First Impressions: Are you “worthy” to have your medication filled ?

The Moments

The moments do not define you. They define the perception of you.

The moments silence you and give your voice to someone else.

When you visit the pharmacy, in that moment, you are judged by your appearance, your mannerisms, and the prescriptions you fill. The pharmacist does not know your struggle, your chronic pain, and the ever growing stress of justifying the legitimacy of your pain.

The pharmacist only sees the moment.

And she judges whether to fill the prescription. Whether she should take on the legal liability of filling a prescription — not knowing whether you will abuse the medication, but knowing she is liable for any potential abuse.

So she makes a decision in the moment.

She decides not to fill the prescription, a low dose opioid prescription for your chronic pain that has already been lowered to levels intolerable. But you tolerated the forced tapering. Now you must tolerate the immediate discontinuation. How much more can you tolerate?

In that moment, you react.

You tell the pharmacist to call your physician, to ask for your medical records, your urine drug screens, and anything else that can pass for proof. In your excitement, you raise your voice.

But in that moment, your voice is defined by the pharmacist.

She sees your excitement as proof of drug abuse, focusing less on what you are saying and more on how you are saying it. Your reaction reinforces what the pharmacist initially suspected. She uses your reaction to justify her initial decision.

In that moment, you are denied medically necessary medications.

You know that going to another pharmacy will be difficult. They will ask why you are switching pharmacies. If you tell the truth, then you are likely to be denied again. But you have no choice. The physician’s office cannot help. They can only call and vouch for you. They cannot tell the pharmacist how to proceed.

But going forward, for every proceeding visit to a pharmacy, a pharmacist will see that you were denied. And they will question you.

This moment does not define you, but it defines the perception of you as you fill your medications, and how you will be perceived by pharmacists going forward.

The moments are powerfully silencing. They take your voice and give it to someone else.

The moments are cruel.

Round up App … Makes CENTS for American Pain and Disability Foundation

Roundup allows you to automatically “round up” – to the next whole dollar – any purchase to your registered credit card(s) or debit(s) card. That will be donated to   you can place a monthly max $$ that you will donate in a single month.

CDC/DEA Protest: Oct 20th Washington DC

ask to share this video made by chronic pain advocates

Pfizer Expands Recall of Anti-smoking Drug to Include All Lots

Pfizer Expands Recall of Antismoking Drug to Include All Lots

Pfizer has expanded its nationwide recall of the smoking cessation drug varenicline (Chantix) to the consumer level to include all lots of the 0.5-mg and 1-mg tablets in the United States because the drug includes higher than acceptable levels of a known carcinogen.

A company announcement posted on the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) website notes the tablets are being recalled due to the presence of N-nitroso-varenicline, a nitrosamine impurity, at or above the FDA’s current acceptable intake limit.

As previously reported by Medscape Medical News, Pfizer previously recalled some specific lots of Chantix for this same reason back in July and August. Pfizer said it has not received reports of adverse events related to this recall.

With alternative suppliers of Chantix approved in the United States, Pfizer said it is recalling all batches of Chantix as a “precautionary measure.”

Pfizer said consumers who have Chantix on hand should contact Stericycle at 1-888-276-6166 to start the return process.

Patients currently taking Chantix are advised to consult with their healthcare provider about alternative treatment options.

Although N-nitroso-varenicline may be associated with a potential increased cancer risk, there is no immediate risk to patients taking this medication, the FDA says.

The agency also says the health benefits of stopping smoking outweigh the cancer risk from the nitrosamine impurity in varenicline.

“To lessen the impact to patients from a drug shortage due to this ongoing recall, FDA will not object to certain manufacturers distributing varenicline tablets containing N-nitroso-varenicline above FDA’s acceptable intake limit of 37 ng per day but below the interim acceptable intake limit of 185 ng per day until the impurity can be eliminated or reduced to acceptable levels,” the FDA notes.

Adverse reactions or quality problems experienced with the use of this product may be reported to the FDA’s MedWatch Adverse Event Reporting program. 

who is more unreasonable… a 2 y/o having a asthmatic attack or AA employees ?

American Airlines removes family from flight for unmasked toddler

Amanda Pendarvis said her son was having an asthma attack at the time

A mother and her 2-year-old son were forced to deplane an American Airlines flight on Monday after the child would not keep a mask on. 

Amanda Pendarvis posted to her Instagram story that she, her young son and her mother were removed from the flight. Pendarvis said her son was having an asthma attack at the time.

Flight 1284 returned to its gate at the Dallas-Fort Worth airport before departing for Colorado after the party refused to “comply with crew member instructions to remain seated while on an active taxiway and to wear face coverings securely over their nose and mouth,” American Airlines said in a statement to FOX Business.

The airline said crew members were never made aware that the child was having an asthma attack or issues breathing. Additionally, the passengers were not addressed for failure to comply with face-covering requirements at any point while administering treatment, according to the carrier. 

A Twitter user who said she’s a friend of Pendarvis posted a series of images of the incident, which included one appearing to show Pendarvis attempting to keep a mask on her son.

A one-minute video appears to show the child screaming and crying while the mother tries to place the mask properly over his face. At one point, the child can be heard saying “no” while the woman repeatedly tries to settle him down.

At the end of the clip, the woman and child were seen waiting in the jetbridge, met by authorities.

American also said the flight crew made “multiple attempts to reinforce safety requirements” after they saw “a minor in the party laying in the aisle and moving between seats on taxi out.”

Per federal safety regulations, all customers are required to remain seated with a seatbelt on when an aircraft is on an active taxiway, according to the carrier.

As part of its policy, American also requires all individuals that are 2 years old and older to wear a face-covering at all times unless they are eating or drinking.

“U.S. federal law requires that you wear a face covering at all times while indoors at the airport and on board your flight If you refuse to wear one, you may be denied boarding and future travel on American,” American’s website states. “You may also face penalties under federal law.”

These rules do not apply to anyone who is under 2 years old or who has a disability that prevents them from wearing a mask, according to American. 

After deplaning, American said the passengers were rebooked on the next flight to Colorado Springs that same day after they agreed to “adhere to policies instituted for the safety of our customers and crew.” 

I know they report that Biden was last in his law class – did he sleep thru the courses on our Constitution & bill or rights ?

This administration seems to do whatever it wants to do…  Constitution…. Bill of Rights…. and other laws be damned. First he says he CAN’T mandate vaccinations… and then he does – even though he said that 70% population vaccinated would be “herd immunity” and we are now at 75%.  The Supreme court told him that he could not extend the rent moratorium, but he tried to do it anyway and the courts slapped him down… so the CDC tried it as “health issue” and they got slapped down… the Supreme Court stated that it had be done by Congress and Pelosi failed to act.  I guess that we are going to have to stop sending presents to our Daughter and Grandson using Zelle…  Sending them (electronic ) cash… we know the present is always the RIGHT COLOR … just may not be the RIGHT SIZE 🙂

I guess that the 4th Amendment really doesn’t exist in “Biden World”  I just made this post this week 

It looks like the Federal government … if they find some money in anybody’s pocket… they are going to try and pick your pockets.  At one time, there was a saying that you came into this world with nothing and that the bureaucrats were going to try and make damn sure that you leave this world the same way. And that is why historically the estate taxes were so draconian… and it looks like this Congress is going to try and reinstate that draconian tax… which will mean that all too many small business owners and farmers… when they die… their heirs will most like have to liquidate the business/farm to pay the taxes.  And who will be standing in line to scoop up the asset of those businesses/farms at “fire sale prices”… you can bet – BIG CORPORATIONS.

Joe Biden wants the IRS to do something that will make your blood boil

Joe Biden is plunging the nation into crisis.

He has overseen one policy failure after another in under eight months.

Now Biden wants the IRS to do something that will make your blood boil.

It was bad enough when the Obama administration sicced Lois Lerner and the IRS on conservative organizations.

Now Joe Biden wants to go after everyone for potential tax evasion, even the average citizen sending hundreds of dollars on apps like Venmo and PayPal.

All of this is to fund his ridiculous $3.5 trillion spending package that’s being held up in the Senate.

The Daily Mail reports:

“One key prong of President Biden’s plan to bankroll Democrats’ $3.5 trillion budget plan is to monitor gross inflows and outflows from an individual’s bank account . . . The proposal would require banks to report gross inflows and outflows to the IRS, including transactions from Venmo, PayPal, crypto exchanges and the like in an effort to fight tax evasion. The IRS would know how much money is in an individual’s bank account in a given year, whether the individual earned income on that account and exactly how much was going in and out.”

The absurd overreach by Biden is likely unconstitutional, and could result in litigation.

The Daily Mail continues:

“Patrick Hedger, vice president of policy at the Taxpayers’ Protection Alliance, warned that such a proposal could violate the Fourth Amendment, which protects citizens from search and seizure without probable cause. ‘The IRS is first and foremost, a law enforcement agency, and the Fourth Amendment protects against unreasonable searches and seizures in pursuit of looking for wrongdoing and criminal actions, so I think this is going to run into severe Fourth Amendment headwinds,’ Hedger [explained].”

Barack Obama nudged the country in a fascist direction by weaponizing the executive branch.

Biden is now accelerating that shift, and he has the corporate-controlled press and Big Tech behind him.

Hedger added:

“This is the ultimate regressive tax . . . You’re going to end up punishing the worst off among us . . . the lower income folks in this country have historically been the targets of aggressive IRS audits because they don’t have the CPAs and the lawyers to be able to fight back. I don’t see why they need to be going after people, you know, just the average, the average Joe and start stooping on, you know, a $600 payment.’”

Biden and the Democrats say they’re “for the people,” but all of their policies put the squeeze on average citizens.

Biden’s immigration policies put downward pressure on working class wages.

His energy policies have cost thousands of Americans jobs while causing gas prices to explode.

Biden’s economic policies have led to worker shortages and price inflation.

Meanwhile, burdensome COVID policies are restricting small business owners, many of whom have closed their doors permanently.

The Biden administration has been an utter failure, and this IRS gambit is just the latest example.

Stay tuned to Conservative Underground News for any updates to this ongoing story.


Tracy Beanz testifies in front of the SC Senate Medical Affairs Subcommittee on ivermectin

I could not download this video, but this person testifying before a senate committee with “tons” of info about clinical trials successfully using invermectin to treat COVID-19

asked to share

Would you be able to share this in one of your blogs? 

CRPS/RSD and the Dentist 
with Dr. Glenn Gittleson
What you need to know:
Wed, Sep 29, 2021 12:00 PM – 3:00 PM (EDT) 
Please join the meeting from your computer, tablet or smartphone. 
You can also dial in using your phone. 
United States: +1 (571) 317-3122 
Access Code: 434-029-813
You will be able to ask questions to Dr. Glenn Gittleson at the end of the meeting


Jonelle Elgaway

Executive Director 
National Pain Council
cell: (570) 218-2370

Protest Washington DC : Oct 20th — My body … My choice — all chronic health issues should have access to treatment

I know it’s late but wanted to put this up for review . I want to send this to as many groups as we can please let me know what everyone thinks good, or bad. Sorry again I know it’s late for some. Hello, I am writing to everyone that is a pain suffer. Since the 2016 guidelines we have had medications taken away from us, cut back, cut off and left out in the cold to deal with our pain issues great and small. We are not seeing anyone in DC, the DEA or the CDC coming to our rescue so we must do something to get the attention of the media, elected officials, big pharma and insurance companies. A Protest is being set up to take place in October in DC by Pain Patients. We’re not doing this as single organization but as a community of pain patients and we need as many people to join in as possible. We write our elected officials and receive that same form letter, we appreciate you contacting us blah, blah, blah and know that we will look into this. Nope, same letter different elected officials . It’s time that we stand, sit, roll to DC to make all voices heard. It’s time to put aside who represents who, it is you representing yourself for being denied the right to a quality of life. We are Americans, we have paid our dues, taxes, insurance rates, co-pays etc. we need to speak up for ourselves, our grandparents, parents, sisters, brothers, spouses and top of the list for some of us our children. I am asking you who are leaders of whichever group you belong to to spread the information about this protest in DC so that we can show our numbers, will it be hard yes but we fight off hard every day. Encourage your friends and families that are not currently fighting through everyday pain and to fight for the right to have our doctors able to treat without fear of the DEA. Please share, this is not just 1 or 2 groups, this is an entire community of sufferers. Thank you for your time and please again let’s put aside any issues between us and come together as 1 pain community. Bring your poster, where whatever you want just come together for 2 hours on 1 day and save the pain community. Pain does not care who you are, your status, your net worth. Pain takes everyone into its group. Thank you for your time and I hope to see a crowd of fighters in October