient, and an understanding of the patient’s clinical situation, functioning, and life context.”

“This guideline provides recommendations for primary care clinicians who are prescribing opioids for chronic pain outside of active cancer treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care.”

another day in the life 01/07/2022 what is a MME

Here is four quotes from the CDC opiates guidelines:

“The guideline is intended to ensure that clinicians and patients consider safer and more effective treatment, improve patient outcomes such as reduced pain and improved function.”

“Clinicians should consider the circumstances and unique needs of each patient when providing care.”

“Clinical decision making should be based on a relationship between the clinician and patient, and an understanding of the patient’s clinical situation, functioning, and life context.”

“This guideline provides recommendations for primary care clinicians who are prescribing opioids for chronic pain outside of active cancer treatment, palliative care, and end-of-life care.”

Please review these important points:


    1. Published equianalgesic ratios are considered crude estimates at best and therefore it is imperative that careful consideration is given to individualizing the dose of the selected opioid. Dosage titration of the new opioid should be completed slowly and with frequent monitoring.
    2. Conversion ratios in many equianalgesic dosing tables do not apply to repeated doses of opioids.
    3. The amount of residual drug in the patient’s system must be accounted for. Example: fentanyl will continue to be released from the skin 12 to 36 hours after removal of the patch. Residual effects from discontinued long-acting formulations should also be assessed before converting a patient to a new opioid.
    4. Review the concept of incomplete cross-tolerance:
D. McAuley:   “Incomplete cross-tolerance relates to tolerance to a currently administered opiate that does not extend completely to other opioids. This will tend to lower the required dose of the second opioid. This incomplete cross-tolerance exists between all of the opioids and the estimated difference between any two opiates could vary widely. This points out the inherent dangers of using an equianalgesic table and the importance of viewing the tabulated data as approximations. Many experts recommend – depending on age and prior side effects – reducing the dose of the new opiate by 33 to 50 percent to account for this incomplete cross-tolerance. (Example: a patient is receiving 200mg of oral morphine daily (chronic dosing), however, because of side effects a switch is made to oral hydromorphone 25 – 35mg daily – (this represents a 33 to 50 percent reduction in dose compared to the calculated 50mg conversion dose produced via the equianalgesic calculator). This new regimen can then be re-titrated to patient response. In all cases, repeated comprehensive assessments of pain are necessary in order to successfully control the pain while minimizing side-effects.”
  1. The use of high but ineffective doses of a previous opioid may result in overestimation of the converted opioid.
  2. Ideally, methadone conversions (especially patients who were previously receiving high doses of an opioid) should only be attempted in cooperation with a pain specialist or a specialist in palliative medicine.
The authors make no claims of the accuracy of the information contained herein; and these suggested doses and/or guidelines are not a substitute for clinical judgment. Neither GlobalRPh Inc. nor any other party involved in the preparation of this document shall be liable for any special, consequential, or exemplary damages resulting in whole or part from any user’s use of or reliance upon this material.    PLEASE READ THE DISCLAIMER CAREFULLY BEFORE ACCESSING OR USING THIS SITE. BY ACCESSING OR USING THIS SITE, YOU AGREE TO BE BOUND BY THE TERMS AND CONDITIONS SET FORTH IN THE DISCLAIMER.  

You must confirm that you have READ and AGREE with the terms and conditions listed above before continuing:

call the Supreme Court to share your public opinion of the mandates and freedom, ahead of the hearing on Friday

call the Supreme Court to share your public opinion of the mandates and freedom, ahead of the hearing on Friday.
Call one of these Supreme Court of the United States phone numbers to leave your message: Clerk’s Office: 202-479-3011 or Public Information Office: 202-479-3211
Choose to leave ONE of these messages (or make your own brief message) with the Supreme Court:

Message 1: I would like the Court Justices to know, with the utmost of respect, that I am concerned about the infringement of Americans’ Constitutional freedom that imposing vaccine mandates presents. Please let them know that Americans desire our guaranteed freedom.

Message 2: On Friday, the Justices will be hearing about the vaccine mandates. I wish to respectfully register my concern about the infringement of personal and religious freedom that these mandated medical treatments have trampled on.

Message 3: Please relay to the Justices that I am praying for each one of them by name as they hear a critical religious freedom, medical freedom and personal freedom case of the vaccine mandates.

There has been SEVERAL COVID-19 mutations between Delta & Omicron – that NEVER GOT TRACTION

Another Variant – This Time With a Self-Aggrandizing Name

Yay! We have another variant. But this time, the scientists who isolated it named it after themselves. Shameless? I say yes.

It cannot be the least bit surprising that there is another Covid variant in the news. I wrote about this several weeks ago and wondered, since the next Greek letter is pi, whether it would be given the name American Pi should it be first detected in the US.

My viral prognosticative powers are not what they should be; not only was the new kid on the block not discovered in the US, but it didn’t even get the proper name! 

The World Health Organization naming system for variants has been a joke. In order to avoid “causing offense to any cultural, social, national, regional, professional or ethnic groups,” the WHO decided to use Greek letters to name the variants. How well did that work out? Not very. 

For example, the original virus from Wuhan was called just about everything except the Wuhan variant. The press settled on the bland and meaningless term “novel coronavirus,” which is rarely used anymore. Then the Greek letters started (1):

  • Alpha  (UK)
  • Beta (South Africa)
  • Gamma (Brazil)
  • Delta (India)
  • Omicron (South Africa and multiple other countries)

(While it may seem that South Africa is no more than a virus spawning ground, this is dead wrong. As I recently wrote, the country got punished (border closings) because its scientists did a superlative job of isolating and identifying new variants, which were almost certainly circulating in other countries, but missed. See Dear Clueless Media: S. Africa Deserves Praise, Not Blame.)

A few observations

First, it is clear that there are missing letters. This is partly because not all variants rose to the level of Variant of Concern (VOC), so while epsilon, theta, etc. did exist, they shamefully faded away, becoming nothing more than another piece of historical detritus of woefully inadequate variants, a humiliation they will never live down. The last variant to “earn” a name was the mu variant, which stuck around just long enough to generate some press hysteria and then entered the virus witness protection program, never to be heard from again.

The next two variants were supposed to be nu and xi, but these were skipped in favor of the next letter, omicron. Why? The WHO claimed that nu sounded too much like new and xi is a very common last name in China. This explanation does not exactly ring true. In fact, it brings to mind a word rhyming with “wool knit.”

But it got worse. Since the Greek letter system, even if it had been scrupulously followed, is inherently confusing, we began to see things like “the Delta variant, which originated in India…” If you understand how this destigmatizes India, please leave a comment with your explanation. Completing the circle of inanity, the original virus that started the gigantic mess which the world is still mired in is now routinely referred to as the “Wuhan strain.” Can’t make this s##t up.

The self-aggrandizing French

With the exception of bakers, the use of the letter pi, which is supposedly reserved for the next (and inevitable) variant, is unlikely to offend anyone. So it is only logical (as if anything is right now) that pi would assume its role as the variant du jour. Yet, this is not the case. Another variant, this one with 46 mutations, which was detected in someone who traveled to Cameroon and returned to France, was identified by the IHU – Méditerranée Infection in Marseilles. Did they name it pi? No, they named it after themselves, leaving us with a variant called the B.1.640.2 aka the IHU variant, aka the “not pi but should be” variant. Some nerve! Will the Greeks be offended that a bunch of French scientists disrespected their alphabet?

“The mutation set and phylogenetic position of the genomes obtained here indicate based on our previous definition a new variant we named “IHU”’

Raoult et al., medRxIV,  doi:

I hate to burst “le balloon” but these guys, even though they may be the first to name it after themselves, are hardly the first group to sequence a variant. Not even close. As of December 2021, six million variants have been sequenced and entered into the GSAID database (short for Global Initiative on Sharing Avian Influenza Data), and to my knowledge, there are no examples of scientists naming another variant after their place of employment, themselves, or their parakeets.


Another day in the life – discussing (QOL) quality of life issues 01/06/2020

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here is an example of a graph these sorts of software can created from a column of data

Could the COVID-19 pandemic change the conversation about the bureaucracies legal right to mandate/deny the use of various medications?

In 1992, Jim Gray, a conservative judge in conservative Orange County, California, held a press conference during which he recommended that we rethink our drug laws. Back then, it took a great deal of courage to suggest that the war on drugs was a failed policy. Today, more and more Americans are coming to the realization that prohibition’s costs—whether measured in lives and liberties lost or dollars wasted—far exceed any possible or claimed benefits.’s Paul Feine interviewed Gray about drug policy and the prospects for reform. The interview was shot by Alex Manning and edited by Hawk Jensen. Judge Jim Gray is the author of Why Our Drug Laws Have Failed and What We Can Do About It: A Judicial Indictment of the War on Drugs.

Could all this “dust up” over mandatory vaccinations, mandating mask wearing… no testing for antibodies to determine “natural immunity ” .. failure of the current administration to order adequate supplies of various “stuff” deemed necessary to stop the spread of the COVID-19 virus – which has mostly failed miserably…  the lack of monoclonal antibodies … because they were not ordered by the current administration.

Could all this bring into focus what legal right the federal/state bureaucracies have to force citizens to take certain vaccinations and/or prohibit people from taking certain categories of medications approved by our FDA – as being safe for human use.  Could this COVID-19 pandemic potentially force the change of the Federal/State bureaucracies’ policies on all drug use and/or abuse.  After all the two drugs that contribute to the deaths of abt 550,000/yr of US citizens is Alcohol & Nicotine… are PERFECTLY LEGAL SUBSTANCES/DRUGS…. they are not MEDICATIONS… there is a difference between a medication and a drug.

That is abt 7-8 times the people killed in 2021 by the use/abuse of illegal controlled substances… which everyone is screaming from the roof tops about.  When did some deaths become socially acceptable and others are demonized…  could the big difference be the healthy tax revenue stream that goes to the Feds & states… that comes from those two legal drugs – Alcohol & Nicotine ?


The agony of opioid withdrawal — and what doctors should tell patients about it

The United States accounts for five percent of the world’s population but consumes almost 70 percent of the total global opioid supply, creating an epidemic that has resulted in tens of thousands of deaths each year. How did we get here, and what can we do about it? In this personal talk, Travis Rieder recounts the painful, often-hidden struggle of opioid withdrawal and reveals how doctors who are quick to prescribe (and overprescribe) opioids aren’t equipped with the tools to eventually get people off the meds. Check out more TED Talks: The TED Talks channel features the best talks and performances from the TED Conference, where the world’s leading thinkers and doers give the talk of their lives in 18 minutes (or less). Look for talks on

Technology, Entertainment and Design — plus science, business, global issues, the arts and more.

Starting a conversation about Quality of Life for chronic pain pts – part one 01/05/2022