Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people

Red Cross issues warning to stop blood plasma donations from vaccinated people

(Natural News) If you took a Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccine,” the American Red Cross will not accept blood plasma donations from you due to the inherent toxicity issues caused by the injection.

As it turns out, convalescent plasma should only be collected from the unvaccinated who still have clean blood that has not been contaminated with deadly spike proteins and other chemicals that threaten to kill those who receive blood transfusions.

Thanks to “Operation Warp Speed,” there is now a massive shortage of pure blood in the United States that has not been tainted with genetic modifications and other damage. Mass vaccination, in other words, is effectively killing people who desperately need unvaccinated blood but cannot find it.

A now-archived document from the American Red Cross explains that anyone who takes “any type of COVID vaccine” is “not eligible to donate convalescent plasma” because of the serious risks involved.

“One of the Red Cross requirements for plasma from routine blood and platelet donations that test positive for high-levels of antibodies to be used as convalescent plasma is that it must be from a donor that has not received a COVID-19 vaccine,” the document explains.

Scientifically speaking, it is critical for those receiving donor blood to have sufficient antibodies directly related to their own immune systems. Tainted blood from vaccinated people does not qualify.

“This is to ensure that antibodies collected from donors have sufficient antibodies directly related to their immune response to a COVID-19 infection and not just the vaccine, as antibodies from an infection and antibodies from a vaccine are not the same.”

Red Cross discontinues convalescent plasma donation program entirely after FDA rule change

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) apparently thinks differently about vaccinated blood.

A new document on the Red Cross website now explains that because the FDA “allows people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to donate dedicated COVID-19 convalescent plasma,” the Red Cross has decided to discontinue its convalescent plasma donation program entirely.

“The FDA allows people who have received a COVID-19 vaccine to donate dedicated COVID-19 convalescent plasma within six months of their infection of the virus, based on data that antibodies from natural infection can decline after six months however, the Red Cross has discontinued our convalescent plasma collection program,” the new document explains.

In other words, it would appear as though the Red Cross is not comfortable continuing to collect and administer convalescent plasma from people who took the jab, even though the FDA claims that doing so is completely safe.

This type of thing is par for the course for the FDA, which rarely promotes policies that benefit actual human beings. The agency really is nothing more than an extension of Big Pharma that does whatever is necessary to keep the profits flowing – even at the expense of human life.

“The antibodies naturally produced by covid infection actually work,” wrote one commenter at Citizen Free Press.

“The antibodies artificially produced by covid vaccines do not work as well, and actually wipe out the natural covid antibodies. This is why vaccinated people are increasingly becoming significantly ill with covid.”

Another commenter wrote that the Red Cross is denying that it does not accept convalescent plasma from vaccinated people, even though the document on its website claims otherwise.

“The FDA says that you can donate convalescent plasma within six months of infection, even if you’ve been vaccinated,” this person wrote, calling it a “legal lie.”

“But the Red Cross guidelines prohibit them from using convalescent plasma if the individual has been vaccinated.”

The latest news about the how Chinese Virus injections contaminate a person’s blood can be found at

Once again: a BIG LIE … concocted by attorneys, politicians & bureaucrats

Does it surprise anyone that just as the BIG TOBACCO SETTLEMENT from 1998 is just about ready to run out… where 98% of that monies ended up in the states’ GENERAL FUNDS… to be spent as they wished… that many states’ AG’s… engaged one or more law firms  to take on these lawsuits…. on a contingency basis… that way the states’ AG’s have nothing to lose in regards to the states’ money/budgets. of course, the law firms walked away with a very tidy sum as a percentage of  “the take”. Does this timing suggest that the various states that shared in that 206 Billion settlement have become “financially addicted” to all the 25 yr payout of that  “free money”.

I guess all the people that visited or conned prescribers & pharmacies to provide these opiates to abuse or divert for profit … probably too many and “too small a fish” for the law firms to bother with, but those actions are violations of the Controlled Substance Act.

Should we see a pattern here?… what is the next LEGAL PRODUCT that the politicians/bureaucrats/law firms will go after next…  What about Liquor/Alcohol… the use/abuse of that DRUG is claim to contribute to abt 100,000 deaths every year..  That is more deaths than has been claimed that the opiate crisis causes every year… and the vast majority of those deaths are caused by the use/abuse of ILLEGAL substances.  Maybe their “net worth” was not enough BENJAMINS to go after ?

It is claimed that the  Sackler family’s company Purdue Pharma opiate – Oxycontin – was only about 4% of all opiate Rxs filled and is settling for 4.5 billion and the DOJ is miffed that none of the Sackler’s is serving any prison time. It has been reported that the DOJ/states/law firms wanted the Sackler family’s PERSONAL ASSETS to be attached… in our country … a corporation’s structure is suppose to protect stock holders’ assets against any forfeiture or claims against the corporation.  But it would appear that these legal vultures even wants a “pound of flesh”.  The Founders of Purdue Pharma and set the company in focusing on long acting pain management are mostly dead and gone.  Imagine before Purdue Pharma, any pts suffering from intractable chronic pain, their only option was short acting opiates… to get any amount of decent pain management the pt had to take a tablet every 3 to 4 hrs AROUND THE CLOCK…

Here is a recent post on how J&J has agreed to get out of “opiate business”  Opioids will no longer be manufactured or sold in the United States by J&J      and the NY AG and other attorneys are determined to put the entire pharmas that manufacturer opiates OUT OF BUSINESS

Despite what the media and politicians have said, that isn’t how this works.

Attorneys general from across the country reacted to the opioid crisis by taking big pharmaceutical companies to court. The fund they won, they promised, would be spent on addiction services, thus working to end the crisis. “This settlement helps hold these companies accountable for their role in contributing to the opioid epidemic and will provide Floridians struggling with opioid addiction the services they need to recover,” Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis declared in July, after agreeing to a massive settlement with the McKesson Corporation.

But that’s not how the story has been working out.

Since 2011, the United States has seen spikes in fentanyl overdoses. They killed an estimated 93,000 people in the last year alone. The popular media narrative is that this crisis was caused by Purdue pharma’s OxyContin and the company’s marketing push to use addictive opioids to treat chronic and acute pain. This wrongly puts the blame on patients while ignoring public health authorities’ role in creating this addiction epidemic. Nor does it recognize how public health agencies (in particular, the FDA) made an addiction crisis lethal by forcing Purdue to reformulate oxycontin to be abuse-deterrent, thus pushing millions of casual drug users onto more dangerous black-market substances. Nevertheless the pharma-only narrative has been a winner in court. Thousands of state and local governments have sued pharmaceutical manufacturers and distributors, winning billions.

The largest of these settlements is this year’s McKesson/AmerisourceBergen/Cardinal Health settlement, worth $26 billion. Their alleged transgression, which the companies still dispute, is to not do enough to stop suspicious opioid orders. When the settlement is finalized, it will account for most of the 3,000 or so opioid lawsuits nationwide and will be the second largest settlement in U.S. history—with a whopping $2.3 billion allocated for lawyer fees and expenses.

Then there’s the $12 billion settlement with Purdue pharma, over the company’s negligence and mismarketing of Oxycontin and other drugs. Under the bankruptcy settlement terms, Purdue is dissolved, its assets are now managed by a public benefits firm, and the former owners (the Sackler family) are on the hook for $4.5 billion. Both settlements provide some protection from future litigation. However, the Justice Department is apparently miffed the Sacklers will not see jail time and is threatening to hold the Purdue settlement up. Even still, this is one of the most punitive settlements in legal history.

“As opioid settlements are reached, we must learn from the missed opportunity with tobacco,” Sen. Dick Durbin (D–Ill.) wrote in Stat News earlier this year. “That means dedicating the funds from opioid settlements to build the public health systems our nation needs to respond to the opioid crisis and prevent future addiction.”

But due to the separation of powers established in the Constitution, courts cannot dictate much about how the states use litigation settlement funds. Unless specified otherwise by state law, those funds are at the discretion of the state attorneys general, who must vet the funds for use in the general budget. Fighting addiction with settlement funds is a lie, and it always was.

This isn’t the first time this con has been played. The largest settlement in U.S. history was the 1998 tobacco master settlement, which cost American tobacco companies $206 billion. Then as now, the narrative said the government was getting big bucks to stop America’s cigarette habit. Despite those assurances, 98 percent of those funds ended up in states’ general budgets.

Durbin and other politicians promise that this time it will be different. So far, 19 states have passed legislation designating settlement money as special funds, with another nine legislating allocation agreements. But those bills sound better than they really are.

For an example, look at Colorado

The Colorado Memorandum Agreement, which is more detailed than most states’ measures, states how opioid settlement funds are to be divvied up. State coffers will receive 10 percent of the funds, then 20 percent for local governments. The lion’s share, 60 percent, will go to different regions, whose leadership and advisory groups will—with broad discretion—determine how to spend the funds. Of the $400 million in settlement money coming their way, Coloradans can only be sure that $40 million, just 10 percent, will go towards “opioid abatement infrastructure projects.”

Even then, it’s unclear how that money will be spent and how effective it will be. While addiction experts generally favor harm reduction, state leaders of both parties are prone to advocating heavy-handed law enforcement policies, such as mandatory drug courts and further surveillance of physicians and patients. And even if you could push aside the drug crusaders, an anti-addiction policy might mean anything.

Consider just a sampling of the “anti-addiction” policies those settlements are funding. In West Virginia, addiction services mean more in education spending; in Oklahoma, it means more money for corrections. Oregon likes medical research and equity; Connecticut is particular to social services. In Minnesota, the focus is on non-narcotic pain treatments. Michigan’s plans include efforts to help new mothers.

And there’s a bigger problem: There is little to stop states from using those funds according to the established parameters, then shifting the regular budgeted funds elsewhere. After the McKinsey settlement, then–New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo notified the Office of Addiction Services and Supports that of the state’s $32 million share, $21 million will be going to the state’s general fund.

It could get worse. In 2007, then–West Virginia Gov. Joe Manchin tried to use settlement funds from Purdue Pharma to purchase a gubernatorial helicopter. Who knows what misappropriations could be on the way now? The public reaction to the misallocation of funds from the tobacco master settlement will be nothing compared to the angry response from the families of opioid overdose victims when they realize the healing and justice promised to them was a sham.


First Impressions: Are you “worthy” to have your medication filled ?

The Moments

The moments do not define you. They define the perception of you.

The moments silence you and give your voice to someone else.

When you visit the pharmacy, in that moment, you are judged by your appearance, your mannerisms, and the prescriptions you fill. The pharmacist does not know your struggle, your chronic pain, and the ever growing stress of justifying the legitimacy of your pain.

The pharmacist only sees the moment.

And she judges whether to fill the prescription. Whether she should take on the legal liability of filling a prescription — not knowing whether you will abuse the medication, but knowing she is liable for any potential abuse.

So she makes a decision in the moment.

She decides not to fill the prescription, a low dose opioid prescription for your chronic pain that has already been lowered to levels intolerable. But you tolerated the forced tapering. Now you must tolerate the immediate discontinuation. How much more can you tolerate?

In that moment, you react.

You tell the pharmacist to call your physician, to ask for your medical records, your urine drug screens, and anything else that can pass for proof. In your excitement, you raise your voice.

But in that moment, your voice is defined by the pharmacist.

She sees your excitement as proof of drug abuse, focusing less on what you are saying and more on how you are saying it. Your reaction reinforces what the pharmacist initially suspected. She uses your reaction to justify her initial decision.

In that moment, you are denied medically necessary medications.

You know that going to another pharmacy will be difficult. They will ask why you are switching pharmacies. If you tell the truth, then you are likely to be denied again. But you have no choice. The physician’s office cannot help. They can only call and vouch for you. They cannot tell the pharmacist how to proceed.

But going forward, for every proceeding visit to a pharmacy, a pharmacist will see that you were denied. And they will question you.

This moment does not define you, but it defines the perception of you as you fill your medications, and how you will be perceived by pharmacists going forward.

The moments are powerfully silencing. They take your voice and give it to someone else.

The moments are cruel.

Round up App … Makes CENTS for American Pain and Disability Foundation

Roundup allows you to automatically “round up” – to the next whole dollar – any purchase to your registered credit card(s) or debit(s) card. That will be donated to   you can place a monthly max $$ that you will donate in a single month.

CDC/DEA Protest: Oct 20th Washington DC

ask to share this video made by chronic pain advocates

Pfizer Expands Recall of Anti-smoking Drug to Include All Lots

Pfizer Expands Recall of Antismoking Drug to Include All Lots

Pfizer has expanded its nationwide recall of the smoking cessation drug varenicline (Chantix) to the consumer level to include all lots of the 0.5-mg and 1-mg tablets in the United States because the drug includes higher than acceptable levels of a known carcinogen.

A company announcement posted on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website notes the tablets are being recalled due to the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline, a nitrosamine impurity, at or above the FDA’s current acceptable intake limit.

As previously reported by Medscape Medical News, Pfizer previously recalled some specific lots of Chantix for this same reason back in July and August. Pfizer said it has not received reports of adverse events related to this recall.

With alternative suppliers of Chantix approved in the United States, Pfizer said it is recalling all batches of Chantix as a “precautionary measure.”

Pfizer said consumers who have Chantix on hand should contact Stericycle at 1-888-276-6166 to start the return process.

Patients currently taking Chantix are advised to consult with their healthcare provider about alternative treatment options.

Although N-nitroso-varenicline may be associated with a potential increased cancer risk, there is no immediate risk to patients taking this medication, the FDA says.

The agency also says the health benefits of stopping smoking outweigh the cancer risk from the nitrosamine impurity in varenicline.

“To lessen the impact to patients from a drug shortage due to this ongoing recall, FDA will not object to certain manufacturers distributing varenicline tablets containing N-nitroso-varenicline above FDA’s acceptable intake limit of 37 ng per day but below the interim acceptable intake limit of 185 ng per day until the impurity can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels,” the FDA notes.

Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of this product may be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program. 

who is more unreasonable… a 2 y/o having a asthmatic attack or AA employees ?

American Airlines removes family from flight for unmasked toddler

Amanda Pendarvis said her son was having an asthma attack at the time

A mother and her 2-year-old son were forced to deplane an American Airlines flight on Monday after the child would not keep a mask on. 

Amanda Pendarvis posted to her Instagram story that she, her young son and her mother were removed from the flight. Pendarvis said her son was having an asthma attack at the time.

Flight 1284 returned to its gate at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport before departing for Colorado after the party refused to “comply with crew member instructions to remain seated while on an active taxiway and to wear face coverings securely over their nose and mouth,” American Airlines said in a statement to FOX Business.

The airline said crew members were never made aware that the child was having an asthma attack or issues breathing. Additionally, the passengers were not addressed for failure to comply with face-covering requirements at any point while administering treatment, according to the carrier. 

A Twitter user who said she’s a friend of Pendarvis posted a series of images of the incident, which included one appearing to show Pendarvis attempting to keep a mask on her son.

A one-minute video appears to show the child screaming and crying while the mother tries to place the mask properly over his face. At one point, the child can be heard saying “no” while the woman repeatedly tries to settle him down.

At the end of the clip, the woman and child were seen waiting in the jetbridge, met by authorities.

American also said the flight crew made “multiple attempts to reinforce safety requirements” after they saw “a minor in the party laying in the aisle and moving between seats on taxi out.”

Per federal safety regulations, all customers are required to remain seated with a seatbelt on when an aircraft is on an active taxiway, according to the carrier.

As part of its policy, American also requires all individuals that are 2 years old and older to wear a face-covering at all times unless they are eating or drinking.

“U.S. federal law requires that you wear a face covering at all times while indoors at the airport and on board your flight If you refuse to wear one, you may be denied boarding and future travel on American,” American’s website states. “You may also face penalties under federal law.”

These rules do not apply to anyone who is under 2 years old or who has a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask, according to American. 

After deplaning, American said the passengers were rebooked on the next flight to Colorado Springs that same day after they agreed to “adhere to policies instituted for the safety of our customers and crew.” 

I know they report that Biden was last in his law class – did he sleep thru the courses on our Constitution & bill or rights ?

This administration seems to do whatever it wants to do…  Constitution…. Bill of Rights…. and other laws be damned. First he says he CAN’T mandate vaccinations… and then he does – even though he said that 70% population vaccinated would be “herd immunity” and we are now at 75%.  The Supreme court told him that he could not extend the rent moratorium, but he tried to do it anyway and the courts slapped him down… so the CDC tried it as “health issue” and they got slapped down… the Supreme Court stated that it had be done by Congress and Pelosi failed to act.  I guess that we are going to have to stop sending presents to our Daughter and Grandson using Zelle…  Sending them (electronic ) cash… we know the present is always the RIGHT COLOR … just may not be the RIGHT SIZE 🙂

I guess that the 4th Amendment really doesn’t exist in “Biden World”  I just made this post this week 

It looks like the Federal government … if they find some money in anybody’s pocket… they are going to try and pick your pockets.  At one time, there was a saying that you came into this world with nothing and that the bureaucrats were going to try and make damn sure that you leave this world the same way. And that is why historically the estate taxes were so draconian… and it looks like this Congress is going to try and reinstate that draconian tax… which will mean that all too many small business owners and farmers… when they die… their heirs will most like have to liquidate the business/farm to pay the taxes.  And who will be standing in line to scoop up the asset of those businesses/farms at “fire sale prices”… you can bet – BIG CORPORATIONS.

Joe Biden wants the IRS to do something that will make your blood boil

Joe Biden is plunging the nation into crisis.

He has overseen one policy failure after another in under eight months.

Now Biden wants the IRS to do something that will make your blood boil.

It was bad enough when the Obama administration sicced Lois Lerner and the IRS on conservative organizations.

Now Joe Biden wants to go after everyone for potential tax evasion, even the average citizen sending hundreds of dollars on apps like Venmo and PayPal.

All of this is to fund his ridiculous $3.5 trillion spending package that’s being held up in the Senate.

The Daily Mail reports:

“One key prong of President Biden’s plan to bankroll Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan is to monitor gross inflows and outflows from an individual’s bank account . . . The proposal would require banks to report gross inflows and outflows to the IRS, including transactions from Venmo, PayPal, crypto exchanges and the like in an effort to fight tax evasion. The IRS would know how much money is in an individual’s bank account in a given year, whether the individual earned income on that account and exactly how much was going in and out.”

The absurd overreach by Biden is likely unconstitutional, and could result in litigation.

The Daily Mail continues:

“Patrick Hedger, vice president of policy at the Taxpayers’ Protection Alliance, warned that such a proposal could violate the Fourth Amendment, which protects citizens from search and seizure without probable cause. ‘The IRS is first and foremost, a law enforcement agency, and the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures in pursuit of looking for wrongdoing and criminal actions, so I think this is going to run into severe Fourth Amendment headwinds,’ Hedger [explained].”

Barack Obama nudged the country in a fascist direction by weaponizing the executive branch.

Biden is now accelerating that shift, and he has the corporate-controlled press and Big Tech behind him.

Hedger added:

“This is the ultimate regressive tax . . . You’re going to end up punishing the worst off among us . . . the lower income folks in this country have historically been the targets of aggressive IRS audits because they don’t have the CPAs and the lawyers to be able to fight back. I don’t see why they need to be going after people, you know, just the average, the average Joe and start stooping on, you know, a $600 payment.’”

Biden and the Democrats say they’re “for the people,” but all of their policies put the squeeze on average citizens.

Biden’s immigration policies put downward pressure on working class wages.

His energy policies have cost thousands of Americans jobs while causing gas prices to explode.

Biden’s economic policies have led to worker shortages and price inflation.

Meanwhile, burdensome COVID policies are restricting small business owners, many of whom have closed their doors permanently.

The Biden administration has been an utter failure, and this IRS gambit is just the latest example.

Stay tuned to Conservative Underground News for any updates to this ongoing story.


Tracy Beanz testifies in front of the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee on ivermectin

I could not download this video, but this person testifying before a senate committee with “tons” of info about clinical trials successfully using invermectin to treat COVID-19