Joe Biden’s new EO denies patients in pain the medication they need ?

I tried to verify this media source but this is all I could find  and they are based in Canada.  One of the links in this article is to a EO issued by Biden about reversing the easing the ability of prescribers to prescribe/treat substance abuser/addicts with Suboxone type product, but does not mention anything about cutting Rx opiates to pts that have a valid medical necessity. 

I have often stated that the worse thing for the community is a “person of power” that has a friend/relative that has OD’d or has a substance abuse issue and President’s Biden son Hunter Biden just release a book  Beautiful Things: A Memoir

“These hardships were compounded by the collapse of his marriage and a years-long battle with drug and alcohol addiction.”

So now we have someone in the White House – the most powerful person on the planet – that sort of matches that description of someone who would/could do something … so that “.. no one should ever have to deal with what they had to deal with.

Joe Biden’s new EO denies patients in pain the medication they need

While campaigning, then-candidate Joe Biden proposed to make life much harder for pain patients, the disabled, and addicts. As President, he has lived up to his word.

While campaigning, then-candidate Joe Biden proposed to make life much harder for pain patients, the disabled, and addicts. As President, he has lived up to his word.

The US Drug Enforcement Administration, led by Democrats, is enacting a plan to expand patient surveillance massively, circumventing HIPPA protections and codifying the unofficial regulations that make up the prescription opioid prohibition. In the face

of a worsening opioid crisis, regulators and federal and state governments hope to make getting pain treatment more impossible.

Even as millions of patients cry out for help and scientific institutions put out studies advocating sheer barbarism, the age of Biden will mean not only a weakened economy, a government-run amuck but a medical surveillance state.

Shortly after the 2020 Presidential election, Filter Magazine discovered that the DEA had put out an official notice requesting proposals for programmers to help them create a surveillance system to monitor at least 85 percent of all prescriptions nationwide. The program would also monitor patient behaviors as well as prescribers and pharmacists.

To quote the DEA: what they hope to build is a way for their agents to get “unlimited access to patient de-identified data” on virtually everyone. It would be like Google, but for the DEA to monitor

every patient and medical professional.

Previously, the DEA and the federal government led a campaign—aided by new state laws mandating Prescription Drug Monitoring Programs (PDMPs) and Narxscores—to force pharmacies and doctors to give-up prescription information. Followed often by an informal call or letter meant to intimidate them into abandoning patients.

As Walmart pointed out when they sued the Department of Justice and the DEA, “We are bringing this lawsuit because there is no federal law requiring pharmacists to interfere in the doctor-patient relationship to the degree DOJ is demanding, and in fact expert federal and state health agencies routinely say it is not allowed and potentially harmful to patients with legitimate medical needs.”

Does President Biden or his administration even care?

In his first week of office, Biden rescinded a regulation-making the addiction drug buprenorphine easier to prescribe. And he also killed pharmaceutical protections, ensuring the cost of insulin to skyrocket.

His new czars and cabinet members lead the scientific institutions and regulators like the FDA, the CDC, and the NIH, coming out with decidedly strict and morally outrageous positions on ethics.

The prominent and influential peer-reviewed journal, The Annals of Family Medicine, published a study determining it ethical to deny pain treatment on the singular basis if they live alone. The World Health Organization put out official guidelines suggesting that only when a child is dying should they be allowed opioid pain medication. You are right to think this extreme, but their position is backed by a similar sentiment from the American Pediatric Surgical Association.

You may be surprised to find out that this expansion of government regulation has little to do with opioid prescriptions. Which, as of right now, are at a 20-year low while our overdose deaths are at an all-time high.

The opioid crisis is fake news. By a large margin, the vast majority of opioid overdose deaths—while tragedies—are polysubstance abusers killed by illegal Chinese fentanyl. Studies show a range of pain medicine deaths attributed to be 2 percent or less. It is the illegal, and not legal distribution, of pain pills that needs to be dealth with.

It is a fact. Every autopsy analysis, yearly drug review, and substance abuse study confirms it. Drug use in the US did not significantly increase in the last decade, as much as the substances they were taking got more lethal. A massive change caused unintentionally by the geniuses at the FDA.

At heart the opioid crisis is a black swan of interconnecting unholy incentives to screw American patients over. The crisis was born from the multi-billion-dollar effort by “big litigation” and its allies; to find a new milk cow after the easy cash in big tobacco went dry. In turn, “big lawyer” pays the media for coverage, who are all too happy to gorge themselves on the drama. For law enforcement: the crisis represents a chance to fill their coffers (the DEA is dependent on asset forfeiture), hoping to prove to the politicians and the public their usefulness in a world that is more accommodating to drug use and much harder to catch drug dealers.

Opioids have become, for our elite members, a way to prove their righteousness and make a name for themselves. And the system is willing to oblige, regardless of whatever the law says.

But opioids are not tobacco. There is a genuine cost in tolls of human lives when you prohibit the essential component that makes the miracle of modern medicine possible. For 80 percent of the world’s population, there is a desperate need for more opioids, not less. Unfortunately, for American hospitals, the DEA, and politicians like Senator Elizabeth Warren, have idiotically encouraged an artificial shortage even while fighting a pandemic.

I pray, dear readers, that when you hear that cancer kids are denied pain medication, that it makes you want to throw up. I can strongly remember watching my sister when she was only 3-years-old and fighting ovarian cancer. I cannot imagine the horrors inflicted by denying a child pain relief. Even for adults, being denied effective pain treatment can lead to significant health problems, including heart attacks and strokes.

Yet, I have talked to hundreds of patients and families over the last four years, who have significant diseases such as cancer, and are still denied pain medication. It sounds insane, but every day, across the US, there is a scared medical professional who tells a patient in confidence: “sorry, I know you need this, but it isn’t worth losing my license.” Or “sorry, I know your Dad is dying from pancreatic cancer, but I don’t want him to become an addict.”

Consider that in 2016, at least 18 million relied on opioid prescriptions; five years later, perhaps millions of patients abandoned, putting US opioid prescribing at a 20-year low. Yet, our overdose crisis is worse than ever.

In the Trump era, things got bad enough. Recent studies examining Medicare found many patients had been abruptly discontinued. Another study found that nearly half of general practices now outright refuse to take on the care of a pain patient. The power of decision-making regarding prescribing got removed from your doctor and given to the state.

But under the leadership of the Biden administration, what was unofficial playing at the margins, is becoming law. The DEA is planning to create a program that entirely ignores everyone’s HIPPA privacy protections. In the face of evidence that proves prohibition doesn’t work (shocker), politicians like Sen. Elizabeth Warren are demanding even more regulation, and President Joe Biden, the genie for the far left, is likely to obey.

The last time I checked, we all supported HIPPA. We know that if people knew cancer patients and dying children get denied treatment, there would be hell to pay in Washington, DC. But as you see with the lockdown, the pain is hidden behind quiet walls; and America has become deaf to those cries that somehow breakthrough.

The DEA is acting in a way that will harm the vulnerable and the healthy as well. It is an open question as to how far Biden will let them push him. Americans should say something before we are left in a fatal, painful position and find out for ourselves.


Just one example of how a NATIONAL HEALTH CARE SYSTEM can treat pts

A new day and another video of pain to bring you. This video is important. It was after this pain episode that this doctor tried to stop us recording these episodes. Even Social Services tried to stop us recording at the Doctors request. The Doctor even went to the carers agency to stop the carers recording too. But the carers were employed by me. If that’s not a guilty conscience then what is??
But we carried on recording as much as we could. We just got clever about it, hiding our phones so the nurses couldn’t see. This pain episode was also the episode that prompted the nurses to start pulling the curtains around melody so other parents couldn’t witness her pleas for help, her desperation, her begging eyes. And no one coming to help. This episode went on for a couple of hours, until a doctor that was covering the ward that didn’t know melody witnessed it and gave her morphine. It took two doses of Morphine to get it under control due to how severe it was and how long it was left. This episode is important. This episode was the start of the hospital cover up. Parents were crying witnessing it. My carers were crying. The day after, I tried to show Melody’s liver consultant. He REFUSED to watch it!!!!!!!!!! He has twin girls the same age as Melody and he refused to acknowledge it. He just simply carried on the other doctors request of weaning down and taking away Melody’s medications
Melody needs Justice. She should never of been put through this!
Please keep Donating and Sharing as much as you can. Every penny counts 💛

High Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals Found in Some Baby Foods: Report

High Levels of Toxic Heavy Metals Found in Some Baby Foods: Report

WASHINGTON (Reuters) – U.S. congressional investigators found “dangerous levels of toxic heavy metals” in certain baby foods that could cause neurological damage, a House Oversight subcommittee said in a report released on Thursday.

The panel examined baby foods made by Nurture Inc, Hain Celestial Group Inc, Beech-Nut Nutrition and Gerber, a unit of Nestle, it said, adding that it was “greatly concerned” that Walmart Inc, Campbell Soup Co and Sprout Organic Foods refused to cooperate with the investigation.

The report said internal company standards “permit dangerously high levels of toxic heavy metals, and documents revealed that the manufacturers have often sold foods that exceeded those levels” and it called on U.S. regulators to set maximum levels of toxic heavy metals permitted in baby foods and require manufacturers to test finished products for heavy metals, not just ingredients.

Representative Raja Krishnamoorthi, a Democrat who chairs the panel that released the report, said it found “these manufacturers knowingly sell baby food containing high levels of toxic heavy metals … It’s time that we develop much better standards for the sake of future generations.”

A Food and Drug Administration (FDA) spokesman said it was reviewing the report.

The agency noted toxic elements are present in the environment and enter the food supply through soil, water or air. “Because they cannot be completely removed, our goal is to reduce exposure to toxic elements in foods to the greatest extent feasible,” the FDA said.

Campbell said in a statement on its website that its products are safe and cited the lack of a current FDA standard for heavy metals in baby food. The company said it thought it had been “full partners” in the study with congressional researchers.

Walmart said it submitted information to the committee in February 2020 and never received any subsequent inquiries. The retail giant requires private label product suppliers to hew to its own internal specifications, “which for baby and toddler food means the levels must meet or fall below the limits established by the FDA.”

Hain Celestial, which makes Earth’s Best, said it had not seen the report and did not have a chance to review it.

A Gerber representative said the elements in question occur naturally in the soil and water in which crops are grown and added it takes multiple steps “to minimize their presence.”

The report was critical also of the administration of former President Donald Trump, saying it “ignored a secret industry presentation to federal regulators revealing increased risks of toxic heavy metals in baby foods.”

The report said “in 100% of the Hain baby foods tested, inorganic arsenic levels were higher in the finished baby food than the company estimated they would be based on individual ingredient testing.”

It said that in August 2019 the FDA received a secret slide presentation from Hain that said “corporate policies to test only ingredients, not final products, underrepresent the levels of toxic heavy metals in baby foods.”

The report said the FDA took no new action in response. “To this day, baby foods containing toxic heavy metals bear no label or warning to parents. Manufacturers are free to test only ingredients, or, for the vast majority of baby foods, to conduct no testing at all,” the report said.

The FDA has declared that inorganic arsenic, lead, cadmium, and mercury are dangerous, particularly to infants and children, the report noted.

The FDA in August finalized guidance to industry, setting an action level of 100 parts per billion inorganic arsenic in infant rice cereal.

“We acknowledge that there is more work to be done, but the FDA reiterates its strong commitment to continue to reduce consumer exposure to toxic elements and other contaminants from food,” the FDA said Thursday.


Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed NATIONAL PAIN COUNCIL is formed

The National Pain Council is a citizens and professional group with the goal to suspend the CDC Guidelines now that the AMA has declared the guidelines as having “harmed many patients”. We will work to suspend these dangerous informal “guidelines” written by people without the clinical experience to write medical guidelines, and with noticeable bias toward pain nihilism. Look over our goals at and donate! We need money for lobbyists, for lawyers to file lawsuits against those who have harmed us.

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed NARCAN- Does Everyone taking prescription medicine for pain need it. No

Narcan is a drug that is is given to heroin addicts who Overdose. Only 5% of people who Overdose do so on prescribe prescription drug. Most of these people are dying from the underlying disease, not the medicines. Tax-papers fund these follies. 10 million w painful disease who will never use x $150 is 5 billion wasted.

Dr. Thomas Kline, MD, PhD: Medical Myths Revealed CDC 2006 – falsely blames prescription drugs

JATH educational contortion continuing to research the origins of why pres drugs have become the focus of the opioid epidemic, present since the end of the civil war. We have found the watershed paper, published by Lenard palazzi, a supporter of the PROP, a small group of radial ideologists, who believe no one should have access. The Palazzi 2006 article switched because of the opioid crisis from heroin to prescription drugs, inciting docs instead of heroin drug dealers. This paper is severely flawed and was presented in its flawed status, to the Joe Biden senate committee in 2008, it has remained invalid since that time.

6 percent of the deaths, Covid-19 was the only cause of death listed and in the remaining 94 percent, people had at least one additional factor contributing to their deaths

Lawsuit Update: This Will Make Your Day!

The truth about CDC’s Covid-19 death rate — and the conspiracies undermining it

Most Medicare patients stopping long-term opioids experienced ‘falling off a cliff’ drug changes

Abrupt Cessation of Long-Term Opioid Prescribing Common

Most Medicare patients stopping long-term opioids experienced ‘falling off a cliff’ drug changes

Medicare beneficiaries were increasingly likely to have long-term opioid therapy stopped in recent years and medication changes often were abrupt, not tapered, an observational study showed. This blog also shows how to get Suboxone online for treating opioid addiction.

Long-term opioid discontinuations among Medicare Part D beneficiaries increased by 49% from 2012 to 2017 and most were rapid, “falling off a cliff” drug changes, reported Michael Barnett, MD, MS, of Harvard T. H. Chan School of Public Health and Brigham and Women’s Hospital in Boston, and co-authors.

The proportion of abrupt opioid discontinuations increased over time, from 70.1% in 2012 to 81.2% in 2017 (P<0.001), they wrote in the Journal of General Internal Medicine.

Patients on long-term opioid therapy “face significant stigma and misunderstanding in the current healthcare system,” Barnett said. “There are many reports of patients being indiscriminately discontinued from their medications, but little data to investigate these concerning reports,” he told MedPage Today.

“The vast majority of long-term opioid users whose therapy was discontinued had an extremely rapid, abrupt taper that was far outside of guideline recommendations,” Barnett added. “It would have been concerning to find that, say, one in four long-term opioid users had abrupt cessation of their therapy but we found that it was most, even among those with very high daily doses of opioids.”

The CDC and FDA have published cautions against abrupt tapering, citing it as dangerous to patient health, noted Beth Darnall, PhD, director of the Stanford University Pain Relief Innovations Lab, who wasn’t involved with the research.

This study highlights the pervasiveness of poor tapering practices occurring from 2012-2017 and the extent of pain care disparities, she observed. “As of 2017, these alarming trends continued to increase,” Darnall told MedPage Today. “There is a desperate need for improved healthcare and safety measures for people with chronic pain taking prescribed opioids so they are not subjected to unethical and dangerous practices.”

The CDC’s 2016 guideline for chronic pain opioid prescribing prompted a big focus to reduce overprescribing. Some state agencies and insurance companies used the guideline to push hard dose limits and abrupt tapering, which the CDC later said was inconsistent with its recommendations.

“In 2018, a group of us authored a letter to HHS calling for urgent action against forced and abrupt opioid tapering,” Darnall said. “In 2019, HHS issued guidance for patient-centered opioid tapering that promotes consensual tapering practices.”

In their study, Barnett and co-authors looked at claims for a 20% sample of Medicare beneficiaries on long-term opioid therapy for at least 1 year, defined as four or more consecutive quarters with more than 60 days of opioids supplied in each quarter from January 2011 through December 2017. People with a cancer diagnosis besides skin cancer and hospice patients were excluded, as were people on an average daily dose of 25 morphine milligram equivalents (MME) or less during their initial 12-month long-term opioid therapy period.

Most (70.3%) long-term opioid users in the study were eligible for Medicare due to disability. Mean age was 60 and 58% were women.

Long-term opioid discontinuation was defined as at least 60 consecutive days without opioids supplied. The researchers evaluated whether discontinuation was tapered or abrupt by comparing patients’ daily MME dose in the last month of therapy to their average daily dose in a baseline period of 7 to 12 months before discontinuation. By the last month of therapy, patients with abrupt discontinuation had at least a 50% reduction in their baseline average daily dose.

The study identified 258,988 long-term opioid therapy users; of these, 17,617 (6.8%) discontinued therapy. Adjusted rates of discontinuation increased from 5.7% of users in 2012 to 8.5% in 2017. Increases in annual discontinuation rates were similar for people on lower (26-90 MME, 5.8% to 8.7%) and higher (more than 90 MME, 5.3% to 7.7%) doses.

People eligible for Medicare because of disability had a greater increase in the probability of discontinuing opioids from 2012-2017 (adjusted rates 5.9% to 9.2%, 56% relative increase) compared with people not eligible due to disability (5.2% to 7.0%, 35% relative increase, P<0.001 for interaction).

While it was common for patients on lower daily MME doses to have long-term opioids stopped rapidly, the majority of patients on very high doses — even over 200 MME — who stopped also had an abrupt discontinuation, Barnett and co-authors reported.

“We need more education and support for patients on long-term opioid therapy to taper in a clinically rational way and maintain excellent continuity of care with their pain management team,” Barnett said.

The study had several limitations, the researchers noted. Data represent Medicare beneficiaries only, predominantly the disabled Medicare population, and may not apply to other people. The intended tapering strategy for these patients wasn’t known and it’s possible the data reflect a bias toward abrupt discontinuation.

There goes the 4th Amendment !

VA expects to dictate pain management in private community care clinics – NO OPIATES !