Is working at Walgreens… more like working in servitude ?

Joe Biden’s new EO denies patients in pain the medication they need

Joe Biden’s new EO denies patients in pain the medication they need

While campaigning, then-candidate Joe Biden proposed to make life much harder for pain patients, the disabled, and addicts. As President, he has lived up to his word.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration, led by Democrats, is enacting a plan to expand patient surveillance massively, circumventing HIPPA protections and codifying the unofficial regulations that make up the prescription opioid prohibition. In the face of a worsening opioid crisis, regulators and federal and state governments hope to make getting pain treatment more impossible.

Even as millions of patients cry out for help and scientific institutions put out studies advocating sheer barbarism, the age of Biden will mean not only a weakened economy, a government-run amuck but a medical surveillance state.

Big brother

Shortly after the 2020 Presidential election, Filter Magazine discovered that the DEA had put out an official notice requesting proposals for programmers to help them create a surveillance system to monitor at least 85 percent of all prescriptions nationwide. The program would also monitor patient behaviors as well as prescribers and pharmacists.

To quote the DEA: what they hope to build is a way for their agents to get “unlimited access to patient de-identified data” on virtually everyone. It would be like Google, but for the DEA to monitor every patient and medical professional.

Previously, the DEA and the federal government led a campaign—aided by new state laws mandating Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) and Narxscores—to force pharmacies and doctors to give-up prescription information. Followed often by an informal call or letter meant to intimidate them into abandoning patients.

As Walmart pointed out when they sued the Department of Justice and the DEA, “We are bringing this lawsuit because there is no federal law requiring pharmacists to interfere in the doctor-patient relationship to the degree DOJ is demanding, and in fact expert federal and state health agencies routinely say it is not allowed and potentially harmful to patients with legitimate medical needs.”

Does President Biden or his administration even care?

In his first week of office, Biden rescinded a regulation-making the addiction drug buprenorphine easier to prescribe. And he also killed pharmaceutical protections, ensuring the cost of insulin to skyrocket.

His new czars and cabinet members lead the scientific institutions and regulators like the FDA, the CDC, and the NIH, coming out with decidedly strict and morally outrageous positions on ethics.

The prominent and influential peer-reviewed journal, The Annals of Family Medicine, published a study determining it ethical to deny pain treatment on the singular basis if they live alone. The World Health Organization put out official guidelines suggesting that only when a child is dying should they be allowed opioid pain medication. You are right to think this extreme, but their position is backed by a similar sentiment from the American Pediatric Surgical Association.

Fake news

You may be surprised to find out that this expansion of government regulation has little to do with opioid prescriptions. Which, as of right now, are at a 20-year low while our overdose deaths are at an all-time high.

The opioid crisis is fake news. By a large margin, the vast majority of opioid overdose deaths—while tragedies—are polysubstance abusers killed by illegal Chinese fentanyl. Studies show a range of pain medicine deaths attributed to be 2 percent or less. It is the illegal, and not legal distribution, of pain pills that needs to be dealth with.

It is a fact. Every autopsy analysis, yearly drug review, and substance abuse study confirms it. Drug use in the US did not significantly increase in the last decade, as much as the substances they were taking got more lethal. A massive change caused unintentionally by the geniuses at the FDA.

At heart the opioid crisis is a black swan of interconnecting unholy incentives to screw American patients over. The crisis was born from the multi-billion-dollar effort by “big litigation” and its allies; to find a new milk cow after the easy cash in big tobacco went dry. In turn, “big lawyer” pays the media for coverage, who are all too happy to gorge themselves on the drama. For law enforcement: the crisis represents a chance to fill their coffers (the DEA is dependent on asset forfeiture), hoping to prove to the politicians and the public their usefulness in a world that is more accommodating to drug use and much harder to catch drug dealers.

Opioids have become, for our elite members, a way to prove their righteousness and make a name for themselves. And the system is willing to oblige, regardless of whatever the law says.

Human cost

But opioids are not tobacco. There is a genuine cost in tolls of human lives when you prohibit the essential component that makes the miracle of modern medicine possible. For 80 percent of the world’s population, there is a desperate need for more opioids, not less. Unfortunately, for American hospitals, the DEA, and politicians like Senator Elizabeth Warren, have idiotically encouraged an artificial shortage even while fighting a pandemic.

I pray, dear readers, that when you hear that cancer kids are denied pain medication, that it makes you want to throw up. I can strongly remember watching my sister when she was only 3-years-old and fighting ovarian cancer. I cannot imagine the horrors inflicted by denying a child pain relief. Even for adults, being denied effective pain treatment can lead to significant health problems, including heart attacks and strokes.

Yet, I have talked to hundreds of patients and families over the last four years, who have significant diseases such as cancer, and are still denied pain medication. It sounds insane, but every day, across the US, there is a scared medical professional who tells a patient in confidence: “sorry, I know you need this, but it isn’t worth losing my license.” Or “sorry, I know your Dad is dying from pancreatic cancer, but I don’t want him to become an addict.”

Consider that in 2016, at least 18 million relied on opioid prescriptions; five years later, perhaps millions of patients abandoned, putting US opioid prescribing at a 20-year low. Yet, our overdose crisis is worse than ever.

Orwell’s genie

In the Trump era, things got bad enough. Recent studies examining Medicare found many patients had been abruptly discontinued. Another study found that nearly half of general practices now outright refuse to take on the care of a pain patient. The power of decision-making regarding prescribing got removed from your doctor and given to the state.

But under the leadership of the Biden administration, what was unofficial playing at the margins, is becoming law. The DEA is planning to create a program that entirely ignores everyone’s HIPPA privacy protections. In the face of evidence that proves prohibition doesn’t work (shocker), politicians like Sen. Elizabeth Warren are demanding even more regulation, and President Joe Biden, the genie for the far left, is likely to obey.

The last time I checked, we all supported HIPPA. We know that if people knew cancer patients and dying children get denied treatment, there would be hell to pay in Washington, DC. But as you see with the lockdown, the pain is hidden behind quiet walls; and America has become deaf to those cries that somehow breakthrough.

The DEA is acting in a way that will harm the vulnerable and the healthy as well. It is an open question as to how far Biden will let them push him. Americans should say something before we are left in a fatal, painful position and find out for ourselves.

Should Walgreens be Removed from Vaccine Programs ?

Should Walgreens be Removed from Vaccine Programs ?

“Walgreens Not Following U.S. Guidance on Pfizer Vaccine Spacing” is the stunning title of a recent story in The New York Times (April 5, 2021; Rebecca Robbins). The story includes the following statements:

“Walgreens has inoculated hundreds of thousands of Americans against COVID-19 this year using the vaccine developed by Pfizer and Germany’s BioNTech. But the pharmacy chain has not been following guidance from federal health officials about the timing of second doses.”

“People are supposed to get two doses, three weeks apart. Walgreens, however, separated them by four weeks because that made it faster and simpler for the company to schedule appointments.”

“But Walgreens’s decision, which it didn’t publicly announce, confused some customers and caught the attention of federal health officials….a spokeswoman for the C.D.C. said the agency had asked Walgreens to stop using a longer-than-recommended period between doses.”

“The company’s vaccine-scheduling system by default schedules all second doses four weeks after the first. Doses of Moderna’s vaccine, which Walgreens is also administering, are supposed to be spaced four weeks apart. Using the same gap for both vaccines was ‘the easiest way to stand up the process based on our capabilities at the time,’ Dr. Kevin Ban, Walgreens’ chief medical officer, said in an interview.”

“Now Walgreens is changing its system.”

“The vaccination program is a business opportunity for Walgreens, which is bringing in revenue from the vaccine administration fees paid by government and private payers as well as from purchases made by shoppers coming in for vaccines.”

“Asked about Walgreens’ scheduling, …a spokesman for Pfizer said the safety and efficacy of the company’s vaccine had not been evaluated on dosing schedules different from the three-week gap tested in clinical trial volunteers.”

“Walgreens’ decision to not adhere to the C.D.C.’s guidance on dose spacing for Pfizer’s shot left some customers confused.” One individual “who got her first Pfizer shot late last month has been trying, to no avail, to reach a Walgreens representative to reschedule her second-dose appointment for a week sooner.”

Arrogance and greed In my opinion, there will NOT be any clinically important difference in the protection provided by the vaccine whether the two doses are administered at 3- or 4-week intervals. However, Walgreens does NOT have the authority to change the dosage regimen. “Chaos” is not too strong a term to characterize the confusion and argumentative debate about the transmissibility of COVID-19, closing of schools and businesses, the effectiveness and safety of vaccines, vaccine distribution, etc. Walgreens’ action only adds to the confusion and chaos!

Walgreens’ action sends the following messages:

“The science and the clinical trial data can be ignored.”

“The FDA-approved dosage regimen and CDC guidance can be ignored.”

“We will decide on ‘the easiest way’ for us to give the vaccine for our convenience, metrics, and revenue.”

The statement of the Walgreens medical officer that it chose “the easiest way… based on our capabilities at the time” is ludicrous and must be rejected. If Walgreens does not have the capability to schedule consumers at different time intervals, is it capable of storing and handling the vaccines in the proper manner, or administering the correct dose? The Walgreens self-serving action is based on its greed and arrogance to give more vaccines to more people faster to acquire greater profits.

Remaining questions

What is the FDA’s response to Walgreens’ action?

What actions have state boards of pharmacy taken in response to Walgreens’ action?

Does Walgreens’ action violate professional ethics?

How do pharmacy’s professional associations view this action?

Are there other vaccines or medications for which Walgreens has determined “the easiest way” to adjust dosages and administer them (e.g., vaccines, antibiotics, cancer chemotherapy)?

Or is there silence?

The last question is the only one for which there appears to be an answer, so I will break the silence! Walgreens should be removed as a participant in vaccine immunization programs!

When urine tests lie

When the urine test LIES

When the urine test LIES

Many doctors are insisting that their chronic pain pts routinely have to take a urine test to determine if they are taking their prescribed medications – or not – or to discover if patients are taking other medications/substances legal or illegal.

“Failing a drug test” will normally mean that a patient is summarily dismissed from the practice.
Many of these office practices that have elected to use the inexpensive “pee in a cup” form of test.
Physicians are use to lab testing to be 100% accurate, except these “pee in a cup” tests have a reported 20% error rate, but often the practices that use these tests… have apparently not read the “fine print” about their accuracy.

Often some of the false positives – tests shows some drug/substance in the urine that they patient has no knowledge of every taking.

Unfortunately, there are many foods, OTC medications and prescription medications that will throw a “positive test” for a banned substance in the urine.

Something as innocuous as the prescription medication like Amoxicillin or Ampicillin could show up as a COCAINE in the urine.
Having taken Robitussin DM for a cold could show up as PCP or a opiate.

Here is a link to a rather extensive list of possible false positive urine test results;

It may be appropriate for every patient, being subjective to urine tests, to carry a print out of the list on the above hyperlink. If you show a “false positive” at the physician’s office for a urine test… it could be possible to refute the result before it is added to your medical records and you are discharged/fired from the practice.

Is this another crisis or just a EPIDEMIC ?

Preventable deaths from alcohol use increased in 2020

Preliminary data highlights impact of excessive alcohol use in Minnesota

New preliminary data show that nearly a thousand Minnesotans died from alcohol use last year. 

The preliminary data suggest that factors related to the pandemic may have boosted a decades-long trend of increasing numbers of alcohol-attributable deaths in Minnesota. The number of fully alcohol-attributable deaths increased by one-third between 2000 and 2010, and more than doubled between 2010 and 2020. Fully alcohol-attributable deaths would not have happened if alcohol had not been consumed. This includes both chronic causes, such as alcohol-related liver disease, and acute causes, such as alcohol poisoning. In 2020, 992 Minnesotans died from fully alcohol-attributable causes.

Fully alcohol-attributable deaths in Minnesota, 2000-2020

“The deaths of so many Minnesotans from alcohol is tragic and preventable,” said Minnesota Commissioner of Health Jan Malcolm. “Sadly, the pandemic has amplified some of the root causes of substance use and substance use disorders, such as social isolation, job loss and lack of access to treatment. In response, we need to strengthen overall opportunities in our communities for connectedness and financial security as well as specific evidence-based community strategies to reduce excessive alcohol use.”

The deaths from alcohol use in 2020 mirrored similar trends to recent years, until the number of alcohol-attributable deaths started to accelerate in June of last year. This mid-year acceleration is thought to be due in part to factors associated with the COVID-19 pandemic.

Fully alcohol-attributable deaths in Minnesota by month

“In 2020, we saw that after May, alcohol-related deaths continued to stay elevated and 171 more Minnesotans died in 2020 compared to 2019, which is a larger jump than the trend prior to the pandemic,” said Kari Gloppen, MDH alcohol epidemiologist. Studies show that excessive drinking affects your brain, heart, liver, digestive system and even your immune system. Alcohol is also a carcinogen that has been linked to several types of cancer.”

The data brief, Fully Alcohol-Attributable Deaths in Minnesota, 2000-2020 (PDF), does not include partially alcohol-attributable causes of death for which alcohol was one of several factors contributing to a death. These estimates, therefore, underestimate the impact of alcohol use on deaths in Minnesota. In addition, alcohol-attributable deaths are only the tip of the iceberg as far as the impact of excessive alcohol use. Excessive drinking is costly, both in human and economic terms not just related to premature death, but also chronic diseases, including cancer, injuries and violence, crime, property damage, and lost productivity.

Deaths and other harms from excessive alcohol use are preventable. The Community Preventive Services Task Force, an independent, nonfederal panel of prevention experts, makes evidence-based recommendations at The Community Guide Excessive Alcohol Consumption page on programs and strategies to improve health. Strategies recommended by the group to reduce excessive drinking, and alcohol-related injury, disease and deaths include the following:

  • Increase the price of alcohol.
  • Regulate the number and concentration in communities of places that sell alcohol.
  • Consistent enforcement of laws prohibiting alcohol sales to minors.
  • Electronic screening and brief intervention to reduce excessive alcohol use. These screening and brief intervention programs can be integrated into clinic and emergency department services, at workplaces or in other community settings, using mobile devices or computers.

Is COVID-19 going to be declared a perpetual pandemic ?

Pfizer, Moderna Say Booster Shots Probably Needed

Editor’s note: Find the latest COVID-19 news and guidance in Medscape’sCoronavirus Resource Center.

People who’ve received both doses of the Pfizer-BioNTech or Moderna coronavirus vaccines will probably need a booster shot this year, top executives for those two pharmaceutical companies said this week.

Pfizer CEO Albert Bourla said people who’ve gotten both doses would likely need a third shot within 12 months and might need an annual shot thereafter.

“There are vaccines … like polio that one dose is enough, there are vaccines like pneumococcal vaccine that one dose is enough for adults, and there are vaccines like flu that you need every year,” Bourla said on a CVS Health Live event, “Race to Vaccinate.” “The COVID virus looks more like the influenza virus than the polio virus.”

A top Moderna executive said the United States is in a good position to move into booster shots because of its vaccine rollout, whereas many other nations are still getting first vaccinations.

“It is likely that the countries that have already achieved high vaccine coverage are going to be ready to shift their focus to boosters in 2022 and possibly even starting at the end of this year,” Corinne M. Le Goff, PharmD, Moderna’s chief commercial officer, said during a call with investors, Business Insider reported.

Moderna CEO Stéphane Bancel made similar comments to Business Insider this week.

“I hope this summer to get the vaccine authorized for a boost so that we can help people getting boosted before the fall, so that we all have a normal fall and not a fall and winter like we just saw in the last 6 months,” he said.

Johnson & Johnson CEO Alex Gorsky told CNBC in February that people may need to get vaccinated against COVID-19 annually, just like seasonal flu shots.

And David Kessler, MD, of the Biden administration’s COVID response team told a congressional committee on Thursday that Americans should expect to receive booster shots to protect against coronavirus variants, CNBC reported.

“We don’t know everything at this moment,” he told the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Crisis.

“We are studying the durability of the antibody response,” he said. “It seems strong but there is some waning of that and no doubt the variants challenge … they make these vaccines work harder. So I think for planning purposes, planning purposes only, I think we should expect that we may have to boost.”

The CDC says almost 126 million people in the U.S. (37.9% of the population) have received one dose of vaccine and that 78.4 million people (23.6% of the population) are fully vaccinated.

Earlier this month, Pfizer said studies show its vaccine is 93.1% effective 6 months after the second dose. Moderna said studies show 90% effectiveness in its vaccine after 6 months.

If anyone wonders why the chronic pain community is invisible to the media….

It was announced today that so far this year 92 police officers have been shot/killed. I don’t know about you, but I have not seen more than a handful mentioned on the national news.  But then it is claimed that – on average 24 veterans commit suicide EVERY DAY… and once again, the national media seems to be oblivious to all of these lost lives of people who have pledged to protect and serve our country.

Many have called for DEFUNDING THE POLICE and in many major cities homicides have increased 50%-100%. Today one of the members of the “squad” in the house Rashida Tlaib  called out to eliminate the police altogether ! Have not seen anything about DEFUNDING THE DEA

It has been reported that this administration had instructed ICE to not take custody of any illegal immigrants.. basically making our ENTIRE COUNTRY a SANCTUARY PLACE.

And you believe anyone in power really cares about your chronic pain and your inability to get adequate pain management ?  You  could be delusional !

They claim that elections have consequences… there is another election in abt 18 month, 435 members of the house and 33-34 Senators are up for reelection.  87% of Congress can be replaced with the Nov 2022 election. If both houses of Congress flip to Republicans… Washington DC will quickly come to a gridlock.  It was reported today that inflation in Feb was 0.4% and March was 0.6%… on a annualized basis that is SIX PERCENT.  That is DOUBLE- TRIPLE what it was in the previous three years.  Remember during the second term of Obama when  gasoline was > $4.00/gal ?

98% of Congress expect to get reelected, regardless what they promise and what they do or don’t do… that percentage drops dramatically… their paranoid will be on HIGH ALERT… they might even listen to constituents when they come to office in 2023.



Another collateral damage of the war on drugs/pts ?

RIP Gravestone

Health Care and which political parties they donate money to in 2020

Health Services/HMOs: Top Contributors to Federal Candidates, Parties, and Outside Groups

Election cycle:
Breakdown to display:

Total contributions: $151,572,671

Toggle Party/Viewpoint percentages
To Candidates and Parties To Outside Spending Groups
Rank Contributor Total Contribs Total Dem% Repub% Total
1 Adelson Clinic for Drug Abuse Treatment & Research $99,107,150 $1,607,150 0% 100.0% $97,500,000
2 Kaiser Permanente $3,733,913 $3,603,657 84.0% 15.4% $106,053
3 Centene Corp $3,584,086 $3,506,808 47.4% 52.5% $125,756
4 UnitedHealth Group $3,233,647 $3,209,273 58.0% 41.9% $21,203
5 Blue Cross/Blue Shield $2,760,726 $2,693,350 68.6% 31.2% $92,382
6 DaVita Inc $1,722,986 $1,602,406 56.1% 43.8% $118,265
7 Integra Connect $1,424,354 $1,424,341 20.1% 79.5% $0
8 Humana Inc $1,117,971 $1,102,222 62.2% 37.3% $12,273
9 Optum $803,918 $783,668 81.6% 17.5% $15,710
10 Molina Healthcare $783,419 $780,831 61.5% 38.4% $1,798
11 Epic Systems $773,192 $758,888 92.3% 6.8% $13,674
12 Fresenius Medical Care North America $769,084 $769,084 51.4% 48.6% $0
13 Athenahealth Inc $708,560 $694,576 98.5% 1.1% $13,148
14 Ambry Genetics $670,708 $70,558 94.1% 1.8% $600,000
15 Deer Oaks Mental Health $663,255 $592,533 100.0% 0% $70,722
16 Scott Holdings $647,425 $647,425 0% 100.0% $0
17 Aetna Inc $638,738 $626,954 78.6% 20.9% $8,029
18 23andme Inc $601,174 $597,678 100.2% 0% $3,336
19 LHC Group $595,009 $492,302 15.6% 84.4% $102,500
20 Beacon Health Options $571,296 $542,025 96.7% 3.1% $24,355

Medical Science now using DNA testing on inherited Cardiovascular Disease

Genetic Testing for Inherited Cardiovascular Diseases: A Scientific Statement From the American Heart Association

Cardiac Genetic Testing can be used to:

  • Clarify the diagnosis in a person who has, or is suspected to have, inherited heart disease
  • Identify the cause of heart disease in a family
  • Predict which family members are at-risk to develop the family’s heart condition
  • Provide options for family planning, including preimplantation genetic diagnosis to try to avoid passing a disease-causing mutation to offspring

Cancer and cardiovascular are the two biggest causes of death.