The truth will not always set you free – but it might get you FIRED

There has seemingly been a rash of Pharmacists walking off and or not showing up for work around me and Rx depts in Walgreens, CVS, Target it has been reported are being opened sporadically.  Of course those pts that patronize generally don’t have to deal with such problems… because the pharmacy/owner of the pharmacy will show up to open the store and work…  because they have a substantial investment in the pharmacy.  In case anyone is interesting in finding a independent pharmacy… here is a link to find one by zip code


Well… I guess that I can’t say that any more

I have often stated while we see abt a cop shot/killed every day…and when is the last time that you have heard about a DEA agent being shot/killed, because they typically go after “low hanging fruit”… prescribers who are typically not armed to the teeth…  Well, today that all changed…  I routinely hear about this sort of things happening at airline terminals, amtrak stations, bus stations… so I did a web search on using these words DEA confiscating money on amtrak or airline terminals or bus terminals and it returned  723,000 “hits” got ONLY 12,800 “hits”, did not give a count for the total “hits” and didn’t provide a count for “hits” either although both returned several pages of “hits”

Here is a article below from FIVE YEARS AGO    so this is not a new thing or a “one time” incident with the DEA and travelers on many commercial transportation systems getting their cash confiscated. One would think that with all this activity showing up in the media… that at least a few members of Congress would be aware of it, but since abt 40% of Congress is attorneys… maybe they don’t want to go up against their “Brothers & Sisters” in this “judicial fraternity “?  It is claimed that we have THREE DISTINCT branches of the Fed government…until you “get into the weeds”… Legislative (Congress) is 40% attorneys, Supreme Court is mostly attorneys – besides the nine that sits on the bench & US Marshall Service, Executive branch which includes DOJ ( FBI, Secret Service, DEA, and another “pot of attorneys”  There is a old saying… “Those that holds the GOLD, writes the rules” … perhaps with the USA…”those that holds the BADGE… selectively enforces the rules ”  After all they always says that we are a country of rules/laws… I once saw a quote that we have 12 -15 million laws, rules, regulations to enforce the TEN COMMANDMENTS and Congress typically add a few hundred new laws every year  !

Brad Heath reports in USA Today that the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA) has been recruiting airline and other travel industry staff to inform on travelers. The DEA has been using these tips from industry insider informers with access to travel reservations as the basis for searches, seizures, and “civil forfeiture” proceedings to confiscate cash from travelers on the basis of allegations that it was somehow associated with illegal drugs:

USA TODAY identified 87 cases in recent years in which the Justice Department went to federal court to seize cash from travelers after agents said they had been tipped off to a suspicious itinerary. Those cases likely represent only a small fraction of the instances in which agents have stopped travelers or seized cash based on their travel patterns, because few such encounters ever make it to court.

Those cases nonetheless offer evidence of the program’s sweep. Filings show agents were able to profile passengers on Amtrak and nearly every major U.S. airline, often without the companies’ consent. “We won’t release that information without a subpoena,” American Airlines spokesman Ross Feinstein said.

In almost none of these cases has the DEA actually brought any criminal charges against the travelers whose cash has been confiscated:

A DEA agent is killed in a shooting aboard an Amtrak train in Arizona

A Drug Enforcement Administration special agent was killed Monday when a passenger, who also died, opened fire as officers were doing a routine inspection for illegal contraband on an Amtrak train in Tucson, Arizona, authorities said. A second agent and a Tucson police officer were wounded.

“It’s very horrific and we’re all just coming to terms with just how terrible a loss this is,” Tucson Police Chief Chris Magnus said. “But I also want to reflect on the really heroic actions of the officers at the scene. They literally ran towards the danger, into the car, where there was an active shooting situation going on.”

Magnus spoke outside the hospital where the wounded agent and Tucson officer had been taken. The agent was listed in critical condition while the officer was in stable condition. He said authorities would not be releasing their names.

The shooting, which sent passengers fleeing, happened just after 8 a.m. on a train stopped at the station in the city’s downtown. A regional task force of DEA agents and Tucson police officers had boarded one of the cars to do a typical check for illegal money, weapons and drugs. It’s a common occurrence at all transit hubs, Magnus said.

Officers were in the middle of detaining a man on the upper level of the double-decker car when a second man pulled out a handgun and began firing. He exchanged several rounds with police and then barricaded himself in a bathroom on the lower level, Magnus said.

He was later found dead inside.

The other suspect has been arrested. It wasn’t immediately known what charges he faces or his relationship to the second man.

Two officers embrace near the scene of a shooting aboard an Amtrak train in Tucson, Ariz.

Evan Courtney/AP

Magnus praised Tucson police officers for getting the injured DEA agent off the train and rushing him to the hospital in the back of a patrol car. The hospitalized Tucson officer had been on the platform when he heard the shooting. He was shot when he ran into the car to help.

There were about a dozen other passengers in the car where the shooting occurred.

“I just think it’s kind of incredible here there weren’t other people who were hurt, even though we’re completely so saddened by the loss of the officer,” Magnus said.

Amtrak spokesman Jason Abrams also confirmed there were no reported injuries to the crew or passengers.

The Sunset Limited, Train 2, was traveling from Los Angeles to New Orleans, and arrived at the Tucson station at 7:40 am, Abrams said. There were 137 passengers and 11 crew members, he said. All have been evacuated to the station.

Evan Courtney was in a lounge car when people suddenly came running in yelling: “Shots fired!”

“I grabbed my backpack and ran,” Courtney told The Associated Press via Twitter direct messaging.

He said he huddled with other passengers while looking out the window. He saw several tactical police officers with assault rifles behind barricades. After 15 minutes, “police ran to us and told us to get out of the car and run in the opposite direction.”

Courtney later tweeted a photo of nearly two dozen officers including two embracing.

Dramatic video taken by a camera at the Southern Arizona Transportation Museum shows some of the shooting.

Multiple shots can be heard from inside a train before a man, who appears to be a security officer with a dog, boards in the middle of the second-to-last car through an open door. Two bystanders back away and then run past a baggage cart, joining four others as they usher each other into the last car and the door slides shut, the video shows.

One shot is heard and the security officer, holding a gun, backs off the train with the dog still on the leash. He runs behind a structure on the train platform as a man appears at the passenger car door, fires three shots toward the fleeing man and dog, and disappears back inside.

The camera belongs to Virtual Railfan, which operates more than 50 cameras livestreaming train operations around the country for train buffs. Kathy Abbott, operations manager, said both Tucson police and Amtrak police have asked for any footage to be made available.

Virtual Railfan’s cameras do capture crime but “maybe not this dramatic,” Abbott said. “This was definitely an adrenaline rush.”

Tucson, home to the University of Arizona, is about 110 miles south of Phoenix.

Here is yours truly: 15 minutes of “fame”

A conversation with Pharmacist Steve Ariens

I have heard something about a “new math”… but the DEA apparently has created their own math system

I love “DEA MATH”… lets look at the 2012-2016 is FIVE YEARS – 1825 days… it is estimated that there is abt 100,000,000 chronic pain pts… abt 30% of the population.. so of those 265 doses for every person would be abt 900 doses for each chronic pain pt – leaving nothing for acute pain.. so doing the simple math…. 900 doses for every chronic pain pt would mean that they MAY HAVE been prescribed a SINGLE DOSE EVERY OTHER DAY for five years.

For the county of 400 dose for every person … may have received FIVE DOSES EVERY WEEK for five years. – again leaving no opiates to treat acute pain for anyone post surgery or accident.

the typical chronic pain pts that is classified as intractable chronic pain – abt 25-35 million pts (8%-10% of our population) – requiring up to 3 long acting opiates and up to 4 short acting for break thru pain..

Ohio has population of abt 12 million …. meaning that they have a estimated 1- 1.2 million intractable chronic pain pts living in Ohio.

This link is to a article that states that 75% of opiate OD’s is from ILLEGAL FENTANYL.. and the last time I checked neither drug wholesalers nor pharmacies sell/dispense illegal Fentanyl

Could better chronic pain management – prevent thousands of OD’s (suicides) EACH YEAR ?

Are these opiate lawsuits just a bureaucratic “money grab”… the money from the 1998 Tobacco settlement where bureaucrats sued companies producing a LEGAL PRODUCT for the “believed” health issues they adversely affected.  Of course, tobacco already had a “sin tax” put on it years ago. That settlement was to be paid out over 25 yrs and that “free money annuity” is about to run out… the vast majority of the states in that settlement agreed to put that money toward getting people stop smoking, but it would appear that abt 95% of all that money just got “dumped” into the state’s general fund.  The states and feds apparently were able to “double dip” on that money… since all the law firms took the case on a contingency basis – they took a percentage of the settlement – and the bureaucrats would have gotten taxes paid by the law firms on their profits from handling those lawsuits.

Have these bureaucracies really got financially addicted to all that “free money” ?  Maybe they didn’t want to raise taxes or cut services to deal with the reduced cash flow as the tobacco settlement comes to a end.

This whole opiate lawsuit is over getting money to help the “poor addicts” and some are already speculating that 95% of the money will get dumped into the state’s coffers and I have read where this money will be paid out over 18 yrs…  and the bureaucrats will “double dip” once again via the taxes that the law firms’ profit from the settlement.

So what industry, that is selling a legal product, be the next to get sued – starting in about 12 yrs… so that another “free money annuity” can be in place when this opiate money dries up. Since the use/abuse of alcohol currently contributes to more annual deaths than all drug overdoses…  give you an suggestions ?


Pharmacies face 1st trial over role in opioid crisis

A bellwether trial is set to start Monday in federal court in Cleveland to determine whether retail pharmacy chains are liable for costs related to the opioid crisis in two Ohio counties

CLEVELAND — So many prescription painkillers were dispensed in Lake County, Ohio, between 2012 and 2016 that the amount equaled 265 pills for every resident. Just to the south, the flood of prescription opioids during the same period equated to 400 pills for every resident of Trumbull County.Attorneys say efforts to address the ensuing overdose epidemic has cost each of the financially struggling counties at least $1 billion. Now those counties want major national pharmacy chains that were involved in much of that distribution to pay.In a bellwether federal trial starting Monday in Cleveland, Lake and Trumbull counties will try to convince a jury that the retail pharmacy companies played an outsized role in creating a public nuisance in the way they dispensed pain medication into their communities.This will be the first time pharmacy companies, in this case CVS, Walgreens, Giant Eagle and Walmart, have gone to trial to defend themselves in the nation’s ongoing legal reckoning over the opioid crisis. The trial, which is expected to last around six weeks, could set the tone for similar lawsuits against retail pharmacy chains by government entities across the U.S.The trial will center on the harm to the counties and the response by the pharmacy chains, which have argued in court filings that their pharmacists were merely filling prescriptions written by physicians for legitimate medical needs. The trial also has a human dimension, watched closely by those whose family members are part of the roughly 500,000 Americans whose deaths are attributed to opioid abuse over the past two decades.

Grover, who lives in the small Trumbull County community of Mesopotamia Township, said she believes her daughter, Rachael Realini, started using prescription painkillers around 2013, but missed any signs of her addiction. By 2016, she told her mother she needed help. When pain pills became scarce, she turned to heroin to feed her habit.

“She looked terrible,” Grover said of her daughter, a registered nurse and mother of two small children. “We hugged, and I told her we would get through this.”

Attempts at rehabilitation in Ohio and Florida failed. Realini was found dead at her home in April 2017 from a fentanyl overdose, an autopsy showed. No other drugs were found in her system.

An attorney for the counties, Frank Gallucci, said that is similar to the pattern seen throughout their communities: Heroin and synthetic fentanyl have largely replaced prescription painkillers, which have been harder to obtain as the industry has been forced to dial back on dispensing.

Another major pharmacy chain, Rite-Aid, settled with Lake and Trumbull counties, which are located outside Cleveland. The Trumbull settlement was $1.5 million; the Lake County amount has not been disclosed.

The trial starting Monday before U.S. District Judge Dan Polster is part of a broader constellation of federal opioid lawsuits — about 3,000 in all — that have been consolidated under the judge’s supervision.

Jim Misocky, an attorney and special projects coordinator in Trumbull County, along with Lake County Administrator Jason Boyd, said the ongoing opioid crisis has been a burden financially. They cited increased costs for their courts, jails, foster care, law enforcement and addiction treatment

The financial burden is especially acute in Trumbull County, where there have been thousands of job losses in recent years in steelmaking, auto manufacturing and automotive supply companies.

“It’s been a big hit on the budget,” Misocky said. “We don’t have a lot of wealth in this community.”

Trumbull County has had to hire a part-time pathologist in the county coroner’s office, Misocky said. When the county morgue fills up, bodies are sent to Cleveland or Lake County for autopsies.

Lake County’s Boyd said addiction treatment facilities there are “well beyond capacity.”

“That’s an issue we hear about continuously,” he said. “‘Where are we going to treat these people?’”

Attorneys for the two counties say 80 million prescription painkillers were dispensed in Trumbull between 2012 and 2016, according to data made public earlier through the court. In Lake County, it was 61 million pills. In trial briefs, the pharmacy companies argue that they followed guidelines established by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration and the state of Ohio in how their stores dispensed painkillers.

Attorneys for CVS, based in Rhode Island, said the allegations against the company “are completely unfounded.”

“The evidence presented at trial will show not only that CVS met the legal requirements for distributing prescription opioid medications in Lake and Trumbull Counties, but that it exceeded them,” attorneys for the company wrote.

Attorneys for Illinois-based Walgreens said the two counties were using “confused and contradictory legal theories against other defendants before they landed on the idea to sue retail pharmacy chains.”

The trial will be the fourth in the U.S. this year to test claims brought by governments against different players in the drug industry over the toll of prescription painkillers. Verdicts or judgments have not yet been reached in the others.

With trials ongoing and others queued up, many of the most prominent defendants have already reached settlements. Sometimes, they involve a small number of governments or just one defendant such as Rite Aid.

The nation’s three largest drug distribution companies, AmerisourceBergen, Cardinal Health and McKesson, along with drugmaker Johnson & Johnson, reached a $26 billion nationwide settlement earlier this year. A federal bankruptcy judge recently approved a settlement for Purdue Pharma, the maker of OxyContin, that is potentially worth $10 billion. The global consulting firm McKinsey & Company earlier this year agreed to pay nearly $600 million for its role in advising drug makers on how to boost sales of prescription opioid painkillers.

And in Ohio, lawsuits filed by two larger counties, Cuyahoga and Summit, against drug distribution companies were settled for $260 million before the start of trial in November 2019.

Grover believes the pharmacy giants bear a large responsibility for her daughter’s addiction and is glad they’re on trial.

“The pharmacy companies are the biggest drug dealers there are,” Grover said. “They’re white collar drug dealers, and they need to be held accountable.”

I love “DEA MATH”… lets look at the 2012-2016 is FIVE YEARS – 1825 days… it is estimated that there is abt 100,000,000 chronic pain pts… abt 30% of the population.. so of those 265 doses for every person would be abt 900 doses for every chronic pain pt – leaving nothing for acute pain.. so doing the simple math…. 900 doses for every chronic pain pt would mean that they MAY HAVE been prescribed a SINGLE DOSE EVERY OTHER DAY.

For the county of 400 dose for every person … may have received FIVE DOSES EVERY WEEK. – again leaving no opiates to treat acute pain for anyone post surgery or accident.

the typical chronic pain pts that is classified as intractable chronic pain – abt 25-35 million pts (8%-10% of our population) – requiring up to 3 long acting opiates and up to 4 short acting for break thru pain..

Ohio has population of abt 12 million …. meaning that they have a estimated 1- 1.2 million intractable chronic pain pts living in Ohio.

BTW… who is producing opiates in a “pill” form ?… the last – maybe only – pill dose available was a Ex-lax dose in “pill form”

Interesting read FROM SIX YEARS AGO

Is chain pharmacies in the middle of a staffing crisis ?

I know a couple of weeks ago the Walgreen store that is closet to the house, apparently all three pharmacist WALKED..   and the Rx dept in this particular store has been open very sporadic hours and I had head about another Walgreen is a small Indiana town about 15 miles are so from me and a city with only a 600 population and Walgreens is the only pharmacy in town… was having similar staffing problems and sporadic Rx dept being open. I am hearing that the two CVS pharmacies in our county seat of abt population of 85,000 … both of their Rx depts are opening sporadically. One is in a Target store and the other is one of their 24 hr stores… and they have had a sign out front “WE NEVER CLOSE”.

The independent pharmacy that we use… I am normally in/out in < 5 minutes … unless I stop to talk..  Generally, by the time that I get to the checkout register at the pharmacy either the tech or the pharmacist has pulled our waiting meds from the Rx waiting wreck… they have our charge card on file and generally, I just have to sign for the meds and I am on my way…   Here is a link to find a PATIENT FRIENDLY INDEPENDENT BY ZIP CODE

It would seem that Pharmacists have finally gotten fed up with how they are being more and more mistreated.  Maybe the final straw may have something to do with the upcoming – and now approved – COVID-19 booster shot, just as flu shot season approaches.  I have seen Walgreens offering first $25,000 sign on bonus for a 3 yr contract and then I saw the sign bonus was raised to $50,000… but these pharmacists are being offered $15/hr less than I was being paid the last year that I worked – 2013… and I had not had a raise in about 5-6 yrs. A $25,000 sign on bonus for 3 yrs is about $4/hr over 3 yrs…  From what I have heard from chain pharmacists… they are protecting their own mental and physical health and in turn – to a certain degree – protecting those of the pts that patronize these stores. Under the work environment that these pharmacists and their technicians are expected to preform very exacting tasks… and I am sure that there are many more near misses – medication errors – that we never heard about… but…  how many med errors have been “settled” with a non disclosure agreement and a CHECK…  Apparently the cost for the pharmacy chains to settled and “bury” all of these med errors with a check and the pt signing a non disclosure agreement… is less than the profit that the chain can generate by under staffing and overworking their staff in the Rx dept.  Do yourself a favor, find a pharmacy that your good health is more important to them than their bottom line profits.

Goshen pharmacy customers have long waits for drive-thru only service

GOSHEN — A shortage of pharmacy workers caused frustration this week when CVS reopened its pharmacy services as drive-thru only and long lines of vehicles quickly formed.

After being closed for four days earlier this week, the pharmacy at the CVS store at Main and Madison streets, reopened with drive-thru only service Thursday, according to customers who were waiting in a long line Friday morning.

Mark Thompson of Goshen had a story of frustration to tell.

Keeping his sense of humor and a smile on his face, Thompson recounted how he waited in line for an hour Thursday and when he reached the service window he was told his prescription, which he said was supposed to be filled Monday, was not ready yet. Thompson said he was told the medication would be ready in about an hour.

He then returned to the store about 4:30 p.m. and waited in line again.

“I got all the way up there and was about two cars away and they closed, they close at 6,” he said. “So, I am back again.”

Friday morning Thompson said he had been in line for an hour and was about half way to the window. During that time the line of vehicles varied from 20 to close to 30. The long line stretched back from the drive-up window, north around the parking lot and then out onto Madison Street and back to the traffic signal at Main Street.

Thompson has been a loyal customer at the CVS pharmacy for about 20 years and said he has never had a problem of having to wait so long to fill a prescription.

He laughed when he said he was enjoying his day off from work “learning patience.”

Thompson had already called his doctor Thursday and asked that his monthly refill of his prescription be sent to another local pharmacy.

“Looking forward, I probably won’t come here again, to be honest,” he said.

Customer Sue Wilfong, who used to work at another local chain-owned pharmacy, said she was not angry and that her former company is also experiencing a shortage of pharmacy workers.

She said there is a worker shortage, but the pharmacy staffs are also tasked with more duties during the pandemic.

“I feel for them, I really do,” Wilfong said of pharmacy workers. “They are also bombarded with having to do the testing, the vaccines and both the COVID as well as the flu shots now. It is just stretching their people too much.”

Wilfong normally has her prescriptions mailed to her, but she needed some expensive medicine and had a coupon for it, so she needed to visit the store in person.

Having waited for 40 minutes already and being still toward the end of the line, Wilfong said she had an incentive to stick with the slow creep toward the service window.

“So, I am going to wait for that coupon,” she said with a big laugh.


Asked about the situation in Goshen, a CVS spokesperson sent an email from the company that stated: “Throughout the pandemic, our employees have continued to serve as a critical resource for health care services, prescriptions, vaccinations, COVID-19 testing and other products and supplies in communities like Goshen, at a time when they’re needed most. As our employees continue to be there for our customers, we’re adding to our talent pool to provide them with even greater support and welcome interested candidates to apply.”

The company also said Goshen customers have another option to fill prescriptions at a local CVS store.

“We encourage area customers to also utilize the nearby CVS Pharmacy within the Target store located at 3938 Midway Road for an additional access to service, and where prescriptions are also seamlessly available,” the company stated.

In a Sept. 20 nationwide news release, CVS Health announced it would be recruiting qualified candidates to fill 25,000 clinical and retail jobs. The company planned to hold a national jobs event Sept. 24.

“These new and existing positions will help the company continue to respond to the needs of communities across the country during the fall and winter months when the incidence of flu is expected to increase and as COVID-19 vaccination and testing remain in high demand,” the company said in the Sept. 20 statement.

The openings mostly are for full-time, part-time and temporary licensed pharmacists, trained pharmacy technicians and nurses, the company explained.

Retail workers are also needed.

The company is administering COVID-19 booster shots, COVID-19 vaccinations, COVID-19 tests, as well as seasonal flu shots, according to the release.

“Every flu season we need additional team members,” said Neela Montgomery, executive vice president, CVS Health and president, CVS Pharmacy, “but this year we’re looking for even more. With the continued presence of COVID-19 in our communities, we’re estimating a much greater need for pharmacists, trained pharmacy technicians, nurses and retail store associates.”

Do various businesses mandating COVID-19 JAB to keep your job .. responsible for adverse reactions ?

This is a interesting “happening” in Denver.  This police officer has experienced some serious side effects after getting the Pfizer COVID-19 JAB to keep his job, even though this officer had already had and survived COVID-19 and had “natural antibodies”.  Apparently “SCIENCE”  does not apply in DENVER,  CO’s policies.  This attorney stated that he is also representing ELEVEN other people in the area over mandatory JABS.

Congress indemnified just about anyone involved with the creation and administration of these COVID-19 vaccines, apparently they did not indemnified various business entities from mandating people they had control over to have the JAB and if they experienced any serious adverse events.

Depending on how this lawsuit “shakes out” …could result in some positive things for the chronic pain community.

This lawsuit could come to the conclusion that if a bureaucracy is going to practice medicine and refuse to follow “THE SCIENCE” that they have some liability for the consequences or collateral damage.

Imagine a hospital/healthcare system, Insurance/PBM, Chain pharmacy …. implements some sort of adherence to the CDC GUIDELINES… and the chronic pain pt at the end of these edicts has some comorbidity complication… end up with a hypertensive crisis, stroke, death… or premature death or a number of other very serious complications and/or QOL degrading…  All listed in the chart below.

Could better chronic pain management – prevent thousands of OD’s (suicides) EACH YEAR ?

I love “DEA math problems”… this article states that 75% of the 93,000 drug overdoses was caused ILLEGAL FENTANYL – amazing they actually stated that the deaths were caused by ILLICIT FENTANYL without showing a graphic of a legal Fentanyl Rx med.  This calculates out to abt 70,000 of the 93,000 ALL DRUG OVERDOSE DEATHS.

Here is a chart that shows OD deaths up to 2019 … we have abt 320,000,000 population… so doing the math…  Heroin is abt 4/100,000 of 12,800 deaths, Methadone is abt 1 so 3200 deaths, Cocaine and Meth is abt 5 so that is 16,000 each…   Using that chart the apparently the number of illegal Fentanyl OD’s have abt DOUBLE between 2019 and 2020.

Using the chart it would appear in 2019 83,000 OD’s from the illegal drugs on this chart and if one adds the estimated 15,000 that die from the use/abuse of NSAIDS – most GI bleeds… one comes up with 98,000 OD from just this hand full of drugs/meds. That would be abt 5%-7% error on these sources on numbers from matching up… I guess that is close enough for the bureaucrats.

But the chart shows that abt 12,000 people OD’d on Rx opiates…  that would throw the total OD’s in 2019 to 110,000…  But those legal opiate OD’s don’t delineate how many were legally prescribed to the person that OD’d…  but that is only about 10% of all OD’s using legal opiates… but … it would be interesting to know how many people OD’d with their legally prescribed opiates and if they had any other substances in their toxicology.  Since most OD’s, toxicology shows 4 to 7 different substances, with one typically being the DRUG ALCOHOL. My money would be on … if the toxicology only showed a legally prescribed opiate and alcohol … it would most likely be a SUICIDE !  Even if this data was ever divulged, it would appear that OD’s with legally prescribed opiates by chronic pain pts… is in the single digit percentages of all OD’s.  One could speculate that if chronic pain was better managed … that thousands of OD’s could be prevented.



Fentanyl frenzy: More than 800 people arrested in DEA crackdown on fake fentanyl-laced pills

The Drug Enforcement Administration said Thursday it made 810 arrests and seized more than 1.8 million fake pills during a two-month sweep to stem the flow of counterfeit medications containing the synthetic opioid fentanyl.

The lethal tablets are fueling a surge in U.S. drug-overdose deaths in recent years, and largely are trafficked from Mexico, where drug cartels produce the tablets from precursor chemicals imported from China, top U.S. officials said at a news conference Thursday.

“Illicit fentanyl was responsible for nearly three-quarters of the more than 93,000 fatal drug overdoses in the United States in 2020,” Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco said at Justice Department headquarters.

“The pervasiveness of these illicit drugs, and the fatal overdoses that too often result, is a problem that cuts across America from small towns to big cities and everything in between.”

DEA Administrator Anne Milgram said the agency is working to shut wide distribution networks selling tablets that look like name-brand prescription medications such as Xanax and Percocet.

“DEA laboratory testing reveals that today, four out of 10 fentanyl-laced fake pills contain a potentially lethal dose (2 milligrams),” the agency said in a news release.

Milgram said the DEA has never seen a higher lethality rate.

The fake pills seized were capable of killing more than 700,000 people, she said.

During the sweep, the DEA also seized enough powder to make tens of millions of pills, more than 4,000 kilograms of methamphetamine and more than 650 kilograms of cocaine.

The agency seized more than 9.5 million fake tablets last year, a 430% increase over 2019.

Milgram said the pills are widely available on social media platforms as well as on the streets, an issue that she said social media companies need to address.

Milgram said she raised the issue with Mexican Attorney General Alejandro Gertz Manero during a meeting this week, asking to work with Mexican law enforcement agencies to tackle the problem.

Earlier this week, the DEA issued a public safety alert about a sharp increase of fake prescription pills laced with fentanyl and methamphetamine. It was the first such alert issued by the DEA in six years.


Looks like: No one from FBI or DEA will get fired for not taking the JAB

4-year-old mistakenly gets COVID vaccine instead of flu shot at Maryland Walgreens

Could this be another incident of over-worked/under staffed pharmacy depts?  Recently a Walgreen near us had a three pharmacists abruptly quit/walked out and the Rx dept was open sporadic hours and I have heard of other Walgreen in the area having similar pharmacist shortage and was only opened when they could find a pharmacist willing to work a shift.  While the adult dose of Pfizer vaccine is 0.3 ml and Pfizer has submitted data to the FDA to get permission to get it to kids 5-11 y/o, but what I have read … the dose for that age group is suppose to be 0.1 ml.   The volume of flu shot for a 5 y/o child is suppose to be 0.5 ml … so nothing in this article states the dose volume this 4/yo received.  Any adverse side effects/consequences to this child is most likely TOTALLY UNKNOWN.

4-year-old mistakenly gets COVID vaccine instead of flu shot at Maryland Walgreens

A Maryland pharmacist mistakenly injected 4-year-old Colette Olivier with the Pfizer/BioNTech COVID-19 vaccine instead of the flu shot.

Colette’s mom, Victoria Olivier, said the pharmacist’s clinical error was a “record-scratch” moment that she feared could have serious consequences for her daughter, according to the Baltimore Sun.

“All of us were just stunned,” Olivier told the newspaper. “No one really knew what to do, of course.”

Colette received the vaccine on Sept. 18 and has not experienced any major side effects, the Baltimore Sun reported.

Walgreens said safety checks are in place and that “we’ve recently reviewed this process with our pharmacy staff in order to prevent a future occurrence,” Walgreens spokesperson Phil Caruso told McClatchy News.

“Patient safety is our top priority,” Caruso said. “Events like this are extremely rare and we take this matter very seriously. We are in touch with the patient’s family and we have apologized.”

Currently, COVID-19 vaccines are only approved for children 12 to 15 years old, according to the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The Pfizer vaccine is not yet approved for children under 12, though the company said Tuesday that it has submitted research to the FDA and is hopeful that the shots could be ready in November, according to The Associated Press.

Moderna, meanwhile, is testing its vaccine “in elementary school-aged children. Results are expected later in the year,” AP reported.

Duration 1:50
Dr. René Bravo on COVID-19 vaccination for children

A leader in the San Luis Obispo County medical community, pediatrician Dr. René Bravo, talked about why his office is offering coronavirus vaccinations and answers some common questions from parents.

The Olivier family isn’t planning on filing a formal complaint with Maryland regulators to investigate the incident, WBFF reported.

Medical experts told the Baltimore Sun that although the pharmacist’s error was frightening, “it should not dictate how other families feel about seeking medical care or vaccinations for their children.”

Parents with kids under 12 are split when it comes to vaccinating their children.

A Gallup poll released Tuesday found that 55% of parents with children under 12 plan to get them vaccinated, and 45% of parents said they won’t.

Still, the American Association of Pediatrics currently discourages medical professionals from injecting vaccines in children under 12.

“The dose may be different for younger ages,” the group said in a news release. “The AAP recommends against giving the vaccine to children under 12 [years] until authorized by the FDA.”