If you have been denied care because of Narxcare or other nebulous reasons – here is your chance to speak up

Looks like CDC’s mission statement has been changed to be way past contagious disease issues ?



Imagine this one of CDC’s current goals is to INCREASING the number of people seeking NON-OPIATE pain management options.  Everyone should look at the link above and see all the non-contagious disease issues they are expanding their interest in.

does this suggest that the chronic pain community should not expect any revised CDC opiate dosing guidelines to have a POSITIVE IMPACT – improved pain management – if/when they decide to generate a update ?

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed Preventing teen Heroin deaths with simple question

90% of heroin addiction starts in high school. Opiate addiction is more than likely genetically triggered not created like other types of addiction: alcohol, cocaine and amphetamines. Treating early will prevent deaths. How do you identify addiction early? A simple question all prescribers need to learn to avoid lawsuits and the horrors of opiate addiction using Heroin

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed Confusion about Tolerance, Dependence and Addiction

There has been a lot of talk about tolerance, dependence and addiction. We are going to give you the facts about the confusion and refute physicians who restrict opiate prescribing and how the invalidity of cause and effect harming millions of the nations ten million chronic pain patients.

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed SAFE PRESCRIBING– THE GOVERNMENTS VIEW

The assumption of feckless doctors “overprescribing” an undefined government term, leading to more overdose deaths and addiction is incorrect. CDC has told us doctors what to do, to make prescribing “safe” give less pain medicine to those who need it. CDC, a non medical agency dissimilar from
medical agencies like FDA and NIH, has medical views of “safe prescribing” – unfounded in fact.

The concocted “safe prescribing” initiative has “harmed many patients” in the words of the AMA. Overdose deaths are up anyway by refusing to consider the truth. Addiction is the same as always, not less as planned by CDC and their advisors Physicians for Responsible Opioid Prescribing or PROP a group of dedicated “lunatic fringe” doctors as mentioned by a previous FDA official.

Tragic consequences have occurred from the “safe” (reduced dose) prescribing plan of the CDC/PROP coalition and they shoulder the burden of responsibility for harm caused.




Supreme Court rules people can sue government agents for damages

I wonder if the “damages” have to be directly or could they be INDIRECTLY for the federal officer(s) to be found guilty. Let’s looks at a hypothetical situation.  Say the DEA raids a practitioner’s office… a practitioner who specializes in high acuity pts…  each dealing with very severe incurable painful health issues. All are ultra fast metabolizers, dealing with very painful diseases like sickle cell, CRPS, adhesive arachnoiditis for starters.

Typical scenario, DEA agents show up at the practitioner’s office and confiscate all their pts’ medical records, may get the practitioner to surrender his/her DEA license, no charges filed… BUT… the DEA refuses to return the practitioner’s pts medical records – or copies of the pts’ medical records, to the practitioner or to the pts.  Basically, the pts have no records of their health issues and no clinical records of how their health issues were treated… or how their health conditions improved or deteriorated over the years.

Imagine Tom Frieden who was the head of the CDC June 8, 2009 – January 20, 2017.. Did he exceed the statutory authority of the CDC by putting together a supposedly “secret committee” to come up with the infamous CDC opiate dosing guidelines and omitted a public comment period and assigned seats on the committee that was known to have a anti-opiate agenda and the committee used studies that were mostly designated as having a “poor quality” of data to come to the individual studies’ conclusions.

One can only guess the untold millions of pts that have had their health – or life itself – compromised because of the actions of Frieden and the committee members.  Once those guidelines were published how many in the DEA, VA, insurance/PBM companies and large healthcare facilities adopted these guidelines and a few years later the CDC itself has stated that that guidelines were misapplied.

Supreme Court rules people can sue government agents for damages


The Supreme Court has ruled unanimously that individuals may personally seek damages from a federal officer who violates their civil rights and causes harm.

The case centered on FBI officials putting three Muslims on the no-fly list after they “refused to cooperate with the FBI by spying on their own communities.”

According to the Institute for Justice, which submitted arguments in the case, because of their refusal to spy, “these individuals were placed on the No-Fly List, which caused significant hardship, such as the inability to travel to visit family or for work.”

They sued, and now the Supreme Court has ruled the federal officials responsible could be liable for damages.

“We first have to determine if injured parties can sue government officials in their personal capacities. [The Religious Freedom Restoration Act]’s text provides a clear answer: They can. Persons may sue and obtain relief ‘against a government,’ which is defined to include ‘a branch, department, agency, instrumentality, and official (or other person acting under color of law) of the United States,” the opinion said.

New Justice Amy Coney Barrett did not participate in the ruling, but it was decided unanimously by the other eight.

Justice Clarence Thomas authored the opinion.

“Not surprisingly, in the lawsuit against the FBI agents, the government argued that the words ‘appropriate relief’ do not include damages,” the Institute for Justice said. “According to the government, damages might be an appropriate remedy against private actors, but damages should not be allowed if the person who violated your rights happens to work for the government.”

Its friend-of-the-court brief argued damages against government officials are the historical cornerstone of government accountability. It contended damages are often the only way to vindicate constitutional rights and that none of the government’s policy justifications against damages have a basis in reality.

That essentially was the ruling of the court.

“In the context of suits against government officials, damages have long been awarded as appropriate relief,” the ruling said, including local, state and federal officials in the decision.

The court pointed out damages are often the only remedy available.

“The court today has provided its full-throated endorsement of damages as a necessary and historic mechanism for constitutional accountability,” noted Scott Bullock, IJ’s president and general counsel. “In doing so, the court also reiterated its support for the foundational principles of this country, such as that damages can be awarded to check the government’s power and that it is Congress’ job to engage in policy making. The court’s job is to interpret the law, not to do policy.”

The plaintiffs were Muhammad Tanvir, Jameel Algibhah and Naveed Shinwari. They alleged the FBI put them on a No-Fly List for refusing to act as informants against their religious communities.

They lost money, wasted airline tickets and lost income from job opportunities.

Vending machine dispenses heroin substitute for at-risk drug users

MySafe is a vending machine that dispenses a heroin substitute called hydromorphone to patients whose biometrics have been programmed into it as part of a unique Vancouver program aimed at preventing overdoses. (January 22, 2020)

I wouldn’t exactly call Hydromorphone a “Heroin Substitute” … Heroin (diamorphone) is metabolized in the body into MORPHINE, in fact in some countries diamorphine is used as a good (legal) pain management tool.  I wonder if any chronic pain pts will be among those whose BIOMETRICS will be programmed into the system ?  Somehow, I doubt it !



They just announced on TV that the COVID-19 death account just reached 500,000…  That is just a little shy of the number of annual deaths from the use/abuse of tobacco & alcohol… but… I don’t see any media listing the names of all those deaths that could have been prevented. Could it be that those deaths have just become “socially acceptable” ?

Columbia University professor, admitted heroin user, says legalization of all drugs is ‘fundamental right’

Before those in the chronic pain community get their “shorts in a twist” … in many country Heroin – otherwise known as diamorphine – is used as a legal form of pain management… It converts in the body to MORPHINE- on a mg to mg basis – 2-3 times more potent than MORPHINE.  There are more people who die every year from the use/abuse of alcohol – abt 100,000 – but only about 1,000 die of alcohol toxicity – which is normally a BAL > 0.4 -0.5 +.  Could that be because alcoholics ‘know their limit'” because they are able to purchase a legal “known strength” of their drug of choice ?  Other countries have legalized/decriminalized all drugs/substances and in those places the number of OD’s have dropped dramatically.  Does this suggest that the DOJ/DEA are continuing – or expanding – those drawing a pay check from fighting the war on drugs just to keep all those paychecks flowing.  All of the OD’s from illegal substances/drugs coming from China/Mexico is just collateral damage to keep the war on drugs moving forward ? 

Columbia University professor, admitted heroin user, says legalization of all drugs is ‘fundamental right’


A heroin-using psychology professor at New York City’s Columbia University is laying out a constitutional argument for legalizing recreational drugs in his latest book.

In “Drug use for Grown-ups: Chasing Liberty in the Land of Fear” (Penguin Press), Dr. Carl Hart calls for the legalization of all drugs, arguing that it is a fundamental American right for responsible adults to decide what to put into their own bodies.

“It’s the original American promise,” he told Fox News Friday, referencing the Declaration of Independence’s assertion that “We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.”

Recreational drug use, ostensibly, requires liberty and is conducted in the pursuit of happiness.

“I wrote this book to present a more realistic image of the typical drug user: a responsible professional who happens to use drugs in his pursuit of happiness,” Hart explains on his website. “Also, I wanted to remind the public that no benevolent government should forbid autonomous adults from altering their consciousness, as long as it does not infringe on the rights of others.”

Although reluctant to summarize the arguments laid out in his book for people who haven’t read it, he said there are other dangerous aspects of daily life that are not criminal and that legalizing and regulating drugs could make using them safer.

“Think about car accidents,” Hart said. “There are 40,000 Americans every year who lose their life on the highway because of cars. Nobody’s saying, ‘aren’t you concerned about that we have these cars available?’ No, what we do, is we try to enhance the safety of that activity.”

Hart, the Ziff Professor of Psychology in the Departments of Psychology and Psychiatry at Columbia and an award-winning author, has been researching psychoactive drugs and their effects on humans for decades.

“My heroin use is as recreational as my alcohol use,” Hart wrote in the book. “Like vacation, sex, and the arts, heroin is one of the tools that I use to maintain my work-life balance.”

“Heroin is just another opioid, no more or less scary than other drugs,” he told Columbia Magazine, which is published by the university’s Office of Alumni and Development.

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, on the other hand, says heroin-involved overdoses in the U.S. increased from 3,036 in 2010 to 14,996 in 2018. (Although deaths in 2018 were slightly lower than in 2017.) More than 115,000 Americans died from heroin-linked overdoses between 1999 and 2018.

Columbia’s drug policy prohibits students and faculty from using or possessing illegal drugs on school property, within a “university workplace,” or during university activities. The policy defines a university workplace as “any site at which employees perform work for the University, whether or not such site is owned by Columbia University.”

The school did not immediately respond to questions about whether Hart’s activities were in violation of this policy.

Hart also criticized the media’s coverage of his book as “bulls—” and said that people should read it for the full context.

“I took a long time to develop these arguments,” he said, brushing off questions as “remedial” topics that are answered in the text.

Legalized drugs would be safer, regulated like alcohol, free from contamination and a source of tax revenue, he has argued.

“This is about our liberty,” he said Friday. “It’s about me protecting your liberty, you protecting mine.”